Lenoir County, NC - Death Records Book 7 Index


NAME                                 PG NUMBER

Abbott, Charles                             11
Abbott, Joseph H.                           14
Abdallah, Eunice                             2
Aldridge, (Infant)                           8
Aldridge, Clemie Bruce Rouse                 8
Aldridge, Ida Ann                            3
Allen, James                                 3
Allen, James                                 9
Alphin, Attie May                            7
Alston, Samuel T.                           13
Bailey, Clem                                 6
Bailey, Wm. Thos. B.                         5
Banks, (Infant)                             24
Banks, (Infant)                             26
Barrow, Mary                                 4
Barrow, Millie                              19
Batchelor, (Infant)                          4
Becton, Estella                              7
Bell, John Edwin                             5
Bell, Polly Susan                            5
Berry, (Infant)                             18
Best, Jack                                  10
Best, Willis B.                             10
Bizzell, Maroland                           20
Blizzard, (Infant)                          16
Blizzard, (Infant)                          23
Blizzard, Julia Etta                        23
Braxton, James Warren Jr.                   12
Brinson, (?) Infant                         25
Brown, (Infant)                             14
Brown, Rachel                               15
Brown, Robert                                6
Brown, Thomas Bradley                        8
Bryant, David (Jr.)                          1
Bryant, Ina Lee                              3
Bryant, Mamie                               15
Buck, William Clarence                       8
Burt, Isabelle                               6
Byrd, Elizabeth                             27
Cade, Mattie                                 2
Canady, Nellie                               7
Carmond, (Infant)                           15
Carr, Esther Mae                             7
Carr, Jerry                                 11
Carver, Mittie Ann                          19
Casey, Lula Lee                             14
Causar, John                                 8
Causar, Kattie                               8
Chadwick, Bessie A                           5
Churchill, Nora Elizabeth                    4
Civils, William Thos.                        6
Clark, (Infant)                             14
Clark, (Infant)                             14
Clark, (Infant)                             27
Clark, Annie                                 2
Clark, Ruby C. (Baby Rivenbark)              7
Coleman, (Infant)                           20
Coleman, Lilly                               2
Coleman, Rova                                3
Coleman, William                             2
Collins, Sophia Jane                         6
Cornegia, Emma Mae                          11
Cornegia, Fred                              11
Council, Daniel Archie                      26
Couson, Addie                               11
Coward, Mildred                              5
Cox, Dina                                   16
Cox, Pearl                                  22
Cox, Pressy                                 27
Creech, Richard R.                           1
Curtis, Robert L.                            7
Dail, Tessie Maria                          18
Darden, Charity                             14
Darden, Hattie                              12
Daughety, (Infant)                          26
Daughety, Martha E.                         23
Daughty, Isic M                             15
Davis, (Infant)                             22
Davis, Adell                                21
Davis, Janie                                20
Davis, Lydie Elizabeth                      11
Dawson, Ann Charlotte Green                  9
Dawson, Bessie                              17
Dawson, Christeen                           19
Dawson, John W                              18
Diamond, Jennie                              5
Dillahunt, (Infant)                         22
Dillahunt, Lina                             22
Dixon, (Infant)                             25
Dixon, Ada Glenon                            1
Dixon, Clara                                25
Dixon, George                                8
Dixon, John                                 15
Doggett, Arletia                             6
Donell, Susan                               15
Dove, Jane                                  27
Dudley, Annie Mae                            5
Dudley, Jacob                                4
Duff, John (Jr.)                             2
Dunk, Annie Belle                           14
Dunn, James Wilbur                          15
Dunn, Phillip                               23
Dupree, (Infant)                             3
Dupree, Mabel Hart                           3
Dupree, Sarah J.                             6
Edmonson, Cristeen                          21
Edwards, Eddie                              27
Edwards, John R                              9
Edwards, Pearl                              28
Ellerson, Johnnie                            3
Elliot, (Infant)                            13
Ellison, Willie Earl                        17
Ervin, Tempie                                6
Everett, Eugene Dailey                      17
Exom, Lillie                                 3
Exum, Fletcher                              20
Fields, Walter Alonza                       14
Findeison, Mary Jane                         2
Flanagin, (Infant)                          26
Foster, Bettie                              12
Foye, Eugene                                19
Foyles, Martha                              24
Frederick, Emma Loucille                    16
Gardner, Francis                             9
Garham, Georgiana                            2
Gatlin, Alford                               9
Gatlin, Bethena                              6
Gibbs, Mary Jane                            26
Gibbs, Samuel                               10
Giles, Martha                               10
Gilles, (Infant)                            24
Gooding, Haddric                            21
Gooding, Nancy                              21
Grady, Annie                                28
Grady, Floyd C                              28
Grady, Ida                                  24
Grady, Johnnie Freeman                      18
Grady, Lydie E.                             28
