Leon County FlArchives Military Records.....VASON, William Isaac 1907
Civilwar - Pension Georgia
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Surname:  VASON

Given Names: William Isaac

Service Unit: Georgia


Wife's Name: Jane Beasley

Application County & Year: Leon Co 1907

Page 001


Page 002

Application For An Increase In Pension
Under The Laws of Florida

To The State Board of Pensions, Tallahassee, Fla.:

I, W. I. Vason, Pensioner No. 2292 of the State of Florida under the Laws of Florida
do hereby make application for an increase in the amount of pension allowed me, as
per certificate of disabilities stated below.  I am now receiving $120.00 per annum,
and I am 75 years of age.

Signed W. I. Vason, Applicant
Address Tallahassee, Fla.

Certificate Of Disability.  Physicians' Affidavit.

(N.B.  Physicians making this certificate will please answer all questions and in
stating nature of disability from which applicant is suffering, state plainly the
trouble, avoiding the use of technical terms.)

1.  Have you examined the above applicant?   Yes

2.  Is he personally known to you?   Yes

3.  Because of injuries, disease or age, is the applicant unable to earn a
livelihood by manual labor?   Yes

4.  Is his physical condition such as to warrant you in certifying that he is
permanently and totally disabled?   Yes for actual manual labor.

5.  State below the disabilities from which applicant is suffering, stating any loss
of limbs or eyesight.  Rheumatism, hemorrhoids and kidney disease.

(In case of total disability this certificate must be signed by two physicians.)


G. H. Gwynn, Physician
E. M. Brevard, M.D. Physician

State of Florida}
County of Leon}

Before me an officer duly authorized to administer oaths, came this day G. H. Gwynn
and E. M. Brevard both well known to me to be the physicians who signed the above
certificate, and each for himself deposes and says that the answers above given and
the statements made in the above certificate are true and correct.  Each further
deposes and says that he is a physician and that he is a resident of the State of
Florida, and of the county aforesaid.

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 23rd day of August, A. D. 1913.

W. O. Ames
Notary Public, State of Florida
My Commission Expires May 10, 1917

Page 003

Widow's Pension Claim
Under The Act Of 1913

(Form A.)

State of Florida}
County of Leon}

On this 1st day of October, A. D. One Thousand Nine Hundred and thirteen, personally
appeared before me, a Clerk Circuit Court in and for the County and State aforesaid
Mrs. Jane R. Vason, a resident of County of Leon, State of Florida, who being
duly sworn according to law, makes the following declaration in order to obtain a
pension under the provisions of Chapter 6424, Laws of Florida, approved June 4th,

That she is the widow of W. I. Vason who was enlisted under the name of William
Isaac Vason on the 27 day of April, 1861, in Company E 4th Ga. Regiment of the State
of Ga., and who was honorably discharged at Saulsberry, N. C., 1865 on account of
Surrender of Confederate Army.

(Here give complete statement of other service, if any.)

That he also served.
For proof of Husbands service See application No. 7635 of 1913.

(State here if husband drew a pension, and when.)

That she was lawfully married to the said W. I. Vason under the name of Jane R.
Beasley in the County of Dougherty, State of Ga., on the 21st day of Feb., 1861, and
that she was not divorced from him and that she has not remarried since his death,
which occurred on the 25th day of Sept., 1913, in the County of Leon, State of Fla.

That she is a resident of Leon County, Florida, and has continuously resided in the
State of Florida since the day of1874.

Page 004

That she does not own property, including real estate, personal property, mortgages
or other collateral securities, stocks or bonds, in this or any other State to
exceed in value the sum of Five Thousand Dollars.

That the following is a true and correct statement of all property owned by me in
this or any other State:

Real estate, located at in Leon County, Fla. (a 1/3 interest,dower.)         
Personal property                                        $none.
Cattle, horses and other live stock 7 head cattle                    $280.00
Stocks                                                  $
Bonds                                                  $
Mortgages, notes and other securities                              $
                         Total                         $780.00

That she has heretofore been granted a pension from the State of Florida under
Certificate No.   That she is not a pensioner of any other State.

