Lenoir County, NC - Lenoir County Death Records Book 7

NO page 260, 276, 292, 293, 318, 329, 333, 338, 350, 382, 406

NAME                                    RACE  BIRTH DATE & COUNTY                    DEATH DATE & COUNTY BURIED                       FATHER                      BP OF FATHER     MOTHER                    BP OF MOTHER     BK PG
                                       & SEX
Stroud, Jefferson Devon                   WM  2/14/1917 Richmond, VA                 1/1/1920 Kinston                                 L.G. Stroud                 Onslow Co        Thenie Wheeler            Hillsboro        7  1
Moore, Arlanda                            BM  12/30/1919 Kinston                     1/5/1920 Kinston                                 John Moore                  NC               Annie Anderson            NC               7  2
Joyner, Helen                             BF  9/8/1919 Kinston                       1/5/1920 Kinston                                 Wiley Joyner                Greenville       Hazel Cox                 Kinston          7  3
Wooten, Thomas                            WM  5/18/1918 Jacksonville                 1/7/1920 Kinston                                 J.F. Wooten                 Kinston          Eliza Jarman              Onslow, Co       7  4
Moore, Mary                               BF  1875 NC                                1/8/1920 Kinston                                 Bill Davis                  NC               Virginia Smith            NC               7  5
Mallison, Fannie Bynum                    WF  10/16/1838 Pitt Co.                    1/9/1920 New Bern                                Benjamin Bynum              Pitt, Co         Gudity Pitt               Pitt, Co         7  6
Kornegay, Alex                            BM  Greene Co.                             1/10/1920 Lenoir Co.                             Alex Kornegay               Jones, Co        Pheby Best                NC               7  7
Locust, King                              BM  1896 Lenoir Co.                        1/11/1920 Kinston                                Jesse Locust                Lenoir, Co       Annie Phillips            Lenoir, Co       7  8
Bryant, David (Jr.)                       BM  1/20/1920 Kinston                      1/21/1920 Kinston                                David Bryant                Jones, Co        Carrie Nunn               Lenoir, Co       7  9
Creech, Richard R.                        BM  Feb 1845 White Marsh                   1/21/1920 Kinston                                Henry Creech                Greene, Co       Harrett Barell            White Marsh      7  10
Johnson, Mitchell                         BM  2/9/1895 Pamlico Co.                   1/24/1920 Pollocksville                          Herbert Willis              Craven, Co       Octavia Simmons           Pamlico, Co      7  11
Shepherd, Charles Edward                  BM  9/2/1919 Kinston                       1/24/1920 Kinston                                Elijah Shepherd             Goldsboro        Henrietta Shepherd        Edgecombe, Co    7  12
Dixon, Ada Glenon                         BF  11/1/1916 Kinston                      1/24/1920 Kinston                                Lannie Dixon                La Grange        Mabel Mosley                               7  13
Lewis, Sarah Francis                      BF  10/8/1916 Kinston                      1/24/1920 Kinston                                Clero Lewis                 Franklinton      Sarah Timberlake          Franklinton      7  14
Taylor, Pattie Aldridge                   WF  9/30/1852 Lenoir Co.                   1/25/1920 Kinston                                Lemuel Aldridge             NC               Eliza A. Harvey           NC               7  15
Moore, Bessie Lee                         BF  9/5/1919 Kinston                       1/26/1920 Kinston                                James Moore                 Kinston          Ida Kornegay              Trenton          7  16
Abdallah, Eunice                          WM  abt 70 Syria                           1/27/1920 Kinston                                A. Abdallah                 Syria            Majmi Abdallah            Syria            7  17
Jones, Lydia Lee                          WF  7/31/1894 Greene Co.                   1/29/1920 Greene Co.                             R.L. Taylor                 Greene, Co       Bettie Overman            Wilson, Co       7  18
Hooker, Charles                           BM  9/1/1904 Kinston                       1/28/1920 Kinston                                Jim Hooker                  Jones, Co        Dora Brown                Jones, Co        7  19
Waters, Lonnie                            BM  1869 Johnson Co.                       1/30/1920 Kinston                                Richard Waters              Johnston, Co     Matilda Watson            Johnston, Co     7  20
Stallings, June Bruce                     WM  abt 57 (1862) Cascade, VA              11/12/1919 Kinston                               W.P. Stallings              Louisburg, VA    Sarah Lunday              Greensboro       7  21
Hemby, Martha                             BF                                         11/30/1919 Kinston                                                                                                                       7  22
Cade, Mattie                              WF  3-29 (30 yrs) Lenoir Co.               3/23/1919 Kinston                                Richard Wiggins             NC               Sarah Radford             NC               7  23
Findeison, Mary Jane                      WF  11/1/1917 Richlands                    12/2/1919 Onslow Co.                             J.R. Findeison              Florida          Mary Pitman               Onslow, Co       7  24
Duff, John (Jr.)                          WM  8/25/1918 Lenoir Co.                   12/20/1919 Wayne Co.                             J. T. Duff                  Duplin, Co       Minnie Taylor             Duplin, Co       7  25
Tull, Ernest Rountree                     WM  12/9/1910 Kinston                      1/9/1920 Kinston                                 Ernest R. Tull              Lenoir, Co       Rachel Sutton             Lenoir, Co       7  26
Green, Clara                              BF  12/25/1838 NC                          2/1/1920 Kinston                                                                                                                         7  27
Moye, Ronal McDaniel                      WM  11/4/1897 Pitt Co.                     2/3/1920 Kinston                                 W. E. Moye                  Greene, Co       Queenie V. Summrell       Pitt, Co         7  28
Williams, Henry                           BM  79 yrs Duplin Co.                      2/1/1920 Kinston                                 Calvin Williams                              Mary Williams             Sampson, Co      7  29
Coleman, Lilly                            BF  12/25/1910 Kinston                     2/10/1920 Kinston                                Bill Coleman                Kinston          Martha Coleman            Kinston          7  30
Garham, Georgiana                         BF  abt 1867 (abt 53) Lenoir Co.           2/11/1920 Kinston                                                                                                                        7  31
Coleman, William                          BM  3/20/1919 Kinston                      2/13/1920 Kinston                                James Coleman               Kinston          Henrietta Alexander       Craven, Co       7  32
Clark, Annie                              WF  60 yrs Wayne Co.                       2/15/1920 Fremont                                Daniel McKinney             NC               Elizabeth Morisey         Duplin, Co       7  33
Aldridge, Ida Ann                         WF  4/24/1862 Lenoir Co.                   2/16/1920 Kinston                                Rinkney Hill                Lenoir, Co       Sarah Simmons             Duplin, Co       7  34
Sutton, John                              BM  1897 Ayden                             2/18/1920 Kinston                                Ben Sutton                  Ayden            Hattie Jones              La Grange        7  35
Ellerson, Johnnie                         BM  10/29/1918 Kinston                     2/20/1920 Kinston                                Noah Williams               Lenoir, Co       Batsie Bright             Lenoir, Co       7  36
Roberts, Will A.                          BM  34 yrs NC                              2/21/1920 Kinston                                                                                                                        7  37
Jarman, David                             BM  2/17/1920 Kinston                      2/21/1921 Kinston                                David Carraway              Kinston          Salissa Jarman            Jones, Co        7  38
Loftin, (Infant)                          BM  2/21/1920 Kinston                      2/24/1920 Kinston                                Dolphus Loftin              Kinston          Smithy Hill               Jones, Co        7  39
Exom, Lillie                              BF  20 yrs Craven Co.                      2/25/1920 Kinston                                A. E. Exom                  Craven, Co       Amanda Jones              Craven, Co       7  40
Coleman, Rova                             BF  abt 70 NC                              2/25/1920 Kinston                                                                                                                        7  41
Allen, James                              BM  3/22/1898 Lenoir Co.                   2/25/1920 Kinston                                Bob Allen                   Virginia         Katie Tucker              Lenoir, Co       7  42
Wooten, Julia Holderness                  WF  abt 58 Caswell Co.                     2/25/1920 Kinston                                William Holderness          Caswell, Co      Sarah Forman              Norfolk, Co. VA  7  43
Mumford, Warreck                          BM  9/1/1919 Kinston                       2/25/1920 Kinston                                Joe Mumford                 New Bern         Sidney Clark              Craven, Co       7  44
Manley, Nannie                            BF  6/1895 NC                              2/28/1920 Kinston                                Frank Howard                Onslow Co        Bettie Patrick            Onslow, Co       7  45
Whitfield, (Infant)                       BF  2/28/1920 Kinston                      2/28/1920 Kinston                                Frank Whitfield             NC               Effie Whitfield           NC               7  46
White, Thomas                             BM  4/10/1919 Kinston                      3/7/1920 Kinston                                 Ben White                                    Cleola McCarter           Pamlico, Co      7  47
Dupree, (Infant)                          WF  3/8/1920 Kinston                       3/8/1920 Pitt Co.                                Horace D. Dupree            Lenoir, Co       Mabel Catherine Hart      Pitt, Co         7  48
Levi, Alex                                BM  11/18/1919 Kinston                     3/8/1920 Kinston                                 Levi Hazton                 NC               Hattie Dunn               NC               7  49
Kennedy, Albert                           WM  3/16/1855 Lenoir Co.                   3/8/1920 Kinston                                 Luthur Kennedy              Lenoir, Co       Classie Kennedy           Lenoir, Co       7  50
Dupree, Mabel Hart                        WF  2/7/1891 Pitt Co.                      3/9/1920 Kinston                                 Edward C. Hart              Pitt, Co         Catherine Forbes          Pitt, Co         7  51
