Leon County FlArchives Military Records.....Army Enlistees Names JONES  - MOORE 
WWII - Enlistment 
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Army Enlistees Names JONES  - MOORE
                                                                                                   DATE OF ENLISTMENT                                                                                                         YEAR OF
ARMY SERIAL NUMBER    NAME                         PLACE OF ENLISTMENT                             DAY                  MONTH    YEAR  GRADE                       BRANCH                        NATIVITY                     BIRTH    COMPONENT OF THE ARMY
34403111              JONES ALVIN G                CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             23                   9        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34995598              JONES BOOKER T                                                               1                    12       45    Private First Class         Quartermaster Corps           FLORIDA                      23       Regular Army
34541572              JONES BURK L JR              CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             28                   1        43    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34799759              JONES CLARENCE L SR          CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             30                   12       43    Private                     No branch assignment          MISSISSIPPI                  7        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
14025815              JONES CLYDE L                FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA                    10                   6        46    Staff Sergeant              Air Corps                     FLORIDA                      18       Regular Army
34051777              JONES CORNELIUS              WILMINGTON DELAWARE                             26                   11       45    Private                     Quartermaster Corps           FLORIDA                      21       Regular Army
34787248              JONES FREDDIE L              CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             16                   6        43    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      11       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
14028165              JONES GEORGE H               FT SCREVEN GEORGIA                              28                   11       40    Private                     Field Artillery               ALABAMA                      17       Regular Army
44005224              JONES HORACE B               CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             22                   8        44    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      23       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34056356              JONES IRA L                  CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             20                   8        41    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
44114550              JONES JEFF W                 KEARNS UTAH                                     1                    2        46    Private First Class         Air Corps                     GEORGIA                      27       Regular Army
34547870              JONES JERRY D                CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             10                   3        43    Private                     No branch assignment          ALABAMA                      24       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34972543              JONES JESSE B SR             FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA                    20                   3        44    Private                     No branch assignment          GEORGIA                      14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34992225              JONES JOHN P                 FT BENNING GEORGIA                              23                   6        44                                No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      26       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34023641              JONES JOHN R                 CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             19                   2        41    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      10       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34053021              JONES LEROY                  CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             28                   5        41    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34204561              JONES LEWIS JR               CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             5                    5        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         ALABAMA                      17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34972653              JONES MERIDA L               FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA                    21                   3        44    Private                     No branch assignment          GEORGIA                      14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34531977              JONES OZELLE                 CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             23                   11       42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34549599              JONES RILEY                  CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             11                   12       45    Private First Class         Quartermaster Corps           FLORIDA                      10       Regular Army
34791075              JONES RUBIN                  CP STONEMAN PITTSBURG CALIFORNIA                16                   11       45    Private First Class         No branch assignment          GEORGIA                      23       Regular Army
34787068              JONES SIDNEY J               CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             12                   6        43    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34531903              JONES TOM                    CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             22                   11       42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      5        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34793096              JONES W B                    CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             17                   9        43    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      9        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34980728              JONES WALTER P               FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA                    26                   4        44    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34955369              JOYNER ALBERT                FT BENNING GEORGIA                              3                    4        44    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      11       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34530858              JOYNER EUGENE T              CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             17                   11       42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34208361              JOYNER JOHN F                CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             29                   6        42                                Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
14076779              KARY WILLIAM W               JACKSONVILLE FLORIDA                            12                   3        42    Private                     Air Corps                     FLORIDA                      21       Army of the United States
34050476              KEATON PERRY                 CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             22                   3        41    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         GEORGIA                      19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34934423              KEIGANS JAMES D              CP SWIFT BASTROP TEXAS                          14                   11       45    Private First Class         Infantry                      FLORIDA                      25       Regular Army
34946809              KELLER FRED M                FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA                    19                   5        44    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12078998              KELLEY ALBERT S              FT TOTTEN NEW YORK                              2                    4        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         ALABAMA                      9        Army of the United States
34934392              KELLEY CARROLL E                                                             31                   1        46    Private First Class         Corps of Military Police      FLORIDA                      20       Regular Army
44108812              KELLEY CLIFFORD L            CP PICKETT BLACKSTONE VIRGINIA                  15                   11       45    Private First Class         No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      26       Regular Army
34057602              KELLEY JOE J                 CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             10                   10       41    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
44050080              KELLEY PARKE T               FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA                    26                   4        44    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
14145497              KELLY HAYWOOD C              FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA                    8                    6        46    Private                     Corps of Engineers            FLORIDA                      28       Regular Army
14182877              KELLY HOWARD C               BAINBRIDGE AAF GEORGIA                          31                   10       42    Private                     Air Corps                     FLORIDA                      12       Army of the United States
