Lenoir County, NC - Death Records Book 6 Index


      NAME                              PG #

Addams, Lillie                          21
Adkins, James Paul                      2
Albritton, Ida                          1
Aldridge, Clarence                      26
Aldridge, Harrett                       26
Anderson, George F.                     18
Andrews, Maggie May                     1
Askew, James Lee                        27
Askew, Roasilee                         15
Askew, Susan                            23
Baggett, Hiram                          18
Bailey, Annie Rebie                     5
Baker, George                           23
Baker, Willie Eddie                     23
Ballard, Viola                          23
Banks, (Infant)                         3
Barden, Mattie Belle                    7
Barnes, Sarah                           13
Barnett, Benjam Thomas                  6
Barwick, Nancy Ann                      5
Basden, Lilie                           2
Battle, Cleo                            6
Beasley, Caroline                       28
Becton, Perlie May                      28
Becton, Prudy Caroline                  19
Bell, Bettie                            6
Bell, Julia                             20
Benton, Emanuel                         26
Benton, W. R.                           22
Bert, Earlie Lee                        21
Best, Mary                              19
Black, James William                    3
Blackledge, Nelson Leroy                12
Borden, Charlie Edwards                 10
Boykin, Cornelius                       10
Bright, (Infant)                        28
Bright, Richard                         20
Brigmon, Elijah Lee                     26
Brigmon, Jossie                         25
Brooks, Geo.                            15
Brooks, Hannah                          9
Brooks, Ida                             16
Brown, (Infant)                         23
Brown, Christopher Columbus             26
Brown, Marietta Swan                    6
Brown, Mary                             5
Brown, Pennie                           5
Bryant, (Infant)                        16
Bryant, Hardy                           2
Bryant, Julia                           20
Burnett, Mary                           4
Butts, (Infant)                         9
Bynum, Eugenia Adelade                  12
Cannon, Claud                           15
Cannon, Elizabeth                       7
Caraway, Woodrow Wilson                 15
Carovan, Rosa May                       18
Casper, Mary Driver                     29
Cauley, Grace                           24
Caward, Jack                            16
Cherry, Paul Vance                      3
Clark, John Jr.                         8
Clark, Stary                            6
Cobb, Bennie                            24
Cobb, Erma                              5
Cobb, Felix                             2
Cobb, Richard Lee                       6
Cobb, Sherman (Jr.)                     28
Cobb, Theodore                          9
Cogdell, Dorthy                         8
Cogdell, Hilda Lee                      1
Cole, Bettie Susan                      19
Cole, Helen Elizabeth                   18
Cole, Joseph Stanley                    18
Colie, Noah                             17
Conner, Mabelle                         19
Cox, N. N.                              24
Cox, Theodore                           24
Cox, William David                      4
Crawford, Chas. Eddie                   1
Creech, Mary Elizabeth                  9
Croft, William Rodolph                  3
Croom, Ann Mariah                       24
Croom, Marry                            13
Cumbo, Louis Willard                    26
Cunningham, Thomas Ruffin               28
Darks, Manervia                         4
Daugherty, William Richard              25
Daughety, (Unknown name)                27
Daughety, Carius Arlington              4
Daughety, Estell (infant)               25
Davenport, Isaac                        11
Davis, Hattie                           24
Davis, Henry Tull                       24
Davis, Samuel Carr                      14
Davison, (Infant)                       1
Dawson, Asroe                           7
Dawson, Dock                            17
Dawson, Harold                          12
Dawson, John                            21
Dawson, John Arthur                     7
Dawson, Lillie Mae                      26
Dawson, Norman                          13
Dixon, (Infant)                         1
Dixon, (Infant)                         10
Dixon, (Infant)                         18
Dixon, Bessie Estella                   19
Dixon, William                          11
Dobson, Carrie                          7
Dodson, Charles Russell                 12
Dunn, (Unknown name)                    27
Edwards, Julia Bell                     17
Elmore, Joel                            17
Eubanks, (Infant)                       10
Everington, Lola Gibbs                  3
Faison, Malissie                        25
Farmer, Nellie                          3
Farow, Simann                           27
Fields, (Infant)                        20
Fields, (Infant)                        28
Fields, Annie Loura                     13
Fisher, (Infant)                        19
Fisher, Luvina                          8
Fisher, Rebecca                         2
Flanigan, Irene                         28
Foley, James Francis                    2
Forbs, Emma                             9
Ford, Chella A.                         4
Fossett, Mary E.                        12
Foye, Willie                            2
Franks, James                           8
Franks, Jas.                            7
Frizzell, Alice                         15
Frizzell, Nan                           15
Frizzell, Sarah                         27
Fuller, James                           14
Fulton, Ella                            16
Garner, Robert                          14
Garrison, Herman                        28
Gerald, Susan                           23
Gilliom, Sarah H.                       6
Glover, Bulah                           2
Gooding, (Infant)                       8
Gooding, Martha                         29
Gooding, Mary                           29
Gooding, Pogil                          24