Bryant, Ina Lee                           BF  9/23/1916 Jones Co.                    3/9/1920 Jones Co.                               John H. Bryant              Jones, Co        Lourine Phillips          PA               7  52
Register, Sallie                          WF  1/6/1920 Kinston                       3/10/1920 Kinston                                Harper Register             Duplin, Co       Flora Ellis               NC               7  53
Hooker, Ruby                              WF  11/30/1894 Greene Co.                  3/10/1920 Kinston                                H.A. Hooker                 Greene, Co       Maud Bright               Lenoir, Co       7  54
Mumford, Phillis                          BF  1876 Falling Creek                     3/11/1920 Kinston                                                                                                                        7  55
Tuton, Sallie                             WF  11/30/1848 NC                          3/13/1920 Kinston                                Isaac Barwick               NC               Louise Baker              NC               7  56
Summerlin, Sarah Elizabeth                WF  3/11/1855 Duplin Co.                   3/14/1920 Kinston                                Isaac Outlaw                Duplin, Co       Mollie Woodhouse          Duplin, Co       7  57
Redding, Sarah Francis                    BF  3/1862 Lenoir Co.                      3/15/1920 Kinston                                Joshua Borden               Craven, Co                                                  7  58
Dudley, Jacob                             BM  73 yrs Kinston                         3/18/1920 Kinston                                Jacob Dudley                New Bern                                                    7  59
Phillips, Georgehana                      BF  2/15/1912 Craven Co.                   3/19/1920 Kinston                                Walter Phillips             Greene, Co       Hattie Edwards            Greene, Co       7  60
Phillips, Georgeanna                      BF  2/15/1912 Craven Co.                   3/19/1920 Kinston                                Walter Phillips             Greene, Co       Hattie Edwards            Greene, Co       7  61
Batchelor, (Infant)                       WF  7/17/1922 Kinston                      7/17/1922 Kinston                                M.V. Batchelor              Nash, Co.        Ada Register              Duplin, Co       7  62
King, Van Buren                           BM  6/10/1898 Kinston                      3/22/1920 Kinston                                Frank R. King               Lenoir, Co       Hariet Cobb               NC               7  63
Smith, Mattine                            BF  3/23/1920 Kinston                      3/23/1920 Kinston                                Wil Smith                   NC               Julia Carodale            NC               7  64
Walker, Ferby                             BF  10/1902 Greene Co.                     3/23/1920 Kinston                                Henry Rayford               Greene, Co       Minnie Odes               Greene, Co       7  65
Graham, George Washington                 BM  8/2/1899 Lenoir Co.                    3/26/1920 Kinston                                Alford Graham               Lenoir, Co       Alice Cogdell             Kinston          7  66
Churchill, Nora Elizabeth                 BF  12-24 (52 yrs) Lenoir Co.              3/9/1920 Kinston                                 Bright Hill                 Lenoir, Co       Mary White                Lenoir, Co       7  67
Barrow, Mary                              BF  54 yrs Lenoir Co.                      3/11/1920 Greene Co.                             Luther Canady               Lenoir, Co       Cassie Hardison           Lenoir, Co       7  68
Phillip, Sarah E                          BF  1/30/1853 Randolph Co.                 3/11/1920 Lenoir Co.                             Thomas Jackson              Randolph, Co     Linchcumb                 Randolph, Co     7  69
Hooper, Fannie J.                         BF  35 yrs Wayne Co.                       4/6/1920 Kinston                                 Solomon Jones               Lenoir, Co                                                  7  70
Kornegay, Sallie                          BF  4/6/1920 Kinston                       4/6/1920 Kinston                                 Richard Kornegay            NC               Sallie Jenkins            NC               7  71
Diamond, Jennie                           BF  50 yrs Russia                          4/9/1920 Kinston                                                                                                                         7  72
Morgan, Nancy                             BF  4/13/1920 Kinston                      4/13/1920 Kinston                                W.R. Morgan                 Kinston          Macy Cobb                 Kinston          7  73
Parker, James B                           BM  33 yrs Kinston                         4/18/1920 Kinston                                Frank Parker                Lenoir, Co                                                  7  74
Wiggins, Julia                            BF  7/6/1845 Lenoir Co.                    4/18/1920 Lenoir Co.                             Jim Rouse                   Lenoir, Co                                                  7  75
Solomon, William Arthur                   BM  4/20/1920 Kinston                      4/20/1920 Kinston                                Arthur Solomon              NC               Beatrie Whitfield         Lenoir, Co       7  76
Coward, Mildred                           BF  Abt 6 mths (Dec) Kinston               4/21/1920 Kinston                                Sharip Coward               Grifton          Carrie Biggs              NC               7  77
Bell, John Edwin                          BM  4/13/1920 Kinston                      4/26/1920 Kinston                                E. L. Bell                  NC               Polly Herring             NC               7  78
Dudley, Annie Mae                         BF  3/22/1903 Grifton                      4/27/1920 Kinston                                Geo Dudley                  Pitt, Co         Lula Jones                Pitt, Co         7  79
Bell, Polly Susan                         BF  28 yrs Lenoir Co.                      4/28/1920 Kinston                                Jno Herring                 Lenoir, Co       Delia Malpass             Lenoir, Co       7  80
Grant, Carrie                             BF  13 yrs Lenoir Co.                      4/29/1920 Lenoir Co.                             A. J. Grant                 Lenoir, Co       Mary Williams             Wayne, Co.       7  81
Moye, Isom                                BM  11/12/1850 Pitt Co.                    5/1/1920 Kinston                                 Riley Moye                  Pitt, Co         Hannah Moye               Pitt, Co         7  82
Kennedy, Walter Herbert                   BM  9/2/1892 Lenoir Co.                    5/3/1920 Kinston                                 Albert Kennedy              Lenoir, Co       Mary Barrow               Lenoir, Co       7  83
Porter, Willie                            BM  5/3/1920 Lenoir Co.                    5/4/1920 Lenoir Co.                              Will Porter                 Shelby, Miss     Mary Williams             New Bern         7  84
Chadwick, Bessie A                        BF  9/6/1890 Lenoir Co.                    5/9/1920 Kinston                                 Lewis Chadwick              Onslow Co        Susan Wilson              Jones, Co        7  85
Bailey, Wm. Thos. B.                      BM  5/5/1920 Kinston                       5/13/1920 Kinston                                Thos. Bailey                Harnett, Co      Annie Williams            Onslow, Co       7  86
Loftin, Janie                             BM  31 yrs Cove City                       5/13/1920 Kinston                                Ben Loftin                  Cove City        Carelina Koonce           NC               7  87
Kornegay, Zeb                             BM  abt 45 Greene Co.                      5/20/1920 Snow Hill                              John Kornegay               NC               Holland Burt              NC               7  88
Phillips, Ed                              BM  abt 46 Pitt Co.                        5/22/1920 Kinston                                Jonlar Phillips             Pitt, Co         Jennie Cox                Pitt, Co         7  89
Kittrell, Thomas                          BM  11/1919 Ayden                          5/25/1920 Ayden                                  Oscar Kittrell              Pitt, Co         Myrtle Downing            Pitt, Co         7  90
Civils, William Thos.                     BM  10/18/1840 Craven Co.                  5/23/1920 Kinston                                Richard Civils              Craven, Co       Prudy Batchelor           Craven, Co       7  91
Spence, Borden                            BM  6/7/1915 Lenoir Co.                    5/27/1920 Lenoir Co.                             Geo. O Spence               Lenoir, Co       Sarah C. Howard           Lenoir, Co       7  92
Mills, Cato                               BM  10/5/1874 Onslow Co.                   6/1/1920 Kinston                                 Debe Mills                  Onslow Co        Caroline Williams         Onslow, Co       7  93
Jackson, Samuel Eugene                    BM  5/26/1920 Kinston                      6/2/1920 Kinston                                 J.L. Jackson                Duplin, Co       Ruth Dail                 Pitt, Co         7  94
Bailey, Clem                              BM  74 yrs Craven Co.                      6/2/1920 Kinston                                 H.C. Bailey                 Va.              Holland Bergess           Craven, Co       7  95
McNair, Annie                             BF  5/3/1872 Roberson                      6/2/1920 Elrod                                   Alford Thompson                                                                         7  96
Ervin, Tempie                             BF  53 yrs (Sept) Edgecombe Co.            Kinston                                                                                                                                  7  97
Jones, Phatney                            BF  abt 61 Lenoir Co.                      6/7/1920 Kinston                                 Caroline Watson                              Margaret Jones            Lenoir, Co       7  98
Gatlin, Bethena                           BF  1/20/1892 Jones Co.                    6/8/1920 Kinston                                 Daniel Koonce               Jones, Co                                  Jones, Co        7  99
Paylor, (Infant)                          BF  6/10/1920 Kinston                      6/10/1920 Kinston                                Henry Paylor                Roxboro          Katie Forshee             Roxboro          7  100
Moore, Julia                              BF  abt 85 Lenoir Co.                      6/11/1920 Kinston                                Jacob Allen                 Lenoir, Co                                                  7  101
Doggett, Arletia                          BF  abt 50 Halifax Co.                     6/12/1920 Kinston                                Jacob Luthur                Halifax, Co      Arletia Luter             Halifax, Co      7  102
Collins, Sophia Jane                      BF  9/4/1900 Merritt                       6/12/1920 Merritt                                Edward Collins              Hyde, Co         Precilla Wallace          Merritt          7  103