That her Postoffice address is Tallahassee, County of Leon, State of Florida.

Jane R. Vason
(Claimants must sign Christian name.)


(1)  W. O. Ames
(2)  M. L. Choate

Sworn and subscribed before me this first day of October, A. D. 1913; and I hereby
certify that the above declaration, etc., were fully made known and explained to the
applicant before swearing; and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the
prosecution of this claim.

Henry F. Fellkel
Clerk Circuit Court, Leon County, Florida

(Form B.)

State of Florida}
County of Leon}

We, the undersigned citizens of Leon County, State of Florida, do hereby certify
that we personally know Mrs Jane R. Vason, who is an applicant for a pension under
the Laws of Florida, and that from our own personal knowledge, and from the best
information available, we believe that the applicant does not own property to exceed
in value the sum of $5,000, and that the statements made by her relative to the
value of her property are true and correct.

(To be signed by two citizens.)

W. O. Ames
W. A. DeMilly

Sworn and subscribed before me this 1st day of October, 1913.

Henry F. Fellkel
Clerk Circuit Court, Leon County, Florida.

Page 005

Report of County Commissioners

We, the undersigned, County Commissioners in and for the County of Leon, Florida, do
hereby report that at a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held this day,
the foregoing application of Mrs Jane R. Vason for a pension under the Laws of
Florida, was investigated by us; that we are satisfied that the applicant does not
own property to exceed the value of $5,000, and that the representation made in the
petition and affidavits are true and that a pension should be granted to the

Witness our hands this 7th day of October, A. D. 1913.

(1)  M. H. Johnson Sr Chairman
(2)  Jno. A. Scruggs
(3)  J. C. Moore
(4)  W. E. Gray
(5)  G. W. Rhodes, County Commissioners

By the County Commissioners.  Attest:

Henry F. Fellkel
Clerk Circuit Court

Note  All Blanks must be filled out.  All information required must be fully and
accurately given.

Page 006

Former Claim No
Application No. 19542
Pensioner No. 3949
Claim For Pension
Jane R. Vason
Tallahassee Postoffice
Leon County
Widow Of
W. I. Vason (2292)
Filed In Pension Department
Oct 8 1913
Nov 18 1913
With pay from Oct 8 1913
At the rate of $120 per annum
R. A. Gray
Secretary of Board
Filed In Comptroller's Office
.., 19.
T. J. Appleyard, State Printer, Tallahassee, Fla.

Page 007

Soldier's Pension Claim
Under The Act Of 1909

(Form A.)

State of Florida}
County of Leon}

On this 26 day of July, A. D. One Thousand Nine Hundred and Nine personally appeared
before me, a Clerk of Circuit Court in and for the county and State aforesaid,
William Isaac Vason who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is 70
years of age, having been born on the 13th day of December, 1838 in the county of
Clark, in the State of Georgia.  That he is a bona fide citizen of the county of
Leon, State of Florida.  That he has resided in the State of Florida continuously
since the 4th day of February, 1874.

That he is the identical person who enlisted at Albany, Ga., under the name of
William Isaac Vason, on the 27th day of April, 1861, in Company E 4th Ga. Regiment
Infantry of the State of Georgia in the service of the (Here state whether the
service claimed was in the Confederate States Army or in the service of a State.)
Confederate States of America and who was honorably discharged at Sausberry (sic),
in the State of North Carolina, on the 20th day of April, 1865, on account of the
surrender of the Confederate Army.

(Here state fully any other military service performed by the applicant.)

In spring of 1862 I raised a company of cavalry which became a part of the 10th
Confederate cavalry; in 1864 I was made Lt. Col. of this regiment and very soon
afterwards was promoted to Colonel of this regiment and surrendered as such at the
general surrender.  

(Here give date and place of capture, imprisonment, exchange or parole.)

That I served faithfully until honorably discharged from the service of the
Confederate Armies in the year 1865, and did not desert the service of the
Confederate States Army nor take the oath of allegiance to the United States until
after the surrender of the Confederate Armies.

