1840 Call for arms from Quarter Master General's Office, Florida Militia

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      These articles were published in "The Floridian", Tallahassee, Florida, 
8 Aug 1840. Copies are available on microfilm at the Florida State Library in 
Tallahassee and the University of Florida in Gainesville.

Tallahassee, Florida, July 8th 1840

FELLOW CITIZENS -- I am instructed by His Excellency Robert Raymond Reid to 
proceed to collect all the Muskets, Rifles, Shot Guns and Accoutrements that 
may have been delivered to you by my predecessor. Those who are in posession 
of such as belong to the Territory are requested to deliver them to the 
undersigned or to his agent at his Office forthwith. The immediate return of 
the above mentioned arms is required for the defence of the frontier and 
further prosecution of the war against the savage lot.
   It is to be hoped that this call upon you will not be made in vain.
Respectfully, your obt. servt.

                      JOHN B. COLLINS
                      Quarter Master General


Adjutant General's Office,
Tallahassee, Florida, July 5th, 1840
General Order - no. 10.
   The officers commanding Regiments in the Militia of this Territory will 
transmit to this offica a list of the names of the Commissioned Officers in 
their respective commands, together with the dates of their appointments.
   By order of His Excellency, Gov., R.R. Reid, Commander-in-Chief.
                      JNO. GRAHAM,
                      Adjt. and Insp. Genl. F.M.