34546482              KENNEDY WADE H               CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             27                   2        43    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         SOUTH CAROLINA               6        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34007645              KERR LEROY                   CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             24                   1        41    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34544126              KESTNER WILLIAM N            CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             17                   2        43    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         TENNESSEE                    23       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34249604              KEY DAVID W                  CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             28                   8        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         GEORGIA                      13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34206391              KIDD JAMES M                 CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             3                    6        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         PENNSYLVANIA                 13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34053082              KILLINGS HAYWOOD JR          CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             28                   5        41    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         GEORGIA                      15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34533580              KIMBLE CLARENCE              CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             1                    12       42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         GEORGIA                      18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
14152685              KINARD RALPH E               BAINBRIDGE AAF GEORGIA                          21                   10       42    Private                     Air Corps                     FLORIDA                      15       Army of the United States
34541957              KING HARRY C                 CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             1                    2        43    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
44154310              KING ROOSEVELT               FT BENNING GEORGIA                              22                   2        46    Private                     Medical Department            GEORGIA                      27       Regular Army
34208405              KING VIRGIL R                CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             30                   6        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         GEORGIA                      14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
14005640              KING WILLIS D                MONTGOMERY ALABAMA                              6                    8        40    Private                     Air Corps                     FLORIDA                      22       Regular Army
A-411024              KINNEY JESSIE H              JACKSONVILLE FLORIDA                            5                    2        43                                Women's Army Corps            VIRGINIA                     19       Women's Army Corps
14173525              KINNEY THOMAS I              MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA                             9                    11       42    Private                     Air Corps                     FLORIDA                      23       Reserves
34547866              KINSEY WORTHIE E             CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             10                   3        43    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      24       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
14076551              KIRKPATRICK JOHN C JR        JACKSONVILLE FLORIDA                            19                   1        42    Aviation Cadet              Air Corps                     GEORGIA                      15       Army of the United States
34783534              KIRSTEIN LEROY M             CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             26                   5        43    Private                     No branch assignment          TENNESSEE                    23       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34910608              KITCHEN OSCAR E              CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             13                   1        44    Private                     No branch assignment          TENNESSEE                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
35079817              KLINGLESMITH ELMER B         FT THOMAS NEWPORT KENTUCKY                      7                    4        44    Private                     No branch assignment          KENTUCKY                     13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34247333              KNIGHT EDDIE                 CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             14                   8        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      7        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
44112084              KNIGHT LUCIEN                CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             12                   6        45    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      26       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34059042              KNIGHT MACK A                CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             18                   11       41                                Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34206987              KNIGHT ROBERT JR             CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             10                   6        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
44113178              KNIGHT WILLIE H              CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             5                    7        45    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      26       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34543323              KNIGHT WILLIS                CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             10                   2        43    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      24       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34781609              KNIGHTS ARZIE L              CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             10                   4        43    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
14202876              KNOWLES HENRY A              FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA                    16                   8        44    Private                     Air Corps                     FLORIDA                      26       Reserves
44109716              KNOWLES TOM J                CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             20                   4        45    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34995652              KNOX JERRY JR                FT BENNING GEORGIA                              6                    11       44    Private                     No branch assignment          GEORGIA                      22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34538328              KNOX OSCAR J                 CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             30                   12       42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         ALABAMA                      13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
14169247              KNOX WILLIAM B               FT JACKSON COLUMBIA SOUTH CAROLINA              16                   1        46    Private First Class         Corps of Engineers            FLORIDA                      27       Regular Army
34539491              KOELLIKER GEORGE P JR        CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             9                    1        43    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         OHIO                         22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34066339              KOONCE JEFFERSON C           FT BENNING GEORGIA                              31                   1        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34943487              KYLER EDWARD T               FT BENNING GEORGIA                              24                   5        44    Private                     No branch assignment          LOUISIANA                    26       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
14088093              LA SHELLE GEORGE K           CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             4                    4        46    Master Sergeant             Air Corps                     ILLINOIS                     22       Regular Army
34249511              LAING THOMAS E               CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             28                   8        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      0        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34788307              LAJOIE CHARLES H             CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             24                   6        43    Private                     No branch assignment          MASSACHUSETTS                5        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34245042              LAMB FRAVK                   CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             1                    8        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34972730              LAMB MARION D SR             FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA                    21                   3        44    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      11       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