Burt, Isabelle                            BF  9/2/1915 Craven Co.                    6/14/1920 Kinston                                John Burt                   Craven, Co       Blanche Rouse             Craven, Co       7  104
Dupree, Sarah J.                          BF  3/8/1852 Onslow Co.                    6/16/1920 Kinston                                Euzzy Mills                 Onslow Co        Mary Brock                Onslow, Co       7  105
Brown, Robert                             BM  5/27/1896 Onslow Co.                   6/22/1920 Richlands                              I.B. Brown                  Onslow Co        Sarah Dawson              Onslow, Co       7  106
Thompson, Moses Anderson                  BM  6/25/1920 Kinston                      6/25/1920 Kinston                                Anderson Thompson           Wayne, Co        Leona Cox                 Richlands           107
Rantz, Eliza                              BF  11/3/1833 Graham, Co.                  6/28/1920 Kinston                                                                                                                        7  108
Nantz, M. Camil                           BM  abt 22 Mecklenburg Co.                 6/29/1920 Charlotte                              Henry Nantz                 Mecklenberg, Co  Winsie Stillwell          Mecklenberg, Co  7  109
Alphin, Attie May                         BF  26 yrs Lenoir Co.                      6/30/1920 Maplewood Cemetery                     C. Alphin                   Duplin, Co       Mary Casey                Lenoir, Co.      7  110
Pate, Jesse                               BM  7/6/1920 Kinston                       7/6/1920 Kinston                                 Jesse Pate                  Lenoir, Co       Franie Lawhorn            Duplin, Co       7  111
Carr, Esther Mae                          BF  3/1/1920 Lenoir Co.                    7/7/1920 Kinston                                 Elishia Carr                Jones, Co        Dora Bland                Grainger         7  112
Patrick, Eleanor Mildred                  BF  12/31/1899 Macon, GA                   6/9/1920 Kinston                                 George L. Patrick           NC               Katharine Lewis           VA               7  113
Curtis, Robert L.                         BM  52 yrs Kinston                         7/11/1920 Maplewood Cemetery                     David Curtis                NC               Bellie Long               NC               7  114
Pate, Harret Elizabeth                    BF  10/6/1839 Lenoir Co.                   7/16/1920 Lenoir Co.                             Craven S. Jones             Lenoir, Co       Narcisie White            Craven, Co       7  115
Becton, Estella                           BF  5/30/1904 Kirkland, GA                 7/17/1920 Kinston                                Lewis Becton                Kinston          Margrett Dixon            Kinston          7  116
Clark, Ruby C. (Baby Rivenbark)           WF  12/8/1919 Norfolk, VA                  8/8/1920 Maplewood Cemetery                      Lewis Clark                 Henderson        Ada Rivenbark             Duplin, Co       7  117
Kennedy, Ashley Thomas                    WM  6/23/1844 Lenoir Co.                   8/11/1920 Maplewood                              Richard Kennedy             NC               Sarah Loftin              NC               7  118
Hill, Josiah                              BM  3/9/1920 Kinston                       8/12/1920 Kinston                                Joe Hill                    Wayne, Co        Maud Davis                Sand Hill        7  119
Harris, Lillie Mae                        BF  10/6/1906 Lenoir Co.                   8/14/1920 Kinston                                E.W. Watt                   Va.              Cora Freeman              Cove City        7  120
Whitaker, Fannie P.                       WF  70 yrs 21 days Greene Co.              8/17/1920 Kinston                                Thomas C. Ormond            Greene, Co       Margarett Edwards         Greene, Co       7  121
Canady, Nellie                            BF  abt 99 (abt 1821) Greene Co.           8/21/1920 Kinston                                                                                                                        7  122
Whitfield, Roland                         BM  8/27/1920 Kinston                      8/27/1920 Kinston                                George Harrison             Seven Springs    Nora Whitfield            NC               7  123
Dixon, George                             BM  1886 Grifton                           8/28/1920 Kinston                                Ben Smith                   NC               Jane Dixon                                 7  124
Williams, Roy Wesley                      WM  8/4/1920 Beaufort Co.                  8/30/1920 Belhaven                               Stephen Williams            Hyde, Co         Minnie Surmons            Hyde, Co         7  125
Reed, George W. (Jr.)                     BM  7/19/1920 Kinston                      8/10/1920 Cedar Grove                            George W. Reed              Augusta, Ga.     Ada Williams              Greene, Co       7  126
Kelly, Mary Ellen                         WF  10/21/1868 Duplin Co.                  8/21/1920 Kinston                                Henry Kissner               PA               Sarah A. Wilson           Duplin, Co       7  127
Simpkins, Rosa Lee                        WF  4/16/1904 Wayne Co.                    6/18/1920 Kinston                                W.B. Mooring                Wayne, Co        Carrie Perkins            Wayne, Co        7  128
Kornegay, Geo Emerley                     WM  10/3/1850 NC                           7/7/1920 Maplewood                               George F. Kornegay          Duplin, Co       Mary E. Brock             Jones, Co        7  129
Brown, Thomas Bradley                     WM  12/25/1855 Lenoir Co.                  9/1/1920 Kinston                                 Jesse Brown                 Lenoir, Co       Mary Wyne                 Lenoir, Co       7  130
Rhem, Alonza                              BM  52 yrs Dover                           9/2/1920 New Bern                                Benjamin Rhem               NC               Silver Kent               Lenoir, Co       7  131
Aldridge, (Infant)                        WM  9/2/1920 Kinston                       9/3/1920 Lenoir Co.                              John Lee Aldridge           Lenoir, Co       Clemie Bruce Rouse        Lenoir, Co       7  132
Aldridge, Clemie Bruce Rouse              WF  9/17/1899 Lenoir Co.                   9/4/1920 Lenoir Co.                              George M. Rouse             Lenoir, Co       Clemie Herring            Lenoir, Co       7  133
Hunter, Ed                                BM  abt 65 (abt 1855) Marion, SC           9/4/1920 Kinston                                                                                                                         7  134
Causar, John                              BM  9/5/1920 Kinston                       9/5/1920 Kinston                                 Caldwell Causar             Dillon, SC       Katie Cobb                Kinston          7  135
Causar, Kattie                            BF  32 yrs Kinston                         9/7/1920 Kinston                                                                              Matilda Cobb              Lenoir, Co       7  136
Sanderson, (Infant)                       WM  9/7/1920 Kinston                       9/7/1920 Kinston                                 W.C. Sanderson              Roberson, Co     Flora Lee Smith           Roberson, Co     7  137
Buck, William Clarence                    WM  9/6/1920 Kinston                       9/9/1920 Kinston                                 E.M. Buck                   Pamlico, Co      Delar Gatling             Pamlico, Co      7  138
Stone, (Infant)                           WM  9/9/1920 Kinston                       9/9/1920 Rose Hill                               O. R. Stone                 High Point       Maggie Southerland        Duplin, Co       7  139
Lewis, Willie                             BM  5/1920 Goldsboro                       9/12/1920 Kinston                                B.L. Lewis                  Sellers, SC                                                 7  140
Turner, Earl                              WM  1/1918 Lenoir Co.                      9/14/1920                                        J.T. Turner                 Lenoir, Co       Edna Smith                Lenoir, Co       7  141
Harrell, Belle                            BF  3/8/1896 Vanamere                      9/6/1920 Kinston                                 Ed McCotter                 Beaufort, Co     Sarah Hardy               Pamlico, Co      7  142
Washington, George                        BM  abt 72 James City                      9/24/1920 Kinston                                                                                                                        7  143
Odem, Mary Louise                         BF  9/27/1920 Kinston                      10/3/1920 Kinston                                John Cobb                   Clarks           Katie Odem                Clarke           7  144
Parker, Connie Lee                        BF  11/13/1919 Kinston                     10/5/1920 Jackson Cemetery Kinston               Adolphus Parker             GA               Eva Miller                Jones Co.        7  145
Allen, James                              BM  (1871) abt 49 SC                       10/8/1920 Kinston                                Thomas Allen                SC                                                          7  146
Gardner, Francis                          BF  6/9/1841 Jones Co.                     10/8/1920 Kinston                                James Moore                 Va.                                                         7  147
Joyner, James Wiley                       BM  9/20/1920 Kinston                      10/9/1920 Kinston                                Wiley Joyner                Greenville       Hazel Cox                 Kinston          7  148
Williams, Elsie (Smith, Mabel Toller)     WF  10/30/1894 Craven Co.                  10/16/1920 New Bern                              Tom Toller                  Craven Co.       Emma Hill                 Craven Co.       7  149
Dawson, Ann Charlotte Green               WF  (8-6) (abt 67) Craven Co.              10/16/1920 Craven Co.                            Cicero Green                Craven, Co       Grazzille McIlwean        Craven, Co       7  150
Edwards, John R                           BM  11/22/1874 Greene Co.                  10/16/1920 Cedar Grove Kinston                   Augustus Edwards            Greene, Co       Ellen Tucker              Pitt, Co         7  151
Smith, Mollie Cambell                     WF  11/21/1858 Lenoir Co.                  10/17/1920 Mt. Olive                             Jno. S. Davis               Lenoir, Co       Mary C. Cobb              Duplin, Co       7  152
Johnson, William W.                       BM  17 yrs 5 days Newport                  10/23/1920 Newport                               W. H. Johnson               Edinton          Lena Johnson              Leachville       7  153
Lewis, Willie Franklin                    BM  10/23/1920 Kinston                     10/29/1920 Kinston                                                                            Mary Lee Hill             Kinston          7  154
Jones, Etheleen                           WF  4/21/1917 Onslow Co.                   11/1/1920 Maplewood                              G.W. Jones                  Onslow Co        Emmie Howard              Onslow, Co       7  155
Gatlin, Alford                            WM  abt 68 Craven Co.                      11/1/1920 Vanceboro                              Stephen Gatlin              NC               Patsie Gaskins            Craven, Co       7  156