(Here state whereabouts at close of Civil War.)

That I was paroled at Albany Ga in June 1865.

Page 008

That I do not own property, including real estate, personal property, stocks, bonds,
mortgages or other collateral securities of any kind in this or any other State, nor
does my wife own with me jointly or separately, property to exceed in value the sum
of five thousand dollars.

That the following is a true and correct statement of all the property owned by me
or by my wife, jointly and separately in this or any other State:

Real estate, located at Leon Co. Thomasville area                $854
Cattle, horses and other live stock                              $900
Personal property                                        $..
Stocks                                                  $..
Bonds                                                  $..
Mortgages, notes and other securities                              $..
                         Total                         $1754

That I have heretofore been granted a pension from the State of Florida under
pension certificate No. 6041, at the rate of $100 per annum.

(Here state any disabilities, physical or mental.)

(Here state any wounds received, or loss of limbs and eyesight.)

That my postoffice address is Tallahassee, County of Leon, State of Florida.

William Isaac Vason
(Claimants must sign name in full.)


(1)  A. E. Bassett
(2)  T. S. Trantham

Sworn and subscribed before me, this 27th day of July, A. D. 1909; and I hereby
certify that the above declaration, etc., were made fully known and explained to the
applicant before swearing, and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the
prosecution of this claim.

Henry F. Fellkel
Clerk Circuit Court

Page 009

(Form B.)

State of Florida}
County of Leon}

We, the undersigned citizens of Leon County, State of Florida, do hereby certify
that we personally know William I. Vason, who is an applicant for a pension under
the laws of Florida, and that from our own personal knowledge, and from the best
information available, we believe that the applicant does not own property
(including the property of his wife) to exceed in value the sum of $5,000, and that
the statements made by him relative to the value of his property are true and

(To be signed by two citizens.)

J. P. Houston
Jackson Gray

Sworn and subscribed before me, this 27th day of July, 1909.

Henry F. Fellkel
Clerk Circuit Court

(Form C.)

Physician's Affidavit

Note:  This form has been left blank in its entirety.

Page 010

Report of County Commissioners

We, the undersigned, County Commissioners in and for the County of Leon, Florida, do
hereby report that at a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held this day,
the foregoing application of William I. Vason for a pension under the Laws of
Florida, was investigated by us; that we are satisfied that the applicant does not
own property (including the property of his wife) to exceed the value of $5,000, and
that the representations made in the petition and affidavits are true, and that a
pension should be granted to the applicant.

Witness our hands this 4th day of August, A. D. 1909.

(1)  J. W. Collins, Chairman
(2)  L. S. Promp
(3)  R. G. Johnson
(4)  W. D. Stoutamire
(5)  W. A. Register, County Commissioners

By the County Commissioners.  Attest:

Henry F. Fellkel
Clerk Circuit Court

Note- All blanks must be filled out.  All information required must be fully and
accurately given.

Pension No. 7635
Act of 1913
Former Claim No. 6041
Application No. 16254
Pensioner No. 2292
Claim For Pension
William Isaac Vason
Tallahassee Fla Postoffice
Leon County
Late Of
E Company
Ga. Inft. Regiment
Filed In Pension Department
Aug 17 1909
Sep 2 1909
With pay from Jul 1 1909
At the rate of [$100] $120.00 per annum
Secretary of Board
Filed In Comptroller's Office
, 19..
Capital Pub. Co., State Printer
Tallahassee, Florida
Increased to
$100 120.00
from June 30 09

Page 011

Application For Pension
Under Laws Of Florida

(Form A)
For Use Of Applicant For Pension

I, William I. Vason, do hereby make application to the State Board of Pensions, for
a pension to be granted to me under the act of 1907, Chapter 5600 of the Laws of the
State of Florida, upon the following grounds:

I enlisted and served in the (Naval or Military) Military service of (State whether
Confederate States or this State) the Confederate States during the war between the
States of the United States and that I did not desert the Confederate or State
service; that I was a bona fide citizen of this State for ten years prior to the
date of this application and have been continuously since a citizen of the State of
Florida, and that I

(Here state fully the disability under which the applicant claims a pension, whether
he lost in service a limb or limbs, eye or eyes, or whether he is permanently
disabled by reason of wounds received in service, or disease, to gain a livelihood
by manual labor, or whether he is over 60 years of age and is by reason of age
incapable of providing a living for himself.)