14173653              LAMB RICHARD                 CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             16                   12       43                                Air Corps                     FLORIDA                      25       Reserves
14182859              LAMB WILLIAM C               BAINBRIDGE AAF GEORGIA                          31                   10       42    Private                     Air Corps                     FLORIDA                      8        Army of the United States
34408970              LAMBERT NOLAN                CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             3                    11       42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         LOUISIANA                    22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
44005231              LAMBERT ROBERT               CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             22                   8        44    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      25       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34799187              LAMBERT RUBIN                CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             22                   12       43    Private                     No branch assignment          GEORGIA                      12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42147344              LAMBERT VANCE E              FT DIX NEW JERSEY                               30                   6        44    Private                     No branch assignment          CANADA                       18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34409023              LAMBERT WILLIAM O            CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             2                    11       42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
44110270              LANDERS CALVIN M             FT JACKSON COLUMBIA SOUTH CAROLINA              17                   11       45    Private First Class         Quartermaster Corps           FLORIDA                      25       Regular Army
34051753              LANDERS JAMES JR             CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             26                   4        41    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34204618              LANE EDDIE                   CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             5                    5        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
44113474              LANGSTON CALVIN C            FT KNOX KENTUCKY                                22                   12       45    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      26       Regular Army
34055196              LANGSTON GOLDEN              CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             15                   7        41    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         GEORGIA                      16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34780445              LANGSTON LEROY               MEADVILLE PENNSYLVANIA                          30                   11       45    Technician 5th Grade        Signal Corps                  FLORIDA                      21       Regular Army
44113527              LANGSTON WILLIAM W           FRANKLIN INDIANA                                22                   1        46    Private First Class         Infantry                      FLORIDA                      26       Regular Army
34546678              LANIER CHARLES A JR          CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             27                   2        43    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         GEORGIA                      6        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
14239357              LARISEY CARL                 FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA                    18                   9        46    Private                     Transportation Corps          FLORIDA                      28       Regular Army
34244916              LARKINS GEORGE R             CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             31                   7        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      6        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
14081913              LARRIMORE WILLIAM D          CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             21                   5        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      9        Army of the United States
34055767              LAWHON HERMAN E              CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             9                    8        41    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
14000229              LAWHON JAMES H               CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             17                   10       45    Private First Class         Infantry                      FLORIDA                      20       Regular Army
34057617              LAWHON ROBERT W              CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             10                   10       41    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34408960              LAWHON SHELTON C             CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             2                    11       42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
14175071              LAWHON WILLIAM E             BAINBRIDGE AAF GEORGIA                          28                   10       42    Private                     Air Corps                     FLORIDA                      22       Army of the United States
34053710              LAWRENCE FREEMAN D           CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             13                   6        41    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
44114152              LAWRENCE JAMES A             FT LEWIS WASHINGTON                             22                   1        46    Private                     Corps of Military Police      FLORIDA                      26       Regular Army
34541575              LAWRENCE SAMUEL M            CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             28                   1        43    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      23       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34549503              LAWRENCE SOLOMON JR          CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             26                   3        43    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      24       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34242325              LC CLOUU ESCOE B             CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             7                    3        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         ALABAMA                      11       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34541653              LEE EARL                     TAMPA FLORIDA                                   27                   12       45    Technician 5th Grade        Field Artillery               GEORGIA                      23       Regular Army
34788308              LEE JOHN C SR                CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             24                   6        43    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      6        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34831398              LEE RICHARD P                FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA                    10                   11       43    Private                     No branch assignment          GEORGIA                      12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34541010              LEE WILLIAM E                CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             22                   1        43    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      23       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34922078              LEGARE MARVIN L              CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             17                   1        44    Private                     Air Corps                     MARYLAND                     17       Reserves
34401602              LELAND JUDSON                CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             11                   9        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      10       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34204554              LEON LONNIE                  CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             5                    5        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34245540              LEONARD BENJAMIN F           CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             5                    8        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34056367              LESTER CHARLES C             CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             20                   8        41    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         GEORGIA                      13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34242335              LESTER JOHN W                CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             7                    3        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         WEST VIRGINIA                14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34784250              LETT CECIL O SR              CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             6                    5        43    Private                     No branch assignment          ALABAMA                      17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
14120714              LETT ROY E                   ORLANDO AIR BASE FLORIDA                        9                    7        42    Private                     Air Corps                     ALABAMA                      19       Army of the United States
34053037              LEVEN JOHN W                 CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             28                   5        41    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