Hardy, Richard                            BM  10/16/1846 Greene Co.                  11/2/1920 Kinston                                Jack Joyner                 Greene, Co       Rosetta Joyner            Greene, Co       7  157
Giles, Martha                             BF  abt 50 NC                              11/7/1920 Kinston                                Morgan                      NC               Silvy Morgan              NC               7  158
West, Annie                               BM  11/1/1920 Lenoir Co.                   11/9/1920 Lenoir Co.                             David Lory                  Lenoir, Co       Annie West                Lenoir, Co       7  159
Thompson, Thelma Lee                      BF  11/2/1920 Kinston                      11/9/1920 Kinston                                William Thompson            Kinston          Hortense Phillips         Kinston          7  160
Best, Jack                                BM  4/1844 Wayne Co.                       11/11/1920 Rouse Cemetery La Grange                                                                                                      7  161
Surmons, Annie                            WF  abt 70 Lenoir Co.                      8/13/1920 Kinston                                                                                                                        7  162
Wilson, George Leon                       WM  8/10/1896 Lenoir Co.                   11/13/1920 Jones, Co.                            Andrew Wilson               NC               Lizzie Edglby             Lenoir, Co       7  163
Kornegay, Nellie                          BF  1835 Sampson Co.                       11/14/1920 Kinston                               Hillard Cogdell             Sampson, Co                                Sampson, Co      7  164
Pritchard, Thomas Henry                   WM  abt 65 Martin Co.                      11/15/1920 Greenville                            Geo. L. Pritchard           Maryland         Catherine Cauglator       NC               7  165
Best, Willis B.                           BM  6/12/1886 Pitt Co.                     11/16/1920 Best Cemetery Pitt Co.                Luke Best                   Wayne, Co        Dina Pridgen              Greene, Co       7  166
Rider, William Gibson                     WM  9/26/1920 Kinston                      11/19/1920 Pitt Co.                              J.W. Rider                  Pamlico, Co      Blanche McLawhorn         Pitt, Co         7  167
Johnson, William Henry                    BM  9/25/1904 Jones Co.                    11/20/1920 Jones Co.                             William Johnson             NC               Elizabeth Johnson         NC               7  168
Gibbs, Samuel                             BM  11/20/1920 Kinston                     11/20/1920 Cedar Grove Cemetery Kinston          Samuel Gibbs                New Bern         Dora Henderson            Kinston          7  169
Perry, Euther                             WF  10/24/1898 Lenoir Co.                  11/21/1920 Maplewood Cemetery                    W.D. Gardner                Portland, Maine  Samuel S. Davis           Wayne, Co        7  170
Powell, John                              BM  11/22/1920 Kinston                     11/22/1920 Kinston                               John Powell                 Whiteville, SC   Susie Williams            Kinston          7  171
Williams, Susana                          BF  9/24/1902 Kinston                      11/23/1920 Kinston                               W.R. Williams               Richlands        Clauda Williams           Kinston          7  172
Davis, Lydie Elizabeth                    WF  7/2/1920 Kinston                       11/23/1920 Lenoir Co.                            Jesse Davis                 Lenoir, Co       Lydie Davis               Lenoir, Co       7  173
Carr, Jerry                               BM  11/17/1920 Lenoir Co.                  11/24/1920 Kinston                               Lewis Carr                  Trenton          Lillian Redding           Kinston          7  174
Rhem, Sarah                               BF  abt 35 Kinston                         10/25/1920 Jackson Cemetery Kinston              Evans Parker                Kinston          Rena                      Kinston          7  175
Jordan, Charles Marion                    WM  6/7/1853 Greene Co.                    11/27/1920 Kinston                               Isaac Jordan                Va.              Annie Hooker              Greene, Co       7  176
Turnage, Mabel                            BF  6/16/1920 Kinston                      11/27/1920 Kinston                               J. H. Turnage               Ayden            Bettie Herring            Clinton          7  177
Rich, Daniel                              BM  11/28/1920 Kinston                     11/28/1920 Kinston                               Dan Rich                    New Bern         Mabel Teushem             Goldsboro        7  178
Taylor, Mary                              BF  55 yr 6 mths 5 days Lenoir Co.         11/29/1920 Lenoir Co.                                                                                                                    7  179
Sugg, George L.                           WM  6/17/1848 Greene Co.                   12/2/1920 Maplewood Cemetery Kinston             Hardy Sugg                  NC               Julia Gray                Lenoir, Co       7  180
Abbott, Charles                           BM  84 yrs 5 mths 6 days NC                12/8/1920 Lenoir Co.                             Chas. Phillips                                                                          7  181
Couson, Addie                             BF  4 days Kinston                         12/10/1920 Kinston                               Bethel Couson               Marion, SC       Addie Thomas              Marion, SC       7  182
Rouse, Martha                             BF  abt 50                                 12/10/1920 Cedar Grove Kinston                                                                                                           7  183
Patrick, Gladis                           BF  4/5/1918 Kinston                       12/12/1920 Cedar Grove Kinston                   James Jackson               Va.              Mattie Patrick            Beaufort         7  184
Joyner, Horace R. Jr.                     BM  12/3/1920 Kinston                      12/21/1920 Kinston                               Horace R. Joyner Sr.        Greenville, FL   Crecy Davis               Greenville, FL   7  185
Cornegia, Emma Mae                        BF  3 dys Kinston                          12/23/1920 Kinston                               Elijah Cox                  NC               Victory Cornegia          Dover            7  186
Cornegia, Fred                            BM  2 yr 11 mths Kinston                   12/23/1920 Kinston                               John Cornegia               Kinston          Katie Williams            VA.              7  187
Mewborne, (Infant)                        BM  12/27/1920 Kinston                     12/27/1920 Kinston                               Godfrey Harper              Pitt, Co         Sallie Mewborn            Pitt, Co         7  188
Hatchell, Amanda                          BF  abt 22 Pamlico Co.                     12/29/1920 Pamlico Co.                           Ennis Hatchell              Pamlico, Co      Ellie Squire              Pamlico, Co      7  189
Braxton, James Warren Jr.                 WM  11/17/1907 Kinston                     12/29/1920 Kinston                               James Warren Braxton Sr.    Lenoir, Co       Kate Humphrey             Lenoir, Co       7  190
Newkirk, Annie                            BF  12/30/1920 Kinston                     12/30/1920 Kinston                               Robert Newkirk              Wilmington       Annie Williams            Kinston          7  191
Williams, Lucile                          BF  4/24/1917 Kinston                      12/31/1920 Kinston                               Ernest Upshaw               Elerton, Ga      Suddie Williams           Snow Hill        7  192
Lofton, Thomas                            BM  9/6/1919 Kinston                       12/31/1920 Kinston                               Moses Lofton                Lenoir, Co       Rosa Parker               Lenoir, Co       7  193
King, Elias                               BM  abt 9 Lenoir Co.                       12/26/1920 Lenoir Co.                            Elias King                  Lenoir, Co       Francis Brooks            Lenoir, Co       7  194
Miller, (Infant)                          WF  1/4/1920 La Grange                     1/4/1920 Fairview Cemetery Lagrange              Jim Miller                  Wayne, Co        Lela Wade                 Lenoir, Co       7  195
Foster, Bettie                            BF  1875 Lenoir Co.                        1/11/1920 La Grange                              Joc Bryant                  Duplin, Co       Clossie Whitfield         Jones, Co        7  196
Hutchins, Martha                          BF  (abt 51) 1869                          2/1/1920 La Grange                               Tom Brooks                  Lenoir, Co       Martha Langs              Lenoir, Co       7  197
Russell, Addie                            WF  (abt 75 yrs) Chatham Co.               2/13/1920 Fairview Cemetery La Grange                                                                                                    7  198
Wood, Leah                                BF  abt 70 Greene Co.                      2/28/1920 Smith's Cemetery                       Bryant Wood                 Greene, Co                                                  7  199
Darden, Hattie                            BF  2/22/1920 Lenoir Co.                   3/5/1920 La Grange                               Ron Darden                  Lenoir, Co       Mert Wooten               Lenoir, Co       7  200
Hardy, James M                            WM  7/19/1845 Lenoir Co.                   3/10/1920 Family Burial ground                                                                Tempie Nethercutt                          7  201
Hill, Julia                               WF  12/13/1918 Greene Co.                  3/13/1920 Fairview Cemetery La Grange            J.R. Hill                   Greene, Co       Ceilie Bell               Carteret, Co     7  202
Lawrence, Annie M                         WF  12/25/1895 St. Stephens SC             5/16/1920 Fairview Cemetery la Grange            Augustus M. Eadie                            Oletha Eadie              SC               7  203
Joyner, Sarah                             BF  4/18/1920 La Grange                    4/19/1920 Colored Cemetery                       Allen Joyner                LaGrange         Georgia Wooten            Lenoir, Co       7  204
Lawrence, Oleth                           WF  12/17/1919 Pamlico Co.                 4/19/1920 Fairview Cemetery La Grange            James Lawrence              Carteret Co      Annie Eadia               SC               7  205
Kornegay, Eva Elizabeth                   WF  5/17/1920 12 hrs La Grange             5/17/1920 Family Burial Ground                   H.A. Kornegay               Duplin, Co       Elizabeth Kornegay        Duplin, Co       7  206
Jones, Isam                               BM  1853 Wake Co.                          5/20/1920 La Grange                              A.L. Joyner Bro.                                                                        7  207
Hinson, Edgar Earl                        WM  7/3/1920 La Grange                     7/5/1920 Robins Graveyard                        G.A. Hinson                 Wayne, Co        Saddie Parker             Wayne, Co        7  208