That I am over sixty years of age.

I further represent to the State Board of Pensions, that I am not receiving a
pension from any other State.

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this 14th day of August, A. D.

William I. Vason


G. G. Gibbs
H. F. Fellkel

Page 012

(Form B)

State of Florida}
Leon County}

On this 14th day of August, A. D. 1907, before me Henry F. Fellkel Clerk of the
Circuit Court in and for said County and State, personally came W. I. Vason, who
being by me first duly sworn deposes and says, that the statements made in the
foregoing application for a pension in his own behalf are true:

This deponent further says, that the answers written herein to the following
questions, numbered from 1 to 12 inclusive are true:

1.  What is your full name, and where do you reside?  William Isaac Vason Leon Co

2.  In what State and County were you born and when?  In Clark County State of
Georgia Dec 13th 1838.

3.  How long have you been a resident of the State of Florida?  Since Feb. 1874.

4.  When and where and in what organization did you enlist during the war between
the States?  1st in Co E 4th Ga regiment of infantry in April 1861.  2nd in Co. I.
10th Confd Cavalry in July 1862.

5.  Give the name of your Captain at time of your enlistment.  1st Y. G. Kurst; 2 W.
I. Vason.

6.  Give the name of your Captain at time of your discharge from service.  I was the
Col. of the 10th Confd cavalry hence belonged to no company.

7.  Give the name of your Battalion or Regimental Commander both at time of your
enlistment and discharge from service.  Geo. P. Dobs was Col. of 4th Ga Rgt at my
enlistment; I was Col. of 10th Confd Cavl at surrender.

8.  If you enlisted in the navy give name of your Commanding officer, date of
enlistment and place of service.    XX

9.  If discharged prior to the termination of the war, state place and cause of
discharge.  Was never discharged; surrendered with Joe Johnston and Genl Lee.

10.  If you lost an eye or limb during your service in the war, state when and where
and in what engagement you sustained such injury.    XX

11.  If you received a wound during your service in the war, which permanently
disables you, state when and where you received the wound.  Was wounded in hip at
Saulsberry N.C.; Did not permanently disable me.

Page 013

12.  Describe the wound and state how it affects you.  The wound was in right hip
but has never inconvenienced me.

W. I. Vason, Applicant

Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 14th day of August, A. D. 1907.

Henry F. Fellkel
Clerk Circuit Court Leon County.

(Form C.)

Affidavit To Be Made By Commissioned Officer.

State of Florida}
County of Leon}

Before me personally came William I. Vason, who being duly sworn deposes and says,
that he was a Commissioned Officer in the (Here state name of Organization.) 10th
Confederate Cavalry, the organization to which the within named application for
pension under the laws of Florida belonged and in which he served during the war
between the States.  This deponent further says that the said William I. Vason
rendered faithful service as a Confederate soldier or sailor during the war between
the States, and that the disability claimed by the said X to exist, does in fact
exist and the same prevents him permanently from gaining a livelihood.

W. I. Vason
Late of Col. of 10th Confd Cavalry in my own behalf

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 14th day of August, A. D. 1907

(This affidavit to be made by one who was a Commissioned Officer, and the blanks
must be filled out).

Henry F. Fellkel
Clerk Circuit Court

(Form D.)

Note:  This form has been left blank in its entirety.

Page 014

Note:  This page consists of a portion of Form D, which has been left entirely

Page 015

Note:  This page consists of a portion of Form D and all of Form E, which page has
been left blank in its entirety.

Page 016

(Form F.)

Physician's Affidavit.

Note:  This form has been left blank in its entirety.