14059252              LEVERETTE JOHN C JR          DALE MABRY FIELD TALLAHASSEE FLORIDA            9                    1        42    Private                     Air Corps                     NEW YORK                     19       Army of the United States
34789758              LEVINS JOSEPH H              MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA                             7                    8        43    Private                     Air Corps                     FLORIDA                      20       Reserves
44006371              LEVY WILLIAM E               CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             28                   9        44    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      10       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34538327              LEWIS BENJAMIN R             CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             30                   12       42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34542495              LEWIS EMORY                  CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             4                    2        43    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      25       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
44117496              LEWIS ERNEST                 CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             6                    3        46    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      27       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34786853              LEWIS EUGENE T               CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             10                   6        43    Private                     No branch assignment          SOUTH CAROLINA               9        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
14059219              LEWIS GEORGE C JR            DALE MABRY FIELD TALLAHASSEE FLORIDA            5                    9        41                                Air Corps                     FLORIDA                      16       Regular Army
34794799              LEWIS GROVER C JR            CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             23                   10       43    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      24       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34798245              LEWIS JOHN Q                 CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             10                   12       43    Private                     No branch assignment          GEORGIA                      15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
14002442              LEWIS WILLIAM J              DAYTON OHIO                                     8                    10       46    Staff Sergeant              Air Corps                     FLORIDA                      19       Regular Army
34408983              LEWIS WOODROW W              CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             2                    11       42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
44115003              LILY CLARENCE                FT MYER VIRGINIA                                29                   3        46    Private First Class         Cavalry                       FLORIDA                      26       Regular Army
34067152              LINDSAY CLARENCE C           FT BENNING GEORGIA                              10                   2        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34203438              LINDSEY LAWRENCE R           CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             23                   4        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34244914              LINTON GUY L                 CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             3                    11       45    Private First Class         No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      19       Regular Army
14175019              LINZY CURTIS F               BAINBRIDGE AAF GEORGIA                          26                   10       42    Private                     Air Corps                     FLORIDA                      17       Army of the United States
44064866              LISTER ALBERT                CP GORDON JOHNSTON CARRABELLE FLORIDA           21                   11       45    Private First Class         Quartermaster Corps           TEXAS                        11       Regular Army
34781401              LITTLE FREDERICK             CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             9                    4        43    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      25       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
A-406695              LLOYD ROSE                   TALLAHASSEE FLORIDA                             21                   4        44    Private                     Women's Army Corps            LOUISIANA                    17       Women's Army Corps
14182825              LOCKE CLAUDE E               BAINBRIDGE AAF GEORGIA                          31                   10       42                                Air Corps                     ALABAMA                      17       Army of the United States
34067171              LOCKWOOD NATHANIEL C         FT BENNING GEORGIA                              11                   2        42    Private                                                   FLORIDA                      16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34544239              LODGE THOMAS L JR            CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             17                   2        43    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         GEORGIA                      24       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34245682              LOFTON ROBERT                CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             5                    8        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      5        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34542481              LONDON ROBERT P              CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             4                    2        43    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         GEORGIA                      24       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34531584              LONG DAVI                    MEDIA PENNSYLVANIA                              23                   11       45    Corporal                    Quartermaster Corps           FLORIDA                      23       Regular Army
34534718              LONG JAMES E                 CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             8                    12       42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
14002462              LONG JOSEPH R JR             MAXWELL FIELD MONTGOMERY ALABAMA                11                   10       46    Technical Sergeant          Air Corps                     FLORIDA                      20       Regular Army
20421045              LONG MARVIN J                TALLAHASSEE FLORIDA                             25                   11       40    Private                     Infantry                      FLORIDA                      12       National Guard
14202884              LOVE JAMES P JR              BUCKLEY FIELD DENVER COLORADO                   8                    12       45    Private First Class         No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      26       Regular Army
34911043              LOVETT WILLIE                CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             25                   1        44    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34787232              LOWRY THEODORE R             CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             16                   6        43    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34544143              MAC DONALD MALCOLM D         CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             17                   2        43                                Warrant Officers, USA                                      23       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20421001              MAC LEAN WILLIAM C           CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             23                   10       43    Private                     No branch assignment          ALABAMA                      20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
6969152               MACLEAN CLARENCE E                                                           22                   11       39                                                              ALABAMA                      55       Regular Army
34540520              MACON WILLIE A               CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             19                   1        43    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34546465              MADDOX JAMES R               CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             27                   2        43    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         MICHIGAN                     24       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
44115005              MADDOX SANFORD JR            CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             10                   9        45    Private                     No branch assignment          GEORGIA                      27       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
A-411112              MADDOX VIRGINIA C            JACKSONVILLE FLORIDA                            7                    4        43                                Women's Army Corps            GEORGIA                      19       Women's Army Corps
34955347              MADISON MITCHELL             FT BENNING GEORGIA                              3                    4        44    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      10       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
44112177              MADISON PHILIP H             CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             13                   6        45    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      26       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34541580              MADRY ISHMAL                 MEADVILLE PENNSYLVANIA                          28                   11       45    Private First Class         Chemical Warfare Service      FLORIDA                      22       Regular Army