Mozingo, Mamie                            BF  33 yrs La Grange                       8/8/1920 La Grange                               Sisra Wooten                Craven Co.       Emma Wooten               Craven Co.       7  209
Hinson, Saddie                            WF  6/1886 Wayne Co.                       8/27/1920 Rollins Graveyard                      John A. Parks               Wayne, Co        Vicy Parks                Wayne, Co        7  210
Elliot, (Infant)                          BM  9/26/1920 La Grange                    9/26/1920 La Grange                              Ernest Elliot               Cumberland, Co   Mary Lee Hill             Lenoir Co.       7  211
Alston, Samuel T.                         BM  6/10/1914 Lexington, KY                9/20/1920 Shilio Cemetery Arcola                 Doctor Alston               Warren Co.       Bertha Turpin             Creesborn, KY    7  212
Lucas, Louellen                           FW  3/11/1877 Wilson Co.                   10/17/1920 Lucas Burying ground                  A.F. Barnes                 Wilson, Co       Mille Barnes              Wilson, Co       7  213
Harper, Charlie                           BM  9/1/1880 NC                            11/1/1920 Hookerton Cemetery                     Furnie Harper               Greene, Co       Sussie Strong             Chatham, Co      7  214
Hodges, (Infant)                          WM  11/23/1920 La Grange                   11/23/1920 Fairview Cemetery La Grange           W.A. Hodges                 Maryland         Laura Fields              Lenoir, Co       7  215
Fields, Walter Alonza                     WM  8/29/1915 La Grange                    12/14/1920 Fairview Cemetery La Grange           J.W. Fields                 Lenoir, Co       Mabel K. Kenady           Lenoir, Co       7  216
Clark, (Infant)                           BF  12/21/1919 Lenoir Co.                  12/21/1919 Moore Place                           W.M. Clark                  Lenoir Co.       Pearlie Sutton            Lenoir, Co       7  217
Dunk, Annie Belle                         BF  12/1/1919 Lenoir Co.                   1/2/1920 Lenoir Co.                              Jim Lewis Dunk              Lenoir, Co       Maud Abram                Lenoir, Co       7  218
Rouse, Mary E                             WF  11/16/1919 Lenoir Co.                  1/8/1920 Kinston                                 Caswell H. Rouse            Lenoir, Co       Rosa Jackson              Lenoir, Co       7  219
Miller, Alfred                            BM  1/10/1842 Greene Co.                   1/29/1920 Elias Coward Place                                                                                                             7  220
Clark, (Infant)                           BM  2/2/1920 Lenoir Co.                    2/2/1920 Lenoir Co.                              Ed Clark                    Lenoir, Co       Annie Oldes               Greene, Co       7  221
Darden, Charity                           BF  abt 60 Pitt Co.                        2/3/1920 Pitt Co.                                Robert Darden               Pitt, Co         Hose Ward                                  7  222
Abbott, Joseph H.                         WM  10/4/1877 Lenoir Co.                   2/20/1920 Lenoir Co.                             T.J. Abbott                 Lenoir, Co       Puss McCoy                Lenoir, Co       7  223
Casey, Lula Lee                           WF  1/26/1872 Lenoir Co.                   3/22/1920 Edwards Chapel Lenoir Co.              Elias Odham                 Pamlico, Co      Mary F. Phillips          Lenoir, Co       7  224
Jackson, Bonnie Dell                      WF  6mths 11 days Lenor Co.                3/13/1920 Country                                R.E. Jackson                Pitt, Co         Lula McLawhorn            Pitt, Co.        7  225
West, (Infant)                            BM  4/1/1920 Lenoir Co.                    4/1/1920 Canady Place                            Elonza West                 Lenoir, Co       Netir Arent               Lenoir, Co       7  226
Brown, (Infant)                           BM  4/4/1920 Lenoir Co.                    4/4/1920 Brown Place                             Richard Brown               Lenoir, Co       Rachel Stokes             Greene, Co       7  227
Brown, Rachel                             BF  1886 Greene Co.                        4/8/1920 Brown Place                                                                          Rachel Stokes             Pitt, Co         7  228
Scott, Henry                              BM  abt 65 Greene Co.                      4/3/1920 Greene Co.                              Henry Scott                 Greene, Co       Francis Jones             Greene, Co       7  229
Turnage, Heber                            WM  10/26/1883 Lenoir Co.                  4/15/1920 Graingers                              Frank Turnage               Lenoir, Co       Georgeann Jones           Lenoir, Co       7  230
Dixon, John                               BF  4/30/1920 Lenoir Co.                   5/3/1920 Graingers                               John Dixon                  Lenoir, Co       Sophy Applewhite          Lenoir, Co       7  231
Dunn, James Wilbur                        WM  5/18/1912 Pitt Co.                     5/18/1920 Pitt Co.                               James Dunn                  Lenoir, Co       Lizzie Powell             Craven, Co       7  232
Carmond, (Infant)                         BF  5/23/1920 Greene Co.                   5/23/1920                                        Bill Carmond                Greene, Co       Claussa Coward            Greene, Co       7  233
Sutton, (Infant)                          BF  6/5/1920 Lenoir Co.                    6/7/1920 Graingers                               Steve Sutton                Lenoir, Co       Claud Taylor              Lenoir, Co       7  234
Bryant, Mamie                             BF  abt 4 NC                               3/28/1920 Baptist Church Grifton                 Giles Bryant                NC               Mattie Smith                               7  235
Graham, Cally                             BF  abt 25 NC Lenoir Co.                   8/15/1920 Canady Place                           Wallace Graham              Mecklenburg Co.  Bethana Graham            Wayne Co.        7  236
Daughty, Isic M                           BM  abt 70 Pitt Co.                        9/25/1920 Canady Place                           Henry Albritton             Pitt, Co         Ann Daughty               Lenoir, Co       7  237
Jones, Martha E.                          WF  abt 59 Lenoir Co.                      9/30/1920 Thomas Place                           James Polk Thomas           NC               Julia Ann Chestnutt       NC               7  238
Miller, Helen                             BF  5 yrs 11 mths Greene Co.               10/9/1920 Hookerton                              Edmond Miller               Lenoir, Co       Annie Dixon               Greene, Co       7  239
Mumford, David Lee                        WM  3/20/1919 Lenoir Co.                   10/20/1920 Lenoir Co.                            E.L. Mumford                Pitt, Co         Annie S. Phillips         Lenoir, Co       7  240
King, Augustus                            BM  2/16/1920 Lenoir Co.                   4/7/1920 lenoir Co.                              John King                   NC               Alice Kennedy             Lenoir, Co       7  241
Ham, John H.                              WM  1/9/1844 Wayne Co.                     10/19/1920 Webber Place                          Zeke Ham                    NC               Betsy Newell              NC               7  242
Donell, Susan                             BF  abt 80 Craven Co.                      4/4/1920                                         Ander Bryant                                                                            7  243
Ipock, Sam W.                             WM  10/17/1842 Craven Co.                  11/29/1920 Beech Grove Cemetery Craven Co.       S. W. Ipock                 Craven, Co       Elizabeth White           Craven, Co       7  244
Patterson, (Infant)                       BM  12/9/1920 Lenoir Co.                   12/9/1920 Lenoir Co.                             Bill Patterson                               Sara Cobb                 Greene, Co       7  245
King, Jennie Iola                         BF  abt 10 Lenoir Co.                      12/12/1919 Lenoir Co.                            Richard King                Lenoir, Co       Laura Dawson              Lenoir, Co       7  246
Ham, Martha Jean                          WF  10/9/1904 Lenoir Co.                   10/1/1919 Lenoir Co.                             W.H. Ham                    Wayne, Co        Laura F. Barnett          Wayne, Co        7  246-A
Young, Jacob                              WM  abt 70 NC                              12/30/1919 Lenoir Co.                                                                                                                    7  247
Smith, Charley                            WM  1/16/1920 Lenoir Co.                   1/16/1920 Lenoir Co.                             Wm. E. Smith                Palatha, FL      Emma Dail                 Winterville      7  248
Harrison, Owen Edward                     WM  8/20/1918 Lenoir Co.                   7/7/1919 Lenoir Co.                              A.T. Harrison               Lenoir, Co       Alice Manning             Greene, Co       7  249
Cox, Dina                                 BF  abt 60 Lenoir Co.                      3/22/1920 Lenoir Co.                             Willis Daily                NC               Mary Dawson               NC               7  250
Whitfield, Mary                           BF  9/3/1890 Lenoir Co.                    6/11/1920 County                                 W.L. Lassiter               Lenoir, Co       Harriet Whitfield         Lenoir, Co       7  251
Tate, Sylvanus                            BM  (6-27) abt 19 Lenoir Co.               6/13/1920 Lenoir Co.                             Thomas Tate                 Craven, Co       Ada King                  Lenoir Co.       7  252
Mercer, Isabelle                          WF  8/10/1919 Jones, Co.                   1/5/1920 Kinston                                 G.F. Mercer                 NC               Lois Stroud               NC               7  253
Frederick, Emma Loucille                  BF  6/18/1919 Lenoir Co.                   7/20/1920 Kennedy Graveyard                      Sherman Frederick           Duplin, Co       Lizzie Brown              Lenoir, Co       7  254
Blizzard, (Infant)                        WF  7/30/1920 Lenoir Co.                   7/30/1920 Lenoir Co.                             Charlie Blizzard            Lenoir, Co       Ruth Cole                 Lenoir, Co       7  255
Everett, Eugene Dailey                    WM  10/6/1918 Kinston                      6/16/1920 Kinston                                J.F. Everett                Edgecomb Co.     Roselee Oliver            Jones, Co        7  256
Jones, Corinthin                          BF  12/14/1919 Lenoir Co.                  5/7/1920 Lenoir Co.                              James W. Jones              Lenoir, Co       Arleane Bryant            Lenoir, Co       7  257
Robinson, Margaret                        WF  8/19/1913 Jones Co.                    11/9/1920 Lenoir Co.                             S.P. Robinson               Lenoir, Co       Mollie Moore              Jones, Co        7  258
Sanders, Emma                             BF  abt 44 Lenoir Co.                      8/4/1920 la Grange                               Peter Joyner                Johnston, Co     Charity Bennett           Lenoir, Co       7  259