Grady, Mary                                 24
Grady, Rubie                                18
Graham, Cally                               15
Graham, George Washington                    4
Grant, Carrie                                5
Grant, Frank                                23
Gray, Nannie Gertrude                       19
Green, Clara                                 2
Gurley, Ethel Mae                           20
Hadley, John C.                             20
Ham, John H.                                15
Ham, Martha Jean                            16
Hardy, (Infant)                             24
Hardy, James                                18
Hardy, James M                              12
Hardy, Richard                               9
Hardy, Wynona                               24
Harper, Charlie                             14
Harrell, Belle                               9
Harris, Lillie Mae                           7
Harrison, Owen Edward                       16
Hatchell, Amanda                            12
Haynes, William                             22
Heath, (Infant)                             22
Heath, Annie Florence                       26
Heath, Harold Loyd                          22
Hemby, Martha                                2
Herring, Stephen                            20
Hill, Andrew                                19
Hill, Josiah                                 7
Hill, Julia                                 13
Hill, Ralph                                 27
Hines, Beatrice                             25
Hines, Ida                                  26
Hinson, Edgar Earl                          13
Hinson, Saddie                              13
Hodges, (Infant)                            14
Hood, Leora                                 19
Hooker, Charles                              2
Hooker, Ruby                                 4
Hooper, Fannie J.                            4
Hoskett, Esau                               24
Howard, (Infant)                            23
Howard, Alice Winiford                      23
Howard, Emma                                27
Howard, Rosabell                            22
Howard, Willie May                          18
Humphfrey, Sallie Ann                       25
Humphrey, (Infant)                          25
Humphrey, Addie May                         26
Hunter, Ed                                   8
Hutchins, Martha                            12
Ipock, Sam W.                               16
Isler, Elvy                                 28
Jackson, Bonnie Dell                        14
Jackson, Matthew                            21
Jackson, Samuel Eugene                       6
Jackson, Sarah Eliza                        21
Jarman, David                                3
Jenkins, (Infant)                           23
Johnson, Mitchell                            1
Johnson, William Henry                      10
Johnson, William W.                          9
Jones, (Infant)                             24
Jones, Corinthin                            17
Jones, Etheleen                              9
Jones, Fennie                               20
Jones, Frank L.                             25
Jones, Isam                                 13
Jones, John Paul                            18
Jones, Lydia Lee                             2
Jones, Martha E.                            15
Jones, Phatney                               6
Jones, Raymond Ellis                        24
Jones, William Otha                         25
Jordan, Charles Marion                      11
Joyner, Helen                                1
Joyner, Horace R. Jr.                       11
Joyner, James Wiley                          9
Joyner, Sarah                               13
Justice, James Arthur                       17
Kelly, Mary Ellen                            8
Kennedy, Albert                              3
Kennedy, Ashley Thomas                       7
Kennedy, Walter Herbert                      5
Killebrew, Howard Richard                   27
King, Augustus                              15
King, Elias                                 12
King, Jennie Iola                           16
King, Van Buren                              4
Kittrell, Thomas                             6
Kornegay, Alex                               1
Kornegay, Eva Elizabeth                     13
Kornegay, Geo Emerley                        8
Kornegay, Nellie                            10
Kornegay, Sallie                             5
Kornegay, Zeb                                5
Lambert, Margret                            24
Lawrence, Annie M                           13
Lawrence, Oleth                             13
Levi, Alex                                   3
Lewis, Sarah Francis                         1
Lewis, Willie                                8
Lewis, Willie Franklin                       9
Locust, King                                 1
Loftin, (Infant)                             3
Loftin, Janie                                5
Lofton, Thomas                              12
Lucas, Louellen                             13
Mallison, Fannie Bynum                       1
Manley, Nannie                               3
McArthur, John Charles                      28
McNair, Annie                                6
Measley, (Infant)                           20
Mercer, Isabelle                            16
Metts, (Infant)                             27
Mewborn, Adel                               19
Mewborn, Betsie                             25
Mewborn, Eula                               26
Mewborn, Sarah                              25
Mewborne, (Infant)                          12
Miller, (Infant)                            12
Miller, Alfred                              14
Miller, Eddie Dewey                         23
Miller, Helen                               15
Mills, Cato                                  6
Mitchell, Cleon                             18
Moore, Arlanda                               1
Moore, Bessie Lee                            1
Moore, George                               26
Moore, Henry                                27
Moore, Julia                                 6
Moore, Mary                                  1
Moore, Shard Conner                         21
Morgan, Nancy                                5
Moye, Isom                                   5
Moye, Ronal McDaniel                         2
Mozingo, Mamie                              13
Mumford, David Lee                          15