34788314              MAIGE ROBERT G               CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             24                   6        43    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34023647              MALOY ROBERT P               CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             19                   2        41    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34240663              MALOY TALMAGE                CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             12                   2        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34796121              MALPHURS JAMES F             SHELBYVILLE INDIANA                             4                    12       45    Private First Class         No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      25       Regular Army
34972737              MANER MAJOR S                FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA                    21                   3        44    Private                     No branch assignment          NORTH CAROLINA               10       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34544133              MANER WILLIAM W              CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             17                   2        43    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      24       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34543318              MANNINGS ALFRED              CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             10                   2        43    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      24       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
19099456              MANSFIELD WILLIAM J          MARCH FLD RIVERSIDE CALIFORNIA                  19                   10       45    Staff Sergeant              Air Corps                     NEBRASKA                     21       Regular Army
34792888              MANUCY ROBERT J              CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             11                   9        43    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20420988              MAPOLES WILLIAM H JR         DALE MABRY FIELD TALLAHASSEE FLORIDA            2                    4        42    Private                     Air Corps                     FLORIDA                      17       Army of the United States
44111643              MARCUS LOUIS L               CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             2                    6        45    Private                     No branch assignment          MISSOURI                     8        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34057606              MARKHAM CLIFFORD J           CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             10                   10       41    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34946787              MARKS WILBURN T              FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA                    19                   5        44    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34530969              MARSDEN REUBEN S             CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             17                   11       42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20420986              MARSH JAMES W                TALLAHASSEE FLORIDA                             25                   11       40    Sergeant                    Infantry                      ALABAMA                      16       National Guard
34788321              MARSHALL AQUILA J JR         CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             24                   6        43    Private                     No branch assignment          NORTH CAROLINA               24       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34406613              MARSHBURN EDWARD R           CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             15                   10       42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34444792              MARTIN EDWARD W              FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA                    1                    5        43    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34536032              MARTIN HANSFORD C            CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             17                   12       42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         GEORGIA                      6        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
44112087              MARTIN HYMAN L               SANTA MARIA AAF CALIFORNIA                      12                   12       45    Private First Class                                       FLORIDA                      26       Regular Army
14059225              MARTIN VAN B                 DALE MABRY FIELD TALLAHASSEE FLORIDA            17                   10       41    Private                     Air Corps                     FLORIDA                      20       Regular Army
14145858              MARTIN WALLACE G             FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA                    28                   6        46    Private                     No branch assignment          GEORGIA                      23       Regular Army
34055812              MASH WILLIAM R               CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             13                   8        41    Private                     Air Corps                     FLORIDA                      17       Regular Army
34785957              MASON CHARLES W              CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             31                   5        43    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      23       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12226007              MASON SAMUEL                 NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                          26                   6        43    Private                                                                                22       Women's Army Corps
7005059               MATSON ALBERT H                                                              18                   1        40                                                              FLORIDA                      45       Regular Army
A-406894              MATTHEWS DORIS E             TALLAHASSEE FLORIDA                             22                   3        45    Private                     Women's Army Corps            FLORIDA                      23       Women's Army Corps
34203891              MATTHEWS RICHARD             CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             25                   4        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         ALABAMA                      10       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34549593              MATTHEWS SAMMY J             CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             26                   3        43    Private                     No branch assignment          ALABAMA                      21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
33543108              MATTHEWS WILLIAM J JR        RICHMOND VIRGINIA                               29                   10       43    Private                     No branch assignment          VIRGINIA                     25       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34946783              MATTICE ROYAL SR             FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA                    19                   5        44    Private                     No branch assignment          OHIO                         12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34799750              MATTOX JULIAN W              CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             30                   12       43    Private                     No branch assignment          GEORGIA                      11       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
A-406808              MATTOX MARY K                TALLAHASSEE FLORIDA                             13                   10       44    Private                     Women's Army Corps            MISSISSIPPI                  22       Women's Army Corps
20421046              MATTOX ORVILLE A             TALLAHASSEE FLORIDA                             25                   11       40    Private                     Infantry                      GEORGIA                      16       National Guard
34403119              MAUND JAMES A                CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             23                   9        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
14182861              MAY JACK T                   BAINBRIDGE AAF GEORGIA                          31                   10       42    Private                     Air Corps                     GEORGIA                      8        Army of the United States
14088141              MAY JAMES B                  CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             10                   4        46    Private                     Air Corps                     GEORGIA                      22       Regular Army
34057713              MAY WILBER R                 CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             13                   10       41                                Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34784256              MAYER KARL R                 CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             6                    5        43    Private                     No branch assignment          PENNSYLVANIA                 10       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
14082613              MAYHEW CHARLES C             CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             21                   7        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      4        Army of the United States