Powell, Lily                              BF  6/28/1894 Lenoir Co.                   6/23/1920 lenoir Co.                             William Powell              Lenoir, Co       Louisa Grainger           Greene, Co       7  261
Ellison, Willie Earl                      BM  1/27/1917 Kinston                      2/11/1920 Kinston                                Noah Williams               Kinston          Bertha Ellison            Dover            7  262
Dawson, Bessie                            BF  2/16/1920 Lenoir Co.                   2/25/1920 Lenoir Co.                                                                          Bessie Dawson             Lenoir, Co       7  263
Justice, James Arthur                     WM  9/17/1890 Onslow Co.                   2/29/1920 Jacksonville                           T.F. Justice                Onslow Co        Sallie L. Walton          Onslow, Co       7  264
Taylor, Lillian                           WF  5/1920 Tarboro                         7/1/1920 Tarboro                                 D.W. Taylor                 Greene, Co       Lillian Broon             Beaufort Co.     7  265
Wade, James Calvin                        WM  8/31/1860 Greene, Co.                  7/19/1920 Greene Co.                             Francis Wade                Lenoir, Co       Darcis E. Wade            Greene, Co       7  266
Powell, (Infant) (?)                      BM  1/22/1920 Lenoir Co.                   1/22/1920 Lenoir Co.                                                                          Liley Powell              Kinston,  NC     7  267
Powell, (Infant) (?)                      BM  1/22/1920 Lenoir Co.                   1/22/1920 Lenoir Co.                                                                          Liley Powell              Kinston          7  268
Peyton, Francis E.                        WF  abt 76 Greene Co.                      5/6/1920 Lenoir Co.                                                                                                                      7  269
Peyton, William E.                        WM  12/25/1851 Beaufort Co.                9/18/1920 Lenoir Co.                             George Peyton               Beaufort         Trecy Peyton              Beaufort         7  270
Howard, Willie May                        BF  12/20/1919 Lenoir Co.                  10/1/1920 Lenoir Co.                             C.H. Howard                 Lenoir, Co       Rosa Sutton               Lenoir, Co       7  271
Spencer, Jessie                           WM  9/17/1842 NC                           10/18/1920 Kinston                                                                                                                       7  272
Berry, (Infant)                           BM  10/19/1920 Lenoir Co.                  10/19/1920 Kinston                               Cyrus Berry                 Lenoir, Co       Mary Coward or Cousard    Lenoir Co.       7  273
Dail, Tessie Maria                        WF  1/8/1918 Lenoir Co.                    11/18/1920 Kinston                               Elias Dail                  Pitt, Co         Bertha Nichols            Pitt, Co         7  274
Hardy, James                              BM  7/28/1920 Lenoir Co.                   11/28/1920 Lenoir Co.                            John Hardy                  Pitt, Co         Sallie Hill               Lenoir, Co       7  275
Taylor, Embly                             BF  10/10/1919 Lenoir Co.                  1/11/1920 Wooten Burial Ground                   April Taylor                Lenoir, Co       Effie Dawson              Lenoir, Co       7  277
Sutton, Richard                           WM  4/13/1828 Lenoir Co.                   1/24/1920 Family Burial Ground                   James Sutton                Lenoir, Co       Susan Warters             Lenoir, Co       7  278
Noble, Richard Haywood                    BM  12/5/1919 Greene Co.                   1/27/1920 Wooten Graveyard                       Haywood Noble               Wayne, Co        Viola Jones               Lenoir, Co       7  279
Grady, Johnnie Freeman                    BM  1/27/1920 Lenoir Co.                   2/3/1920 John A. Sutton Graveyard                Freeman Grady               Lenoir, Co       Mamie Wooten              Lenoir, Co       7  280
Stroud, Annie Bell                        WF  8/16/1918 Lenoir Co.                   2/21/1920 Family Burial Ground                   Herbert Stroud              Lenoir, Co       Inez Stroud               Lenoir, Co       7  281
Mitchell, Cleon                           WM  2/10/1919 Greene Co.                   2/26/1920 Mewborn Cemetery                       N.C. Mitchell               Greene, Co       Florence Sutton           Lenoir, Co       7  282
Grady, Rubie                              WF  1/29/1919 Goldsboro                    3/7/1920 Fairview Cemetery La Grange             Peet Grady                  Duplin, Co       Birtie Lee                Wayne, Co        7  283
Dawson, John W                            WM  4/17/1884 Lenoir Co.                   3/19/1920 Family Burial Ground                   Tomie Dawson                Lenoir, Co       Delie Hines               Lenoir, Co       7  284
Jones, John Paul                          BM  2/23/1914 Lenoir Co.                   3/16/1920 Rockford                               John Jones                  Wayne, Co        Mattie Sutton             Lenoir, Co       7  285
Hill, Andrew                              BM  9/17/1889 Lenoir Co.                   4/10/1920 Home Field                             Jim Moor                                     Cassie Jarman             Duplin, Co       7  286
Sutton, Grover Edward                     WM  3 mths 21 days Lenoir Co.              4/17/1920 Family Burial Ground                   Herman Sutton               Lenoir, Co       Lola Sutton               Lenoir, Co       7  287
Carver, Mittie Ann                        BF  8/1/1918 Greene Co.                    4/1/1920 Rockford Graveyard                      Wesley Carver               Duplin, Co       Mabel Sutton              Wayne, Co        7  288
Sutton, (Infant)                          BM  1/1/1920 Lenoir Co.                    1/1/1920 Sutton Graveyard                        Ben Sutton                  Lenoir, Co       Lucy Sutton               Wayne, Co        7  289
Taylor, Judeth D.                         BF  1/13/1871 Greene Co.                   1/3/1920 Smith Cemetery                          Hymbric Smith               Greene, Co       Esther Wood               Greene, Co       7  290
Hood, Leora                               BF  10/10/1918 Lenoir Co.                  5/27/1920 La Grange                              Walker Hood                 Lenoir, Co       Sarrah Parks              Wayne, Co        7  291
Tilghman, Paul Junior                     WM  6/26/1919 Lenoir Co.                   6/3/1920 Family Burial Ground                    Sam Thilghman               Wayne, Co        Bessie Tilghman           Wayne, Co        7  294
Gray, Nannie Gertrude                     WF  3/4/1920 Lenoir Co.                    6/11/1920 Fairview Cemetery La Grange            Clem Gray                   Greene, Co       Gertrude Wade             Lenoir, Co       7  295
Foye, Eugene                              BM  4/17/1919 NC                           6/11/1920 Rouse Cemetery                         Hughe Foye                  Jones, Co        Bertha Rouse              Lenoir, Co       7  296
Barrow, Millie                            BF  1846                                   6/12/1920 La Grange                              William Barrow              Greene, Co       Hannah Barrow             Greene, Co       7  297
Dawson, Christeen                         WF  5/7/1920 Wayne Co.                     6/15/1920 Family Burial Ground                   Levi A. Dawson              Lenoir, Co       Laura Head                Wayne, Co        7  298
Mewborn, Adel                             BF  11/10/1918 Lenoir Co.                  6/25/1920 Family Burial Ground                   Henry Copland               Greene, Co       Hattie Mewborn            Greene, Co       7  299
Smith, (Infant)                           WM  7/16/1920 Lenoir Co.                   7/17/1920 Fairview Cemetery La Grange            Herman Smith                Lenoir, Co       Willie Gray               Lenoir, Co       7  300
Pelletier, R.L.                           WM  11/15/1870 Lenoir Co.                  7/19/1920 Dawson Burial Ground                   W.O. Pelletier              Chapel Hill      Susan Rouse               Lenoir, Co       7  301
Jones, Fennie                             BF  8/17/1899 Jones Co.                    7/20/1920                                        Herbert Green               Jones, Co        Minnie Kinsey             Jones, Co        7  302
Rouse, J.R.                               BM  7/23/1920 Lenoir Co.                   7/26/1920 Rouse Graveyard                        John Rouse                  Lenoir, Co       Jennie Hardy              Wayne, Co        7  303
Exum, Fletcher                            BM  21 yrs Wayne Co.                       8/31/1920 Bizzell Graveyard                      Jessie Exum                 NC               Pearlie Bizzell           Wayne, Co        7  304
Gurley, Ethel Mae                         WF  8/12/1920 Lenoir Co.                   9/5/1920 Rollins Graveyard                       William Gurley              Lenoir, Co       Purlie Lee Hinson         Lenoir, Co       7  305
Wood, Ben                                 BM  65 yrs Lenoir Co.                      9/12/1920 Wood Burial ground                     George Wood                 Lenoir, Co                                                  7  306
Hadley, John C.                           BM  75 to 85 yrs Wilson Co.                10/12/1920 La Grange                                                                          Hannah Hadley                              7  307
Bizzell, Maroland                         BF  6/1889 Wayne Co.                       10/9/1920 Bizzell Graveyard                      West Bizzell                Wayne, Co        Laura Moses               Wayne, Co        7  308
Wiggins, (Infant)                         WF  8/4/1920 Lenoir Co.                    8/4/1920 Family Burial Ground                    Willie L. Wiggins           Lenoir, Co       Sallie Newsom             Wayne, Co        7  309
Coleman, (Infant)                         BF  10/18/1920 Lenoir Co.                  10/18/1920                                       Andia Coleman               Lenoir, Co       Millie Hill               Lenoir, Co       7  310
Measley, (Infant)                         WM  11/8/1920 Lenoir Co.                   11/8/1920 Fairview Cemetery La Grange            Willie Measley              Lenoir, Co       Jessie Kennedy            Lenoir, Co       7  311
Davis, Janie                              BM  2/1886 Lenoir Co.                      11/8/1920 Jurusalem Graveyard                    William Davis               Duplin, Co       Madis Davis               Lenoir, Co       7  312
Herring, Stephen                          BM  1836                                   11/5/1920 Parrott Cemetery                       Stephen Herring             Cleveland, Co                                               7  313
Williams, Christine                       BF  10/10/1920 Lenoir Co.                  11/29/1920 Rockford Cemetery                     Charlie Williams            Lenoir, Co       Lillie Grady              Lenoir, Co       7  314
Wooten, Emmer Sanders                     BF  11/11/1919 Lenoir Co.                  12/16/1920 Rockford Cemetery                     Harvey Sanders              Johnston, Co     Ophelia Wooten            Lenoir, Co       7  315