Gooding, Virginia                       29
Gorham, Charles Harvey                  19
Grady, Andrew James                     1
Graham, (Infant)                        22
Graham, (Infant)                        22
Graham, Simon (Jr.)                     13
Grant, Stephen                          28
Gray, Iola                              21
Green, James                            26
Green, John                             26
Green, Rena                             26
Green, William                          7
Griffin, Myrtle                         23
Griffin, Sallie                         23
Grimes, Rebecca                         22
Hardison, Julia                         10
Hardy, Richard H.                       14
Hardy, Sarah E.                         15
Harper, Ed                              7
Harper, Jane                            14
Harper, John Franklin                   12
Harper, Joshua                          14
Harris, James Neal                      29
Harris, Stephen                         25
Harrison, Oliver                        3
Harvey, Catherine                       10
Haskins, Nora Cathelean                 4
Hawkins, Barby Lee                      8
Heath, Hugh Kinsey                      27
Heath, Myrtle                           27
Hemby, Adam                             11
Hicks, (Infant)                         11
Hill, Eve                               24
Hill, Ida Rhem                          25
Hill, John Bryant                       6
Hill, William                           16
Hines, J.B.                             15
Hines, James Allen                      11
Hinson, Thado                           20
Hodges, W. A. (Jr.)                     14
Holland, Allen                          9
Holland, Cherry                         13
Holland, Robie B.                       18
Holloway, David                         5
Hooker, Bettie                          11
Huggins, (Infant)                       12
Huggins, Clara Olivia                   18
Huggins, James Edward                   4
Hughes, John                            24
Hughes, Sam                             17
Hughes, Unica                           21
Humphry, Furney Lee                     20
Hunnings, James                         11
Isler, (Infant)                         9
Isler, Abram                            26
Isler, Agnes                            4
Isler, Catherine R.                     13
Jackson, Ellen                          22
Jackson, Julia                          16
Jackson, Lula Ellen                     19
Janett, Queen Easther B.                13
Jarman, Francis                         15
Jarman, Morning                         9
Jarman, Robeda                          14
Jennings, Geo. Washington               3
Jernigan, James                         10
Johnson, Ester Mae                      14
Johnson, Josiah Daniel                  6
Johnson, Sarah Ann                      26
Jones, (Infant)                         21
Jones, Annie                            13
Jones, Bertha Taylor                    6
Jones, Flossie                          13
Jones, George Elliott                   3
Jones, John Brogden                     5
Jones, Lamuel                           27
Jones, Ludie                            22
Jones, Mary Elizabeth                   16
Jones, Philip E.                        14
Jones, Rebeca                           16
Jones, Robert                           13
Jones, Roda                             27
Justice, (Infant)                       5
Kilpatrick, Jessie Pearce               25
King, Hannah                            15
King, Nancy                             20
King, Rachell                           16
King, Wiley Jackson                     4
Kinsey, Pauline                         12
Kirkpatrick, Elvira Claybrook           20
Kitrell, Charlie                        28
Kitrell, Sadie                          28
Koonce, Councle Bryant                  6
Koonce, John Council                    12
Kornegay, Nellie                        21
Langston, (Unknown name)                14
Langston, James Bryant                  4
Lanier, Glennie Mavis                   12
LaRoque, Lloyd Murphy                   3
Lawson, Pearl Cox                       25
Lee, Howard Rouse                       10
Lewis, Verta                            6
Loftin, Albert Columbus                 17
Loftin, Martha                          24
Lofton, Lena                            2
Long, Mary Elibethe                     7
Mansfield, Mildred Berry                2
Marique, Carry Mae                      8
Mattocks, Maggie                        2
McClaw, Geo. W.                         5
McCoy, (Infant)                         9
McCray, Earl                            25
McCullen, Bessie May                    15
McGehee, Louise Franklin                19
McKinne, Julia H.                       11
McKnight, Daniel                        10
Mewborn, (Infant)                       22
Mewborn, (Infant)                       23
Mewborn, Kesie                          4
Miller, Beaulah                         5
Miller, Furney                          20
Miller, Lena                            11
Mills, Arlillian                        10
Mills, Cator                            5
Mitchell, Charlie                       18
Mitchell, John                          14
Monroe, Jack                            19
Moore, Letha                            11
Moore, Mariah                           27
Morris, George Everett                  2
Morris, Lucile                          6
Morris, Willie                          25
Moseley, Lemuel Octavius (Jr.)          28
Moseley, Martha E.                      7
Moss, Will                              4
Murphy, Henry                           16
Murphy, James Eddie                     10
Murray, Gladys                          10
Nelson, Almira Abbott                   3
Nelson, Mary Ann                        5
Newkirk, (Infant)                       12
Nunn, William Henry                     23
Ormand, Eugenie Mann                    4
Parker, (Infant)                        26
Parker, Cielie Eliza                    17
Parker, Earl                            18
Parker, Jane                            4
Parker, Tonnie Ann                      10
Parsons, James Manuel                   1
