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Application No. A04023

Soldier's Application for Pension

Leon County,}

On this 2d day of May 1904 personally appeared before me, Clerk of the Circuit Court in and 
for said county and State, I. M. Eubanks who being by me duly sworn, declares he is the 
identical person who enlisted on or about the ____ day of ____, 1862 in Captain Brown's "H" 
Company, county of Chatham, in the State of Georgia and that while in actual service in said
company "H" 64th Regiment of the State of Georgia and in line of duty as such soldier, at 
Petersburg, State of Virginia on or about the 3rd day of July, 1864, and was honorably paroled 
at the expiration of war on the 9th day of April in Appomattox county, State Virginia, he 
was wounded at Petersburg the day of the blowing up of the "Mini" in the forehead and in the 
right hip from which wound and old age I am unable to earn a living by manual labor and that
as the direct result of said injuries, thus received in line of duty during the war, he is 
now unable to gain a livelihood by manual labor; that he has continuously since January 1st, 
1885, been a citizen of Florida; that neither he, nor his wife, nor both combined, own real
and personal property to the value of $800 in this or any other State, and have not purposely 
disposed of any property for the purpose of availing themselves of the provisions of the 
pension laws of Florida; that he is not otherwise enabled or in a position to earn, and has 
no income from any source sufficient for a livelihood by manual labor, and that he never deserted 
the Confederate service, and that he receives no pension from any other source.

I. M. Eubanks
P. O. Address:  Spring Hill

Sworn and subscribed before me this 2d day of May 1904.

C. A. Bryan
Clerk Circuit Court Leon County

I do solemnly swear that I was born on the 15 day of January 1838 in Terrell county, State 
of Georgia and that I am now past the age of sixty-five (65) years; that I was a bona-fide 
citizen of this State on January A. D. 1885, and have continuously resided in this State since 
that date; that I do not own property, real or personal, or real and personal, to the value
of eight hundred dollars ($800), and that I am by reason of age incapable of providing a living
by manual labor for myself.

I. M. Eubanks

Sworn and subscribed before me this 2d day of May 1904.

C. A. Bryan
Clerk Circuit Court Leon County

We do solemnly swear that we personally know I. M. Eubanks the above applicant for pension 
during the Civil War of 1861 to 1865, that we served with him in Capt. Brown's Company H, 64th
Regiment, and knew of our own knowledge that he did receive the injuries set forth in the 
above application at the time and place claimed, and that the disability therefrom claimed 
to exist, does exist, and that he never deserted the Confederate Army.

William Duckworth
Late of H Co. 64th Reg.
His X mark:  George W. Doster
Late of H Co. 64th Reg.

Sworn and subscribed before me this the 7th day of May 1904.

Thos. M. Allen
Ordinary and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Court
of Ordinary Sumter Co., Ga.

State of Georgia
Court of Ordinary
Sumter County
Americus, Ga.
May 7th 1904

This is to certify that William Duckworth, & George W. Doster, well known upright Honorable
citizens and their words are worthy of full faith and credit.  

Witness my hand & seal of office.

Thos. M. Allen
Ordinary and Ex-Offico
Clerk of the Court of
Ordinary Sumter County, Georgia

We do solemnly swear that we are familiar with the value of all the property owned by I. M.
Eubanks and his wife, directly or indirectly, in this or any other State, and that the actual 
combined value thereof does not exceed $800; that they have not disposed of any property for 
the purpose of availing themselves of the provisions of the pension laws of Florida, and that
he is not physically or otherwise able, or in a position to earn a livelihood, by manual labor.

M. Russell
P. O. Address:  Holland, Fla.
Zede Russell
P. O. Address:  Holland, Fla.

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 16th day of May, 1904.

C. A. Bryan
Clerk Ct. Ct.

We the undersigned physicians, residents of the State and county aforesaid, do solemnly 
swear that we have carefully examined I. M. Eubank, who is personally known to us to be the 
person above applying for a pension under the laws of Florida, and find that he has a depression 
of skull at the juncture of the ? bones, also a depression in the frontal bone apparently 
due to a gun shot wound; he is totally blind in his right eye and has some dropsy owing to 
age and the above disabilities he is not able to make a livelihood by manual labor.

W. L. Moore, M. D.
Residence:  Tallahassee, Fla.

Sworn and subscribed before me this 16 day of May 1904.

C. A. Bryan
Clk. Ct. Ct.

I certify that the above affidavits are genuine; that all of the affiants are persons of 
respectability and good reputation, and that their statements are worthy of belief; that the 
attesting officers are duly authorized to attest said affidavits, and that their signatures
thereto are genuine.

C. A. Bryan
Clerk Circuit Court

We, the undersigned County Commissioners of Leon county, Florida, do hereby certify that we 
have carefully investigated the above application for pension made by I. M. Eubanks and are 
satisfied that the conditions and alleged facts therein stated are true and correct and that
he is legally and justly entitled to the pension provided by the act, approved June 6th, 1903.

W. J. Johnson, Chairman
C. C. Smith
M. H. Johnson
J. Britt
County Commissioners

By the County Commissioners.  Attest:

C. A. Bryan
Clerk Circuit Court


Claim For Pension
I. M. Eubanks
Leon Co.
Late Of
Brown's "H" Company
64th Georgia Regiment
Filed In Executive Department
June 14 1904
October 19th 1904
C. H. Dickinson
Secretary of Board
Pay from June 14th 1904
At the rate of $96.00 per annum.