34531145              MAYO DEMPSEY B JR            CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             23                   4        43    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      9        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34054029              MC BRIDE VICTOR              CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             16                   6        41    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20421048              MC CARTNEY CHARLES L         TALLAHASSEE FLORIDA                             25                   11       40    Private                     Infantry                      GEORGIA                      21       National Guard
20421050              MC CARTNEY FRED F            TALLAHASSEE FLORIDA                             25                   11       40    Private                     Infantry                      MISSOURI                     20       National Guard
34972747              MC CARTNEY GEORGE M JR       FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA                    21                   3        44    Private                     No branch assignment          MISSOURI                     12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34798247              MC CLARY BENJAMIN F          CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             10                   12       43    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34536619              MC CLINTOCK CHARLES S        CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             20                   12       42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         WEST VIRGINIA                12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34053015              MC CLINTON WILLIAM           CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             28                   5        41    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
14152684              MC CLUNG WILBUR J SR         BAINBRIDGE AAF GEORGIA                          21                   10       42    Private                     Air Corps                     WEST VIRGINIA                0        Army of the United States
34794796              MC COLLUM JAMES E            CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             23                   10       43    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34980739              MC COMB ARTHUR L             FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA                    26                   4        44    Private                     No branch assignment          OKLAHOMA                     18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34789491              MC CORD JAMES E              KEESLER FIELD BILOXI MISSISSIPPI                3                    11       43    Private                     Air Corps                     FLORIDA                      24       Reserves
34539497              MC COY GEORGE E              CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             9                    1        43    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34780442              MC CRAY EARL                 CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             2                    4        43    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34401026              MC CRAY SOLOMON              CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             7                    9        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34536027              MC CULLOUGH BRUCE B          CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             17                   12       42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         TENNESSEE                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34838113              MC DANIEL ARCHIE T JR        FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA                    29                   6        44    Private                     No branch assignment          LOUISIANA                    26       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34972544              MC DANIEL GEORGE L           FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA                    20                   3        44    Private                     No branch assignment          GEORGIA                      9        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
14059292              MC DANIEL MERCER J           DALE MABRY FIELD TALLAHASSEE FLORIDA            2                    4        42    Private                     Air Corps                     FLORIDA                      20       Army of the United States
34912414              MC DERMOTT MARVIN C          CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             18                   5        44    Private                     No branch assignment          NEW YORK                     21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34911763              MC DONALD FRANK              CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             29                   1        44    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34247155              MC DONALD STEPHEN            CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             13                   8        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      7        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34400991              MC DONALD WALTER             WHITEFISH MONTANA                               23                   10       45    Private First Class         Corps of Military Police      FLORIDA                      21       Regular Army
34792514              MC DONALD WILLIAM H JR       CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             31                   8        43    Private                     No branch assignment          GEORGIA                      24       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34911477              MC DONNELL A D               CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             29                   1        44    Private                     No branch assignment          CANADA                       9        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
44108417              MC ELRATH LOUIS S            CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             23                   3        45    Private                     No branch assignment          ALABAMA                      12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
44110297              MC GEE FRED JR               CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             3                    5        45    Private                     No branch assignment          LOUISIANA                    25       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34533520              MC GEE JOHNNIE J             CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             1                    12       42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         GEORGIA                      5        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34247175              MC GOWN ELIGA                CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             21                   12       45    Technician 5th Grade        Quartermaster Corps           GEORGIA                      18       Regular Army
14031959              MC GREW JEWEL E              KEESLER FIELD BILOXI MISSISSIPPI                16                   10       45    Sergeant                    Air Corps                     MISSISSIPPI                  22       Regular Army
34788312              MC GUFFEY CARROLL W          CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             24                   6        43    Private                     No branch assignment          KENTUCKY                     22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34546474              MC GUFFEY RALPH W            CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             27                   2        43    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         KENTUCKY                     24       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
44113256              MC INTOSH CHARLES B JR       CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             5                    7        45    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      27       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34243179              MC INTOSH JOHN F             CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             21                   7        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      99       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34408971              MC INTOSH MALCOLM N          CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             2                    11       42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      10       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34242948              MC IORMICK LUTHER C          CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             18                   7        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         GEORGIA                      16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34202280              MC IVER EDWARD C             CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             11                   4        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34546277              MC KENZIE BOB                FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA                    7                    8        46    Technician 5th Grade        Corps of Engineers            FLORIDA                      24       Regular Army
