CIVIL WAR WIDOW'S PENSION APP. - NANCY (HARTSFIELD) EUBANKS, WIDOW OF ISAAC MARTIN EUBANKS, Leon Co., FL File contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Janet Steadham, ( ******************************************************************************************* USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or publication by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Copyright. All rights reserved. ******************************************************************************************* CONTRIBUTOR'S NOTE: I have no relationship to anyone mentioned in the below file. ******************************************************************************************* Application No. A04023 Widow's Pension Claim Under The Act Of 1913 (FORM A) STATE OF FLORIDA,} County of Leon} On this 22nd day of January, A. D. One Thousand Nine Hundred and thirteen, personally appeared before me, a Clerk Circuit Court in and for the County and State aforesaid Mrs. Nancy Eubanks a resident of Tallahassee County of Leon State of Florida, who being duly sworn according to law, makes the following declaration in order to obtain a pension under the provisions of Chapter 6424, Laws of Florida, approved June 4th, 1913. That she is the widow of Isaac M. Eubanks who was enlisted under the name of Isaac M. Eubanks on the ____ day of ____, 186_, in Company "H" 64th Ga. Regiment. For proof of husband's service see Application # 6985 That she was lawfully married to the said Isaac M. Eubanks, about twenty years ago under the name of Nancy Hartsfield in the County of Leon, State of Florida on the ____ day of ____, 1893, and that she was not divorced from him and that she has not remarried since his death, which occurred on the 9th day of January, 1914, in the County of Leon State of Florida. That she is a resident of Leon County, Florida, and has continuously resided in the State of Florida since the ____ day of nearly all of my life, I am now nearly over 60 years old. That she does not own property, including real estate, personal property, mortgages or other collateral securities, stocks or bonds in this or any other State to exceed in value the sum of Five Thousand Dollars. That the following is a true and correct statement of all property owned by me in this or any other State: I own no real estate at all. That she has heretofore been granted a pension from the State of Florida under Certificate No. ____. That she is not a pensioner of any other State. That her Postoffice address is Tallahassee, County of Leon, State of Florida. Her X mark: Nancy Eubanks (Claimants must sign Christian name.) Attest: (1) C. C. Hartsfield (2) H. J. Smith Sworn and subscribed before me this 22nd day of January, A. D. 1914; and I hereby certify that the above declaration, etc., were fully made known and explained to the applicant before swearing; and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim. Henry T. Felkel Circuit Court, Leon County, Florida (FORM B) STATE OF FLORIDA,} County of Leon} We, the undersigned citizens of Leon County, State of Florida, do hereby certify that we personally know Mrs. Nancy Eubanks, who is an applicant for a pension under the Laws of Florida, and that from our own personal knowledge, and from the best information available, we believe that the applicant does not own property to exceed in value the sum of $5,000, and that the statements made by her relative to the value of her property are true and correct. (To be signed by two citizens.) Signatures unreadable Sworn and subscribed before me this 22nd day of January, 1914. Henry T. Felkel Clerk Circuit Court, Leon County, Florida ******************************************************************************************* Report of County Commissioners We, the undersigned, County Commissioners in and for the County of Leon, Florida, do hereby report that at a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held this day, the foregoing application of Mrs. Nancy Eubanks for a pension under the Laws of Florida, was investigated by us; that we are satisfied that the applicant does not own property to exceed the value of $5,000, and that the representation made in the petition and affidavits are true and that a pension should be granted to the applicant. Witness our hands this 3rd day of February, A. D. 1913. (1) Jno. A. Scruggs, Chairman (2) M. H. Johnson, Sr. (3) J. C. Moore (4) W. E. Gray (5) G. W. Rhodes County Commissioners By the County Commissioners. Attest: Henry T. Felkel Clerk Circuit Court ******************************************************************************************* Application No. 19770 Pensioner No. 4023 Claim For Pension By Nancy Eubanks Of Tallahassee Postoffice Leon County Widow Of Isaac M. Eubanks Of "H" Company 64th Ga. Regiment Filed In Pension Department Feb 9 1914 Approved Mar 6 1914 With pay from Feb 9 1914 At the rate of $120 per annum. R. A. Gray Secretary of Board