Williams, (Infant)                        BM  12/8/1920 Lenoir Co.                   12/8/1920 Rockford Cemetery                      Willie Williams             New Hanover, Co  Nancie Mewborn            Lenoir, Co       7  316
Moore, Shard Conner                       BM  7/30/1920 Lenoir Co.                   12/2/1920 Rockford Cemetery                      William Moore               Sampson, Co      Julia Conner              Duplin, Co       7  317
Waters, Robert                            BM  abt 80 Lenoir Co.                      1/14/1920 Lenoir Co.                             Dig Waters                  Lenoir Co.       Winnie Waters             Lenoir Co.       7  319
Gooding, Haddric                          BM  1 yr Lenoir Co.                        12/23/1919 Lenoir Co.                            Steve Gooding               NC               Nancy King                NC               7  320
Williams, Blanche                         WF  4/20/1886 Lenoir Co.                   6/8/1919 Family Burial ground                    Ivy Stroud                  NC               Mace Cunningham           NC               7  321
Jackson, Matthew                          BM  3/10/1920 Lenoir Co.                   3/13/1920 Neuse Township                         Joseph Jackson              NC               Addie Kinsey              NC               7  322
Jackson, Sarah Eliza                      BF  5/26/1902 Lenoir Co.                   3/25/1920 Neuse Township                         Jobe Jackson                Lenoir Co.       Bertha Nunn               Lenoir Co.       7  323
Taylor, Peggy Ann                         WF  abt 86 Lenoir Co.                      3/3/1920 Lenoir Co.                              Arthur Carter               Lenoir Co.       Ann Carter                NC               7  324
Davis, Adell                              BF  10/23/1902 Lenoir Co.                  4/23/1920 Neuse Township                         Lewis Whitfield             Lenoir Co.       Myrtle Koonce             Lenoir Co.       7  325
Gooding, Nancy                            BF  3/10/1920 Lenoir Co.                   4/17/1920 Lenoir Co.                             Stephen Gooding             NC               Nancy King                NC               7  326
Edmonson, Cristeen                        BF  5/7/1917 Lenoir Co.                    4/9/1920 Neuse Township                          Lemuil Edmonson             Lenoir Co.       Jadie Carr                Jones, Co        7  327
Davis, (Infant)                           WF  8/17/1920 Lenoir Co.                   8/17/1920 Family Burial Ground                   Willie Davis                NC               Sudie Mae Hill            NC               7  328
Haynes, William                           WM  5/28/1867 Lenoir Co.                   4/29/1920 Lenoir Co.                             Green Haynes                GA               Rebecca Holland           Lenoir Co.       7  330
Williams, Carry Mae Lousil                BF  4/2/1920 Lenoir Co.                    4/2/1920 Lenoir Co.                              Isaac Williams              NC               Bertha Lucil Williams     NC               7  331
Vause, Emma Lee                           BF  2/24/1920 Lenoir Co.                   5/28/1920                                        Thomas Vause                NC               Lucy Foy                  NC               7  332
Cox, Pearl                                BF  abt 22 Lenoir Co.                      11/22/1919 Lenoir Co.                            James Lawson                Lenoir Co.       Rosa Davis                Lenoir Co.       7  334
Howard, Rosabell                          WF  9/27/1920 Lenoir Co.                   9/27/1920 Family Burial Ground Lenoir Co.        Carl Howard                 Lenoir, Co       Tiffany Hill              Lenoir, Co       7  335
Dillahunt, Lina                           BF  9/3/1915 Jones Co.                     12/22/1920 Lenoir CO.                            John Dillahunt              NC               Ellen Bell                NC               7  336
Dillahunt, (Infant)                       BM  1/2/1920 Lenoir Co.                    1/4/1920 Lenoir Co.                              Amos Dillahunt              NC               Nannie Lawson             NC               7  337
Heath, (Infant)                           WM  1 day Lenoir Co.                       Woodington Township                              Loyd Heath                  Lenoir, Co       Mamie Davenport           Deep Run         7  339
Taylor, Nannie Mae                            1891                                   10/9/1919 Family Burial Ground                   S.S. Taylor                 Pink Hill        Nannie C. Hill            Woodington       7  340
Tyndal, Mary                              WF  70 yrs 7 mths Pink Hill                3/16/1920 Tyndal Burying Ground                  Parker Howard               Lenoir, Co       Mandy Howard              Lenoir, Co       7  341
Tyndall, Milton                           WM  1/6/1913 Pink Hill                     3/5/1920 Tyndall Graveyard                       Junie C. Tyndal             Pink Hill        Fletta Howard             Pink Hill        7  342
Heath, Harold Loyd                        WM  1 day Lenoir Co.                       12/19/1920 Woodington Township                   Loy Heath                   Lenoir, Co       Mamie Davenport           Lenoir, Co       7  343
Rhodes, Mary Susan                        WF  34 yrs Duplin Co.                      7/20/1920 Jones Co.                              Wick Deal                   Duplin, Co       Susan Pickett             Duplin, Co       7  344
Blizzard, (Infant)                        WF  7/27/1920 Pink Hill                    7/27/1920 Family Burial Ground                   W.S. Blizzard               Pink Hill        Julia Howard              Pink Hill        7  345
Blizzard, Julia Etta                      WF  37 yrs 8 mths 14 days Pink Hill        8/6/1920 Family Burial Ground                    L.J Howard                  Pink Hill        Winifred Howard           Pink Hill        7  346
Howard, (Infant)                          WM  9/19/1920 Lenoir Co.                   9/19/1920 Family Burial Ground                   Rex Howard                  Lenoir, Co       Ellen Howard              Lenoir, Co       7  347
Worley, Nellie Ray Chambers               WF  3mths 10 days Pink Hill                10/10/1920 Davis Burial Ground                   A.J. Worley                 Pink Hill        Marinda Jones             Pink Hill        7  348
Warren, Katherine                         BF  60 yrs Pink Hill                                                                        G or T Holland              Pink Hill                                                   7  349
Grant, Frank                              WM  abt 75 Lenoir Co.                      3/6/1920 Lenoir Co.                                                                           Polly Phillips            NC               7  351
Tyson, Frank                              BM  54 yrs 1 mth 12 days Pitt Co.          4/20/1920                                        Benjamin Tyson              Greene, Co       Tama Moy                  Pitt, Co         7  352
Daughety, Martha E.                       WF  8/6/1854 Lenoir Co.                    11/23/1920 Family Cemetery                       Warrie Kilpatrick           Craven, Co       (?) Phillips              Lenoir, Co       7  353
Jenkins, (Infant)                         WM  12/7/1920 Lenoir Co.                   12/27/1920                                       Pete Jenkins                Craven, Co       Mannie Koonce             Lenoir, Co       7  354
Parker, (Infant)                          BM  Lenoir Co.                             2/2/1920                                         Roy Parker                  Lenoir, Co       Bosefell White            Duplin, Co       7  355
Dunn, Phillip                             BM  11 yrs Lenoir Co.                      3/3/1920 Lenoir Co.                              Phillip Dunn                Lenoir, Co       Lucy Morris               Jones, Co        7  356
White, Rosa Bell                          BF  4/1908 Sampson Co.                     2/10/1920 Lenoir Co.                             E.W. White                  Sampson, Co      Minnie Stevens            Sampson, Co      7  357
Howard, Alice Winiford                    WF  4/19/1837 Lenoir Co.                   4/28/1920 Pink Hill                              Calvin Ervin                Lenoir, Co                                                  7  358
Miller, Eddie Dewey                       WM  4/22/1886 Lenoir Co.                   4/20/1920 Woodington Township                    Frank Miller                Lenoir, Co       Luvenia Parker            Johnston, Co     7  359
Parker, Henry                             BM  5/27/1920 Lenoir Co.                   5/27/1920 Lenoir Co.                             John S. Parker              Lenoir, Co       Elizabeth Whitfield       Lenoir, Co.      7  360
Banks, (Infant)                           WM  2 days Lenoir Co.                      6/28/1920 Friendship Jones Co.                   Donald Banks                NC               (?) Anderson              NC               7  361
Gilles, (Infant)                          BM  4/18/1920 Kinston                      4/18/1920 At home                                Postell Gilles              Scotland, Co     Dora Staines              Monroe           7  362
Williams, Roy                             BM  1905 Jones Co.                         9/23/1920 Jones Co.                              Albert McGlen               Jones, Co        Millie Williams           Jones, Co        7  363
Foyles, Martha                            WF  abt 54 Jones Co.                       7/29/1920                                        Richard Nobles              Jones, Co        Elzara Westbrook          Jones, Co        7  364
Hoskett, Esau                             BM  abt 43 VA                              7/31/1920 Lenoir Co.                                                                                                                     7  365
Webber, Eva                               WF  40 yrs 6 mths 29 days Jones Co.        12/20/1920                                       George Cannon               Jones, Co        Bettie E. Cannon          Jones, Co        7  366
Lambert, Margret                          WF  9 mths Lenoir Co.                      3/12/1920 Lenoir Co.                             Charles Lambert             Duplin, Co       Annie Langston            Lenoir, Co       7  367
Grady, Ida                                MF  11/4/1871 Lenoir Co.                   2/11/1920 Davis Cemetery                         Curtis Tyndall              NC               Pene Davis                Lenoir, Co       7  368
Jones, Raymond Ellis                      WM  10/31/1919 Lenoir Co.                  3/21/1920 Lenoir Co.                             Bithorn A. Jones            NC               Minnie Frizzell           Greene, Co       7  369
Unknown, Name                             WF  28 yrs Duplin Co.                      3/25/1920 Duplin Co.                             John Jarman (?)             Duplin, Co       Nettie Alphin             Duplin, Co       7  370
Grady, Mary                               WF  7/11/1848 Deep Run                     5/7/1921 Deep Run                                John K. Grady               Lenoir, Co       Susan Jane Smith          Duplin, Co       7  371
Hardy, (Infant)                           WF  5/7/1920 Lenoir Co.                    5/21/1920 Holy Innocents                         W.L. Hardy Jr.              Lenoir, Co       Eula Barwick              Lenoir, Co       7  372
Hardy, Wynona                             WF  August Lenoir Co.                      5/9/1920 Holy Innocents                          J.R. Hardy                  Lenoir, Co       Bessie Oats               Lenoir, Co       7  373