34401668              MC KINNON CHARLIE            CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             11                   9        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34401611              MC KINZLEY ALBERT            CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             11                   9        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         GEORGIA                      18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34980732              MC LEOD BERNICE E            FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA                    26                   4        44    Private                     No branch assignment          GEORGIA                      13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34245560              MC LOUM JOE                  CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             5                    8        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34799770              MC MILLAN HERBERT M          CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             30                   12       43    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34798235              MC MILLAN JOHN               CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             10                   12       43    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
6924608               MC MULLEN GRADY E            CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             30                   12       43    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
14087033              MC NABB ALVA C               CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             31                   1        46    Private                                                   FLORIDA                      28       Regular Army
44117072              MC NEAIR WILLIAM             CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             6                    2        46    Private                     No branch assignment          GEORGIA                      27       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34401764              MC NEIL JOE                  CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             12                   9        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         GEORGIA                      14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
44112154              MC QUEEN ANTHONY             CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             13                   6        45    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      26       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34052070              MC QUEEN EASTMAN M           CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             1                    5        41    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
44110298              MC QUEEN JAMES R             FT JACKSON COLUMBIA SOUTH CAROLINA              17                   11       45    Private First Class         Quartermaster Corps           FLORIDA                      27       Regular Army
34050916              MC QUEEN JIMMIE              CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             2                    4        41    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34787239              MC QUEEN WILLIE C            CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             16                   6        43    Private                     No branch assignment          MISSISSIPPI                  11       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20420989              MCKEOWN JOHN P               TALLAHASSEE FLORIDA                             25                   11       40    Sergeant                    Infantry                      FLORIDA                      16       National Guard
6390962               MCMULLEN WILLIAM F           FT BENNING GEORGIA                              10                   8        40    Private                     Air Corps                     FLORIDA                      18       Regular Army
44163143              MEADOWS THOMAS R             FT BRAGG NORTH CAROLINA                         12                   10       45    Private                     No branch assignment          NORTH CAROLINA               27       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
14015421              MEGGS LEONARD E              FT BENNING GEORGIA                              24                   8        40    Private                     Infantry                      FLORIDA                      18       Regular Army
34204570              MELETT RUFUS                 CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             5                    5        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         GEORGIA                      12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34205846              MELNA JOSEPH J JR            CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             25                   5        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         PENNSYLVANIA                 13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34054592              MENDELSON HAROLD D           CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             24                   6        41    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
44108811              MERCER WILLIAM E             CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             30                   3        45    Private                     No branch assignment          ALABAMA                      27       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34400298              MEREDITH SAM V               CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             1                    9        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
14087521              MERRITT HUBERT H             CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             4                    3        46    Private                     Cavalry                       FLORIDA                      28       Regular Army
34247301              MERRYWEATHER ELIGA           CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             14                   8        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         MISSISSIPPI                  11       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34406615              MESSER TOMMIE E              CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             16                   10       42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         ALABAMA                      21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
44116166              METCALF JESSE C              CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             28                   11       45                                No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      27       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
44113523              MICKENS ARTHUR               CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             10                   7        45    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      26       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
44115351              MIDDLEBROOKS HARRY M         CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             27                   9        45    Private                     No branch assignment          GEORGIA                      23       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34058547              MIDDLETON ALVIN P            CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             7                    11       41                                Air Corps                     GEORGIA                      19       Regular Army
34543283              MILES EDMUND                 CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             10                   2        43    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      24       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34240651              MILLER  OSEPH B              CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             12                   2        40                                Warrant Officers, USA                                      9        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34055790              MILLER BURLIE B              CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             9                    8        41    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34994040              MILLER CHARLIE JR            FT JACKSON COLUMBIA SOUTH CAROLINA              20                   3        46    Private First Class         No branch assignment          GEORGIA                      26       Regular Army
34024862              MILLER CLAUDE R              CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             5                    3        41    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         GEORGIA                      8        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
14059221              MILLER GORDON H              DALE MABRY FIELD TALLAHASSEE FLORIDA            16                   9        41    Private                     Air Corps                     FLORIDA                      23       Regular Army
34058538              MILLER JAMES M               CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             7                    11       41                                Air Corps                     FLORIDA                      19       Regular Army
34406128              MILLER LEON                  CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             12                   10       42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      10       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
44117487              MILLER LOUIS                 CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             5                    3        46    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      27       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
44108815              MILLER REGNEL V              CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             30                   3        45    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      26       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34838139              MILLER THOMAS W                                                              31                   10       45    Private First Class         No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      26       Regular Army
