Leon County FlArchives Military Records.....AVERITT, J. L. 1915
Civilwar - Pension 1st Regt Inf Resv
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Surname:  AVERITT

Given Names:  J. L.

Service Unit:  1st Regt Inf Resv


Wife's Name:  M. Brown

Application County & Year:  Leon Co 1915

Page 001


Page 002

Widow's Pension Claim
Under The Act Of 1913

(Form A.)

State of Florida}
County of Leon}

On this 4th day of December, A. D. One Thousand Nine Hundred and 14, personally
appeared before me, a Justice of the Peace in and for the County and State aforesaid
Mrs. M. J. Averitt, a resident of Leon County of Miccosukee State of Florida, who
being duly sworn according to law, makes the following declaration in order to
obtain a pension under the provisions of Chapter 6424, Laws of Florida, approved
June 4th, 1913.

That she is the widow of J. L. Averitt who was enlisted under the name of J. L.
Averitt on theday of January A D 1864, in Company..Regiment of the State of
 and who was honorably discharged at Camp Lay Madison Fla, 1865, on account of
Surrender of the Confederate States.

(Here give complete statement of other service, if any.)

That he also served

(State here if husband drew a pension, and when.)

He has never drawn a pension.

That she was lawfully married to the said J. L. Averitt under the name of M. J.
Brown in the County of Madison, State of Missippi (sic) on the 4 day of February AD,
1861, and that she was not divorced from him and that she has not remarried since
his death, which occurred on the 21 day of April, 1874, in the County of Madison,
State of Missippi (sic).

That she is a resident of Leon County, Florida, and has continuously resided in the
State of Florida since the 6 day of September AD 1913.

Page 003

That she does not own property, including real estate, personal property, mortgages
or other collateral securities, stocks or bonds in this or any other State to exceed
in value the sum of Five Thousand Dollars.

That the following is a true and correct statement of all property owned by me in
this or any other State:

Real estate, located at.        .None          $.
Personal property.             None          $.
Cattle, horses and other live stock...None          $.
Stocks...                  None          $.
Bonds                     None          $.
Mortgages, notes and other securitiesNone..          $.
                              Total                    $.

[That she has heretofore been granted a pension from the State of Florida under
Certificate No.]

That she is not a pensioner of any other State.

That her Postoffice address is Miccosukee County of Leon, State of Florida.

Mrs. M. J. Averitt
(Claimants must sign Christian name.)


(1) State of Florida
(2) Leon County

Sworn and subscribed before me this 4th day of December, A. D. 1914; and I hereby
certify that the above declaration, etc., were fully made known and explained to the
applicant before swearing; and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the
prosecution of this claim.

W. H. Averitt
Justice of the Peace

(Form B.)

State of Florida}
County of Leon}

We, the undersigned citizens of Leon County, State of Florida, do hereby certify
that we personally know Mrs. M. J. Averitt, who is an applicant for a pension under
the Laws of Florida, and that from our own personal knowledge, and from the best
information available, we believe that the applicant does not own property to exceed
in value the sum of $5,000, and that the statements made by her relative to the
value of her property are true and correct.

(To be signed by two citizens.)

T. J. Hestto
J. A. Herring

Sworn and subscribed before me this 4 day of December AD, 1914.

W. H. Averitt
Justice of the Peace

Page 004

Report of County Commissioners

We, the undersigned, County Commissioners in and for the County of Leon, Florida, do
hereby report that at a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held this day,
the foregoing application offor a pension under the Laws of Florida, was
investigated by us; that we are satisfied that the applicant does not own property
to exceed the value of $5,000, and that the representation made in the petition and
affidavits are true and that a pension should be granted to the applicant.

Witness our hands this 29th day of Dec., A. D. 1914.

(1) [Jno. A. Scruggs]
      J. C. Moore, Chairman
(2) L. (surname is illegible)
(3) Wm. Roberts
(4) William E. Gray
(5) O. C. Van Burch, County Commissioners

By the County Commissioners.  Attest:

Henry T. Felkee
Clerk Circuit Court
By N. E. Bassett DC

Note  All Blanks must be filled out. All information required must be fully and
accurately given.

We hereby recommend that present quarter be allowed applicant.

Page 005

Former Claim No. .
Application No. 20123
Pensioner No. 
Claim For Pension
Mrs. M. J. Averitt
Miccosukee Postoffice
Leon County
Widow Of
J. L. Averitt
Filed In Pension Department
Feb. 10, 1915
.., 19
With pay from.., 19.
At the rate of $.per annum

Secretary of Board
Filed In Comptroller's Office
, 19..
T. J. Appleyard, State Printer, Tallahassee, Fla.