Jones, (Infant)                           BF  5/20/1920 Lenoir Co.                   5/26/1920 Lenoir Co.                             Lonnie Jones                Lenoir, Co       Sarah Kornegay            NC               7  374
Whitney, (Infant)                         BM  5/8/1920 Lenoir Co.                    5/8/1920 Lenoir Co.                              Leo Whitney                 Lenoir, Co       Agnes Garner              Lenoir, Co       7  375
Witmore, Mary Weldon                      WF  12/26/1857 NC                          7/15/1920 Wood Leaf                              Thomas Hall                 NC               J.J. Hall                 NC               7  376
Jones, Frank L.                           WM  65 yrs Lenoir Co.                      11/15/1920 Holy Innocents                        G.W. Jones                  Lenoir, Co.      Martha Rouse              NC               7  377
Hines, Beatrice                           WF  30 yrs Duplin Co.                      9/30/1920 Family Cemetery Lenoir Co.             Bryant Outlaw               Duplin, Co       Nannie Williams           NC               7  378
Jones, William Otha                       WM  41 yrs 1 mth 9 days Seven Springs      9/13/1920 Holy Innocents Church                  Richard A. Jones            Lenoir, Co       Martha A. Barwick         Wayne, Co        7  379
Humphfrey, Sallie Ann                     WF  3/4/1894 Lenoir Co.                    11/17/1920 Lenoir Co.                            John Waters                 NC               Hepsy W. Smith            Lenoir, Co       7  380
Humphrey, (Infant)                        WF  Lenoir Co.                             11/17/1920 Lenoir Co.                            Edgar Humphrey              NC               Sallie Waters             NC               7  381
Powell, Lillie                            BF  1895 Lenoir Co.                        1/23/1920 Holland Cemetery                       William Powell              Lenoir, Co       Louisa Grainger           Greene, Co       7  383
Young, (?) Infant                         BM  3/1/1920 Lenoir Co.                    3/1/1920 Lenoir Co.                                                                           Carrie Young              NC               7  384
Brinson, (?) Infant                       BM  2/17/1920 Lenoir Co.                   2/17/1920                                                                                     Mary Brinson              NC               7  385
Mewborn, Sarah                            BF  3/9/1897 NC                            3/8/1920 Mewborn Cemetery                        Frank Hardy                 NC               Laura Mewborn             NC               7  386
Mewborn, Betsie                           BF  1845 Lenoir Co.                        3/26/1920 Mewborn Cemetery                       Jessie Mewborn              Lenoir, Co                                                  7  387
Dixon, Clara                              BF  25 yrs Lenoir Co.                      3/18/1920 Greene Co.                             Peter Rasberry              NC               Olivia Rasberry           NC               7  388
Dixon, (Infant)                           BM  3/17/1920 NC                           3/17/1920                                        Willie Dixon                Greene, Co       Clara Rasberry            NC               7  389
Gibbs, Mary Jane                          BF  3/5/1920 Lenoir Co.                    3/6/1920 Lenoir Co.                              Quincy Thomas               New Bern         Rosettie Gibbs            NC               7  390
Soloman, Fleet Johnson                    BM  10/7/1893 Lenoir Co.                   3/9/1920 Moore's Cemetery Kinston                Henry Solomon               Lenoir, Co       Hiana Faggins             Lenoir, Co       7  391
Washington, Johnie                        BM  3/15/1919 Lenoir Co.                   6/6/1920 Lenoir Co.                              George Washington           Lenoir, Co       Gussie Hines              Lenoir, Co       7  392
Banks, (Infant)                           BF  4/6/1920 Lenoir Co.                    4/6/1920 Parrott Cemetery                        Hanry Banks                 NC               Lovey Dixon               NC               7  393
Daughety, (Infant)                        WF  7/18/1920 Lenoir Co.                   7/18/1920                                        Elijah B. Daughety          Pamlico, Co      Rachel Lee Grier          Jones, Co        7  394
Flanagin, (Infant)                        BM  3/8/1886 Lenoir Co.                    8/16/1920 Parrott Cemetery                       Calvin Flanagin             Pitt, Co         Dollie Dixon              Pitt, Co.        7  395
Wynne, Elias                              BM  9/5/1898 Lenoir Co.                    9/6/1920 Mosley Cemetery Lenoir Co.              Elias Wynne                 Lenoir, Co       Alice Frizzelle           Greene, Co       7  396
Council, Daniel Archie                    BM  19 yrs SC                              2/24/1920 Kinston                                Thomey Council              SC               Mary J. Council           SC               7  397
Moore, George                             BM  1842 NC                                10/15/1920 Lenoir Co.                            Jack Moore                  NC               Sach Jones                NC               7  398
Humphrey, Addie May                       BF  10/14/1919 Lenoir Co.                  10/14/1920 Sand Hill                             John Humphrey               Onslow Co        Hilda Daughety            Lenoir Co.       7  399
Hines, Ida                                BF  2/1907 Lenoir Co.                      10/28/1920 Lenoir Co.                            E.D. Hines                  Pitt, Co         Minnie Wayne              Lenoir, Co       7  400
Mewborn, Eula                             BF  11/25/1898 Lenoir Co.                  11/4/1920 Lenoir Co.                             Albert Mewborn              Lenoir, Co       Jennie Blow               Pitt Co.         7  401
Heath, Annie Florence                     WF  50 yrs Greene Co.                      9/10/1920 Kinston                                Tom Worthington             Greene, Co       Hannie Lyons              Greene, Co       7  402
Smith, (Infant)                           BM  9/6/1920 NC                            9/6/1920                                         Alton Smith                 Lenoir, Co       Razena Gray               NC               7  403
Killebrew, Howard Richard                 BM  11/18/1905 Greenville                  12/1/1920 Lenoir Co.                             Howard Killebrew            Pitt, Co         Mollie Jones              Pitt, Co         7  404
Rouse, Wright                             BM  50 yrs Lenoir Co.                      11/23/1920                                       Simon Rouse                 Lenoir, Co       Eliza Rouse               Lenoir, Co       7  405
Reynolds, Herbert Quinton                 WM  2/4/1919 Lenoir Co.                    1/26/1920 Jones Co.                              L.C. Reynolds               Jones, Co.       Elizabeth M. Howell       Wayne, Co        7  407
Metts, (Infant)                           WM  1/9/1920 Lenoir Co.                    1/9/1920 Family Cemetery Jones Co.               Martin Van Buren Metts      Jones, Co.       Annie Jones Wood          Lenoir, Co       7  408
Smith, Mary Ellen                         WF  1/6/1885 Lenoir Co.                    3/5/1920 Lenoir Co.                              Andrew J. Waller            Lenoir Co.       Mariah Cummings           Texas            7  409
Moore, Henry                              BM  4/15/1920                              4/15/1920                                        Ernest Moore                Kinston          Mary Graham               Kinston          7  410
Dove, Jane                                BF  84 yrs Onslow Co.                      4/24/1920 Woodington township                    Durant Dove                 Onslow Co        Jane Dove                 Onslow, Co       7  411
Howard, Emma                              WF  9/29/1885 Lenoir Co.                   4/29/1920 Woodington township Lenoir Co.         Stephen Brown               Lenoir, Co       Nancy Nobles              Woodington       7  412
Clark, (Infant)                           BM  6/18/1920 Jones Co.                    6/18/1920 Lenoir Co.                             Henry Clark                 Jones Co.        Aizana Plummer                             7  413
Williams, Alvertia                        BF  11 mths Lenoir Co.                     4/5/1920                                         Willis Williams             Lenoir, Co       Corma Berry               Jones, Co        7  414
Hill, Ralph                               WM  5mth 14 days Woodington Township       7/19/1920                                        Arthur Hill                 Lenoir, Co       Bertie Smith              Lenoir, Co       7  415
Cox, Pressy                               BF  9/2/1873 Pitt Co.                      8/27/1920 Lenoir Co.                             Dick Taylor                 Lenoir Co.       Emma King                 Pitt, Co         7  416
Edwards, Eddie                            BM  1890 Jones Co.                         8/9/1920 Jones Co.                               William Edwards             Greene, Co       Sarah Brooks              Greene, Co       7  417
Byrd, Elizabeth                           WF  6/5/1820 Duplin Co.                    8/16/1920 Lenoir Co.                             Lewis Malpass               Lenoir, Co       Bettie Holland            Duplin, Co       7  418
Isler, Elvy                               BF  1865 Jones Co.                         8/31/1920 Jones Co.                              Primus Miller               NC               Annie McGee               NC               7  419
Grady, Lydie E.                           BF  1874 Jones, Co.                        10/5/1920 Jones Co.                                                                           Effie Hooker              Jones, Co        7  420
Taylor, (Infant)                          WM  11/21/1920 Lenoir Co.                  11/21/1920 Lenoir Co.                            Jesse Taylor                Lenoir, Co       Cannie Collins            Lenoir, Co       7  421
McArthur, John Charles                    WM  1/19/1889 Lenoir Co.                   10/9/1920 Lenoir Co.                             Henry McArthur              Lenoir, Co       Lena Cunningham           Lenoir, Co       7  422
Noble, James                              BM  1/1/1909 Lenoir Co.                    10/16/1920 Jones Co.                             Joe Noble                   Lenoir, Co       Annie Becton              Jones, Co        7  423
Edwards, Pearl                            BF  1/1/1920 Lenoir Co.                    11/16/1920 Lenoir Co.                            Eddie Edwards               Jones, Co        Eliza White               Lenoir, Co       7  424
Grady, Annie                              BF  3/11/1914                              11/18/1920 Lenoir Co.                            Robert Grady                Lenoir, Co       Cindonia Holoway          Lenoir, Co       7  425
Grady, Floyd C                            WM  5/6/1881 Lenoir Co.                    11/2/1920 Lenoir Co.                             Durham Grady                NC               Alice Kornegay            NC               7  426


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This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by
Susan Sutton Moody - smoody@suddenlink.net
With assistance Rose Sull - rsullivan@lenoircc.edu