44007195              MILLER THOMAS W              CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             21                   11       44    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      26       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34541663              MILLER WILLIE                CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             28                   1        43    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
6927352               MILLER WILLIE C              INDIANA                                         28                   10       45    Private                     Air Corps                     GEORGIA                      18       Regular Army
34545912              MILLET WALTER J RJ           EGLIN FIELD FLORIDA                             10                   12       45    Corporal                    Air Corps                     LOUISIANA                    23       Regular Army
34533547              MILLS ARTHUR                 CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             1                    12       42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      4        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34955392              MILLS ELBERT                 FT BENNING GEORGIA                              3                    4        44    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      23       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34066350              MILLS FRANK JR               FT BENNING GEORGIA                              30                   6        46    Private First Class         Transportation Corps          FLORIDA                      23       Regular Army
14086573              MILLS HERBERT B              CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             20                   12       45    Private                     Quartermaster Corps           FLORIDA                      27       Regular Army
34959880              MILLS LUZMIE                 FT BENNING GEORGIA                              28                   4        44    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      9        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34980726              MILLS OTHO G                 FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA                    26                   4        44    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      8        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34203437              MILLS PLEAS                  CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             23                   4        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
44113733              MILLS RICHARD L JR           GEIGER FIELD SPOKANE WASHINGTON                 7                    2        46    Private First Class         Air Corps                     FLORIDA                      27       Regular Army
14086200              MILLS SHEROLD                CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             8                    11       45    Private                     Air Corps                     FLORIDA                      27       Regular Army
14182809              MILNER CAPUS H               BAINBRIDGE AAF GEORGIA                          31                   10       42                                Air Corps                     GEORGIA                      11       Army of the United States
34053996              MIMS CECIL E                 CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             16                   6        41    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34405786              MIMS ODELL T                 CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             10                   10       42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
A-406668              MINTZER LOUISE F             TALLAHASSEE FLORIDA                             13                   3        44    Private                     Women's Army Corps            FLORIDA                      21       Women's Army Corps
34243072              MITCHELL CARL JR             CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             20                   7        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34540685              MITCHELL EARLEY              CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             20                   1        43    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         GEORGIA                      22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34539511              MITCHELL FRED L              CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             9                    1        43    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         SOUTH CAROLINA               23       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34532094              MITCHELL JOHNNIE             CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             23                   11       42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         GEORGIA                      21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34980723              MITCHELL LONNIE              FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA                    26                   4        44    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34203575              MITCHELL RICHARD             CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             24                   4        42                                Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34790234              MITCHELL WILLIE B            CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             15                   7        43    Private                     No branch assignment          GEORGIA                      20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34240649              MITCHETT MFZSHATN            BOWMAN FIELD LOUISVILLE KENTUCKY                12                   2        42                                                              SOUTH CAROLINA               13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34203546              MOBLEY ARTHUR L              CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             23                   4        42                                Warrant Officers, USA         GEORGIA                      7        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34954709              MONROE JOE N                 FT BENNING GEORGIA                              31                   3        44    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
44109736              MONTAGUE STUART S            CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             21                   4        45    Private                     No branch assignment          GEORGIA                      18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20421052              MONTGOMERY GEORGE E          TALLAHASSEE FLORIDA                             25                   11       40    Private                     Infantry                      ALABAMA                      19       National Guard
34980731              MOODY DAVID L                FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA                    26                   4        44    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34946808              MOODY LEON C                 FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA                    19                   5        44    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      9        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34054813              MOODY WALTER P               CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             8                    7        41    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         GEORGIA                      16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
15101927              MOORE EDMUND C               FT BENJAMIN HARRISON INDIANA                    8                    5        42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      18       Army of the United States
34797637              MOORE FRED                                                                   15                   1        46    Private First Class         No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      25       Regular Army
20420997              MOORE LOYS H                 CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             11                   7        41    Private                     Air Corps                     FLORIDA                      18       Regular Army
34023736              MOORE TRUMAN M               CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             4                    12       45    Sergeant                    Air Corps                     FLORIDA                      19       Regular Army
34531933              MOORE WASHINGTON             CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             22                   11       42    Private                     Warrant Officers, USA         FLORIDA                      22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34786459              MOORE WILLIE                 CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             5                    6        43    Private                     No branch assignment          FLORIDA                      17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
44114530              MOORE WILLIS M               CP BLANDING FLORIDA                             2                    11       45    Private                     Quartermaster Corps           GEORGIA                      27       Regular Army

Additional Comments:
Extracted from "Electronic Army Serial Number Merged File,
ca. 1938 - 1946 (Enlistment Records) in the Series: World
War II Army Enlistment Records, created 6/1/2002 -
9/30/2002, documenting the period ca. 1938 - 1946"

This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/flfiles/

File size: 80.8 Kb