Mumford, Phillis                             4
Mumford, Warreck                             3
Nantz, M. Camil                              7
Newkirk, Annie                              12
Noble, James                                28
Noble, Richard Haywood                      18
Odem, Mary Louise                            9
Parker, (Infant)                            23
Parker, Connie Lee                           9
Parker, Henry                               24
Parker, James B                              5
Pate, Harret Elizabeth                       7
Pate, Jesse                                  7
Patrick, Eleanor Mildred                     7
Patrick, Gladis                             11
Patterson, (Infant)                         16
Paylor, (Infant)                             6
Pelletier, R.L.                             20
Perry, Euther                               10
Peyton, Francis E.                          17
Peyton, William E.                          17
Phillip, Sarah E                             4
Phillips, Ed                                 6
Phillips, Georgeanna                         4
Phillips, Georgehana                         4
Porter, Willie                               5
Powell, (Infant) (?)                        17
Powell, (Infant) (?)                        17
Powell, John                                10
Powell, Lillie                              17
Powell, Lily                                25
Pritchard, Thomas Henry                     10
Rantz, Eliza                                 7
Redding, Sarah Francis                       4
Reed, George W. (Jr.)                        8
Register, Sallie                             4
Reynolds, Herbert Quinton                   27
Rhem, Alonza                                 8
Rhem, Sarah                                 11
Rhodes, Mary Susan                          23
Rich, Daniel                                11
Rider, William Gibson                       10
Roberts, Will A.                             3
Robinson, Margaret                          17
Rouse, J.R.                                 20
Rouse, Martha                               11
Rouse, Mary E                               14
Rouse, Wright                               27
Russell, Addie                              12
Sanders, Emma                               17
Sanderson, (Infant)                          8
Scott, Henry                                15
Shepherd, Charles Edward                     1
Simpkins, Rosa Lee                           8
Smith, (Infant)                             19
Smith, (Infant)                             26
Smith, Charley                              16
Smith, Mary Ellen                           27
Smith, Mattine                               4
Smith, Mollie Cambell                        9
Soloman, Fleet Johnson                      26
Solomon, William Arthur                      5
Spence, Borden                               6
Spencer, Jessie                             18
Stallings, June Bruce                        2
Stone, (Infant)                              8
Stroud, Annie Bell                          18
Stroud, Jefferson Devon                      1
Sugg, George L.                             11
Summerlin, Sarah Elizabeth                   4
Surmons, Annie                              10
Sutton, (Infant)                            15
Sutton, (Infant)                            19
Sutton, Grover Edward                       19
Sutton, John                                 3
Sutton, Richard                             18
Tate, Sylvanus                              16
Taylor, (Infant)                            28
Taylor, Embly                               18
Taylor, Judeth D.                           19
Taylor, Lillian                             17
Taylor, Mary                                11
Taylor, Nannie Mae                          22
Taylor, Pattie Aldridge                      1
Taylor, Peggy Ann                           21
Thompson, Moses Anderson                     7
Thompson, Thelma Lee                        10
Tilghman, Paul Junior                       19
Tull, Ernest Rountree                        2
Turnage, Heber                              15
Turnage, Mabel                              11
Turner, Earl                                 9
Tuton, Sallie                                4
Tyndal, Mary                                22
Tyndall, Milton                             22
Tyson, Frank                                23
Unknown, Name                               24
Vause, Emma Lee                             22
Wade, James Calvin                          17
Walker, Ferby                                4
Warren, Katherine                           23
Washington, George                           9
Washington, Johnie                          26
Waters, Lonnie                               2
Waters, Robert                              21
Webber, Eva                                 24
West, (Infant)                              14
West, Annie                                 10
Whitaker, Fannie P.                          7
White, Rosa Bell                            23
White, Thomas                                3
Whitfield, (Infant)                          3
Whitfield, Mary                             16
Whitfield, Roland                            8
Whitney, (Infant)                           25
Wiggins, (Infant)                           20
Wiggins, Julia                               5
Williams, (Infant)                          21
Williams, Alvertia                          27
Williams, Blanche                           21
Williams, Carry Mae Lousil                  22
Williams, Christine                         21
Williams, Elsie (Smith, Mabel Toller)        9
Williams, Henry                              2
Williams, Lucile                            12
Williams, Roy                               24
Williams, Roy Wesley                         8
Williams, Susana                            10
Wilson, George Leon                         10
Witmore, Mary Weldon                        25
Wood, Ben                                   20
Wood, Leah                                  12
Wooten, Emmer Sanders                       21
Wooten, Julia Holderness                     3
Wooten, Thomas                               1
Worley, Nellie Ray Chambers                 23
Wynne, Elias                                26
Young, (?) Infant                           25
Young, Jacob                                16


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