Soldier's Pension Claim
Under The Act Of 1909


County of Leon}

On this 21st day of July, A. D. One Thousand Nine Hundred and nine personally appeared before
me, a Clerk of Circuit Court in and for the county and State aforesaid, Isaac Martin Eubanks 
who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is 71 years of age, having been 
born on the 15 day of Jany., 1838, in the county of Calhoun, in the State of Georgia.  That 
he is a bona fide citizen of the county of Leon, State of Florida.  That he has resided in 
the State of Florida continuously since the ____ day of Oct., 1894.

That he is the identical person, who enlisted at Savannah, Ga., under the name of Isaac M. 
Eubanks, on the ____ day of ____, 1862, in Company H, 64th Ga. Regiment of the State of Georgia 
in the service of the Confederate States and who was HONORABLY DISCHARGED at Appomattox, in
the State of Virginia, on the 9 day of April, 1865, on account of end of the war.

(Here give date and place of capture, imprisonment, exchange or parole.)

Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia April 13th 1865.  paroled

That I served faithfully until HONORABLY DISCHARGED from the service of the Confederate States 
in the year 1865, and did not desert the service of the Confederate States nor take the oath 
of allegiance to the United States until after the surrender of the Confederate Armies.

(Here state whereabouts at close of Civil War.)

That I was at Appomattox C. H. Virginia.

That I do not own property, including real estate, personal property, stocks, bonds, mortgages 
or other collateral securities of any kind in this or any other State, nor does my wife own 
with me jointly or separately, property to exceed in value the sum of five thousand dollars.

That the following is a true and correct statement of all the property owned by me or by my 
wife, jointly and separately in this or any other State:

Real estate, located at Spring Hill, Leon Co., Fla. . . . . . . . . . $ 100.00
Cattle, horses and other live stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $  75.00
Personal property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $  75.00
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 250.00

That I have heretofore been granted a pension from the State of Florida under pension 
certificate No. 3288, at the rate of $120.00 per annum.

(Here state any wounds received, or loss of limbs and eyesight.)

Received bullet wound in the forehead which caused loss of sight in the right eye.

That my postoffice address is Spring Hill, County of Leon, State of Florida.

Isaac M. Eubanks
(Claimants must sign name in full.)


(1) N. E. Bassett
(2) J. C. Barnett

Sworn and subscribed before me, this 21st day of July, A. D. 1909; and I hereby certify that 
the above declaration, etc., were fully made known and explained to the applicant before 
swearing, and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim.

Henry T. Felkel
Clerk Circuit Court


County of Leon}

We, the undersigned citizens of Leon County, State of Florida, do hereby certify that we 
personally know Isaac M. Eubanks, who is an applicant for a pension under the laws of Florida, 
and that from our own personal knowledge, and from the best information available, we believe 
that the applicant does not own property (including the property of his wife) to exceed in 
value the sum of $5,000, and that the statements made by him relative to the value of his 
property are true and correct.

Jackson Gray
Aaron Levy

Sworn and subscribed before me, this 21st day of July, 1909.

Henry T. Felkel
Clerk Circuit Court




Report of County Commissioners

We, the undersigned, County Commissioners in and for the County of Leon, Florida, do hereby 
report that at a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held this day, the foregoing 
application of Isaac M. Eubanks for a pension under the Laws of Florida, was investigated by
us; that we are satisfied that the applicant does not own property (including the property 
of his wife) to exceed the value of $5,000, and that the representations made in the petition 
and affidavits are true, and that a pension should be granted to the applicant.

Witness our hands this 4th day of August, A. D. 1909.

(1) J. W. Collins, Chairman
(2) L. S. Crump
(3) R. G. Johnson
(4) W. D. Stoutamire
(5) W. A. Register

By the County Commissioners.  Attest:

Henry T. Felkel
Clerk Circuit Court


Pension No. Act of 1913. 6985

Former Claim No. 3288
Application No. 16287
Pensioner No. 2321

Claim For Pension
Isaac Martin Eubanks
Spring Hill Postoffice
Leon County
Late Of
"H" Company
54th Ga. Regiment
Filed In Pension Department
Aug 17 1909
Sep 2 1909
With pay from Jul 1 1909
At the rate of $125.00 per annum.


Application For Increase In Pension
Tallahassee, Fla.
Oct. 13, 1913

Tallahassee, Florida.

I, Isaac M. Eubanks Pensioner No. 6985 of the State of Florida hereby make application for 
increase in pension because of being unable to earn a livelihood by manual labor.  I am 77 
years of age.

Signed:  Isaac M. Eubanks
Address:  Tallahassee, Fla.

Physicians' Affidavit

Before me an officer duly authorized to take acknowledgements and administer oaths personally 
appeared Dr. B. J. Bond and Dr. J. K. Johnston, both well known to me to be reputable physicians 
and each for himself deposes and says that the above applicant for increase in pension has 
been examined by him and that said applicant by reason of disease, injuries or age is unable 
to earn a livelihood by manual labor.  That the applicant is chronic kidney disease.

B. J. Bond, Physician
J. K. Johnston, Physician

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of Oct. A. D. 1913.

Henry T. Felkel
Clerk Circuit Court