Page 006

(Form B.)

Transcribers Note:  This form has been left blank and marked through with an X.

(Form C.)

Physicians' Affidavit

Transcribers Note:  This form has been left blank and marked through with an X.

Page 007

(Form D.)

Affidavit to be Made by a Commissioned Officer.

Transcribers Note: This form has been left blank and has written across its face
Don't know of any.

(Form E.)

Affidavit to be Made by Comrade.

Transcribers Note: This form has been left blank and has written across its face
Don't know of any.

Page 008

(Form F.)

Affidavit to be Made by Comrade.

Transcribers Note:  This form has been left blank and has written across its face
Don't know of any.

Page 009

Continuation of Form F from page 008

Transcribers Note:  This page has been left blank and has written across its face
Don't know of any.

Page 010

State Board of Pensions                    for W. H. Averitt
Governor                              Miccosukie, Fla.
Comptroller                              No. 

Department of Pensions,
State of Florida.

Tallahassee, Oct. 21  1914

The Adjutant General,
Washington, D. C.

Dear Sir:

J. L. Averitt whose widow is an applicant for a pension under the laws of Florida,
claims to have been a member of Company B Regiment 1st Fla. Reserves, Confederate
States Army, and to have been in service to close of war and probably disbanded or
discharged at Madison, Fla., at close of war.

Please furnish me with the record of this soldier.

Yours very truly,

W. V. Knott

Received A.G.O. Oct 23 1914

Page 011

War Department
The Adjutant General's Office
Washington. October 26, 1914.

Respectfully returned to the

State of Florida,

The name J. L. Averitt has not been found on the rolls, on file in this office, of
any company of the 1st Florida Reserves, C.S.A., and no record has been found of the
capture or parole of a man of this name and organization.

The Union records of prisoners of war show, however, that one Jay L. Averett,
private, unassigned, C. S. A., was paroled May 14, 1865, at Madison, Florida; also
that one I. L. Averett, unassigned, C.S.A., was surrendered May 10, 1865, at
Tallahassee, Fla., and was paroled May 16, 1865, at Madison, Florida.

H. T. McClain
The Adjutant General

Form No. 74. A. G.O.
Ed. June 15-1475,000          c3-3063

Page 012

Walker, Evans & Cogwell Co., Charleston, S.C.

State of Florida
Department of Pensions

[R. A. Gray, Secretary]                      State Board of Pensions
M. C. McIntosh, Secretary                    Park Trammell, Governor, Chairman
                                             W. V. Knott, Comptroller
                                             T. F. West, Attorney-General

February 10, 1915.

Mrs. M. J. Averitt,
Miccosukee, Fla.

Dear Madam:-

In Re Pension Claim #20123.

Relative to your pension claim which has just been filed I note that you state in
your claim that you have been a resident of Florida since September 6, 1913, and I
beg to request that you advise me if the date given is correct.

Very Respectfully,

M. C. McIntosh,
Sec'y State Board of Pensions.

Page 013

Miccosukee, Fla.   February 12, 1915

Mr. M. C. McIntosh

Dear Sir:

It is correct that I have been in Florida since September 6, 1913.


Mrs. M. J. Averitt

Page 014

February 10, 1915.

Mrs. M. J. Averitt,
Miccosukee, Fla.

Dear Madam:-

In Re Pension Claim #20123.

Relative to your pension claim which has just been filed I note that you state in
your claim that you have been a resident of Florida since September 6, 1913, and I
beg to request that you advise me if the date given is correct.

Very Respectfully,

Sec'y State Board of Pensions.

Page 015

[extract]          Copy
Special orders
No 3               Head Quarters Commandant Conscript.
               Madison, Fla. Jany 4th, 1865

J. L. Averitt having been returned by Medical Board for duty under Section 8 of the
Act to organized forces to serve during the war is hereby assigned to clerical duty
and will report to Major Ed McCroon Comdt of Camp Lay.  Said Averitt is 30 years of
age, Blue eyes, dark hair dark complexion 5 feet 7 inches high and by occupation a
farmer Born in Bortee County, N.C.

By order of Major J. J. Daniel, Com'dt.
For Private J. L. Averitt
Camp Lay Madison Fla.
R. W. Broome, Lieut. and Adjt.

State of Florida
Leon County

Personally appeared before me a Justice of the Peace in and for the State of
Florida, J. E. Bradley, who being duly sworn says that the above is a correct copy
of the original.

J. E. Bradley

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 4 day of December AD 1914.

W. H. Averitt
Justice of the Peace

Additional Comments:
NOTE: Words in [] are lined through in original.

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