Certificate of Clerk of the Circuit Court

I certify that the above affidavits are genuine; that all of the affiants are
persons of trustworthy character and their statements are entitled to full faith and
credit; that the attesting officers are duly authorized to administer oaths; that
their signatures are genuine; and that the said applicant William I. Vason is a bona
fide resident and citizen of the State of Florida.

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Circuit
Court for Leon County, this 14th day of August, A. D. 1907.

Henry F. Fellkel
Clerk Circuit Court

Page 017

Report of County Commissioners

We, the undersigned, County Commissioners in and for Leon County, Florida, do hereby
report that at a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held this 14th day of
August, 1907, the foregoing application of W. I. Vason for pension under the laws of
Florida, was by us investigated; that we are satisfied that the representations made
in the petition and affidavits are true and that a pension should be granted to the

Witness our hands this 14th day of August, A. D. 1907.

1.  E. C. Smith
2.  R. G. Johnson
3.  J. W. Collins
4.  W. D. Stoutamire
5.  W. A. Register, County Commissioners

By the County Commissioners.  Attest:

Henry F. Fellkel
Clerk Circuit Court


1.  Before any questions are answered the officer will swear the applicant or
witness in the following words or to the like effect:  You do solemnly swear that
you will make true answers to the questions asked you, and the evidence you shall
give shall be the whole truth, so held you God.
2.  Additional affidavits may be attached if blank spaces are insufficient.
3.  The blanks must be filled.  The information required must be accurately and
fully given.
4.  Forms A and B must be filled out by Applicant; C by Commissioned Officer;
D by two soldiers or citizens of the County; E by Adjutant of Camp United
Confederate Veterans; F by physician.
5.  It is not necessary to fill out each form lettered C, D and E, one of them
must be filled out.  Either one will suffice.  

Page 018

War record removed and filed in the regular War department files.

Pensioner #6041
Claim For Pension
By     100
William I. Vason
Tallahassee, Leon County
Late Of
Colonel Company
10 Ga Cav Regiment
Filed In Pension Department
Aug 20 1907
January 16, 1908
With pay from Aug 20, 1907
At the rate of $100.00 per annum
Jefferson Bell
Secretary of Board
Filed In Comptroller's Office
, 19.

Page 019

Board of Pensions:
N. B. Broward, Governor
A. C. Croom, Comptroller                    No. .
W. V. Knott, Treasurer

Department of Pensions
State of Florida
Tallahassee, Fla., Dec 30, 1907   190..

Gen. F. C. Ainsworth,
Military Secretary,
Washington, D.C.

Dear Sir:

Wm. I. Vason who is an Applicant for Pension under the Florida Pension Law, claims
to have been a Member of Company 10th Georgia (Colonel) Regiment, .C.S.A., and to
have been ..
Please give us the Record of this Soldier.

Yours very truly,

A. C. Croom

Page 020

Adjutant General's Office
War Department
Jan 13 1908

Dec. 30, 1907,

Wm. I. Vason,
Co. 10 Ga Regt CSA

Fla Board of Pensions
Requests record

Received A.G.O. Jan 11 1908

Address:  The Adjutant General
War Department, Washington, D.C.
6041     1324896
War Department,
The Adjutant General's Office,
Washington, January 14,1908.

Respectfully returned to the

State of Florida,

The Confederate records show that W. I. Vason, captain, Company C (also designated
Company D), 19th Battalion Georgia Cavalry, C.S.A., which became Company I, 10th
Confederate Cavalry, was enlisted July 24, 1862.  On a Confederate record dated
February 18, 1865, this officer is referred to as a captain, reporting the movements
of opposing troops.  No later information concerning him found on the Confederate

The name W. I. Vaser is borne on a list, on file in this office, of prisoners
supposed to have been paroled at Albany, Georgia, which list shows that he was
colonel, 10th C. S. A. Cavalry.  Another record on file shows W. J. Wosser, colonel,
10th Lt. Inf. (state not shown), surrendered at Tallahassee, Florida, May 10, 1865,
and paroled at Albany, Georgia, May 17, 1865.

F. C. Ainsworth
The Adjutant General
(A.G.O. 72-1)

Additional Comments:
Words in [] are lined through in original

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