Patrick, (Infant)                       3
Peace, Henry                            11
Phillipps, George Ernest                17
Phillipps, Katie Bernice                17
Phillips, Clemmie                       25
Phillips, Elizabeth                     7
Pierce, (Infant)                        7
Pierce, Nancy                           8
Pitman, Larenia Sparrow                 9
Plummer, Mary A.                        29
Plymouth, Alice Stevey Virginie         25
Pollock, (Infant)                       11
Pool, Nathan (Jr.)                      17
Pool, Rosa                              17
Porter, Eva May                         20
Powell, James William                   12
Pridgen, A. J.                          22
Purlear, Lula                           19
Rawls, (Infant)                         12
Reddick, Cattie                         8
Register, (Infant)                      1
Register, (Infant)                      2
Rhodes, William Taylor                  1
Rhyne, Ruth Esther                      19
Ricks, (Infant)                         10
Ricks, (Infant)                         10
Rider, James                            5
Roach, Jas. Walter                      1
Robinson, E. W.                         21
Rodgers, Sarah Jane                     9
Rouse, (Infant)                         22
Rouse, Donie May                        28
Rouse, Jane                             7
Rouse, Mary Ethel                       16
Rouse, Maud                             3
Rouse, Simeon                           8
Rouse, Virginie                         15
Royall, Clarence Eliott                 20
Sanders, Louise                         19
Savage, Helen Inez                      6
Scott, Simon                            2
Sewell, Etta Mae                        12
Sheppard, Jno. Henry                    6
Sheppard, Joseph Sidney                 5
Short, (Infant)                         1
Simmons, Pearl                          11
Simmons, Willie                         27
Skins, Susan                            24
Smith, Annie                            9
Smith, Arthur James                     5
Smith, Charlie Cecil                    17
Smith, James                            11
Smith, Leroy                            1
Smith, Lula Mae                         12
Smith, Marthia Oliva                    22
Smith, Rosebud                          8
Smith, Willie T.                        21
Sparrow, John Henry                     20
Speight, Mary                           9
Spence, James Henry                     24
Stanley, Alvenia                        3
Stillwell, (Infant)                     24
Stroud, Catherine Carter                1
Stroud, Julian Fletcher                 29
Stroud, Ora May                         19
Suggs, Zylphia Jane                     12
Sutton, (Infant)                        8
Sutton, Andrew Jackson                  7
Sutton, Catherine                       23
Sutton, Hattie                          16
Sutton, Marvin Edward                   21
Sutton, N. G.                           13
Sutton, Sylvia                          2
Sutton, Tabby                           27
Sutton, William Henry                   25
Swinson, Gretchie Lee                   4
Taylor, (Infant)                        9
Taylor, (Infant)                        23
Taylor, Alma Lee                        6
Taylor, Charly                          15
Taylor, Elias Manel                     26
Taylor, Isaac Green                     28
Taylor, Mamie                           3
Taylor, Marion Lee                      16
Taylor, Nancy Blangley                  16
Thigpen, William Gray                   2
Thomas, Bettie Carolina                 8
Timberlake, (Infant)                    7
Timberlake, Leola                       8
Toler, (Infant)                         20
Toler, Abb (Jr.)                        20
Toler, Sallie Whitley                   8
Turnage, Blanchie                       11
Turnage, Rachel                         18
Turner, Addie May                       28
Turner, Joesiah                         9
Tyndall, A. G.                          29
Underwood, June                         1
Wainright, Thurman Belmont              4
Wainwright, Claud                       3
Waller, Sarah                           29
Waller, William Haywood                 29
Watson, William Henry                   3
Webb, Ella Jordan                       1
West, Richard Bryan                     10
West, Robert Lewis                      25
Westbrook, Nannie                       27
White, (infant)                         11
White, (Infant)                         27
White, (Infant)                         27
White, James Leo                        9
White, Robert                           5
White, Victoria                         29
Whitehurst, Sarah Francis               7
Whitfield, Joe                          24
Whitfield, Ann                          25
Whitfield, Tom                          21
Whitley, Harry Pridgen                  18
Whittell, Carrie Pearl                  21
Wiggins, Major                          4
Williams, (Infant)                      13
Williams, (Infant)                      23
Williams, Addie                         12
Williams, Ben Arthur                    8
Williams, Bradley                       7
Williams, Dolphia                       6
Williams, Elizza                        29
Williams, Loni Ann                      21
Williams, Marry                         14
Williams, Mary Wooten                   23
Wills, (Infant)                         22
Wood, Effie                             11
Wood, Virginia                          9
Wooten, Excline                         22
Wooten, Halpha                          14
Wooten, Jonie                           24
Wooten, Nathan Bryan                    20
Wooten, Saddie                          5
Wooten, Vadis                           10
Worley, Thomas Fredrick                 8
Worthington, Blanche Bell               2
Worthington, Lady Bird                  19
Worthington, William Thomas             18
Wynn, Simroe                            18


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This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by
Susan Moody - smoody@suddenlink.net
With assistance from Rose Sullivan