Leon County Florida Confederate Pension Application Files Index

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extracted from:

"The first Confederate pensions in Florida were authorized in 1885 and granted 
to veterans the sum of $5.00 per month. The next three decades saw a new 
Confederate pension bill introduced at nearly every session of the 
Legislature. Residency requirements were added and adjusted, militia members 
and widows were declared eligible, various financial qualifications were 
added and changed, and the amount and method of distribution were changed 
many times. 

"A Board of Commissioners consisting of three members was appointed under the 
first pension law and it remained essentially the same, despite changes in 
name and the inability of the legislature to settle on the identity of the 
third member. The Governor and Comptroller were members of the board from the 
beginning, although the third seat was passed at various times from the 
Adjutant General to the Secretary of State to the Attorney General to the 
Treasurer, back to the Attorney General, and again back to the Treasurer 
before finally stabilizing in 1915 as the Governor, Comptroller, and 
Treasurer. The clerical and day-to-day operations of administering the 
pension laws were carried out under the supervision of the Comptroller.

"The pension application files include both veterans' and widows' applications 
interfiled, although approved and denied claims are filed separately. The 
veteran's application generally includes his full name, date and place of 
birth, unit of service, date and place of enlistment, date and place of 
discharge, brief description of service and/or wounds, proof of service, 
place and length of residence in Florida, as well as other miscellaneous 

"The widow's application is filed with that of her husband and includes her 
full name, date and place of marriage, date and place of her husband's death, 
her place and length of residence in Florida, and proof of her husband's 
service. Some early applications also include the widows' date and place of 

"Confederate pensions were awarded to residents of Florida regardless of the 
state in which their service was rendered.

"Copies of the files are available from the Florida State Archives for a flat 
fee of $7.50 per file (veteran and widow are filed together.) Checks should 
be payable to the Department of State, and mailed to: The Florida State 
Archives, R. A. Gray Building, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250."

NOTE: The following index includes the veteran's name, his unit of service, 
state of service (if other than Florida), widow's first and maiden name, and 
the earliest year of application. 

FILE #  SURNAME     FIRST NAME               UNIT                           SPOUSE                    APP         LENGTH

D18580  ALLEN       Jesse J.                 10th Regt Inf                                            1904        13 pgs
A00691  ALLEN       William H.               5th Bttn Cav                   Eliza (Dugger)            1904        16 pgs
A06271  ALLIGOOD    George                   10th Regt Inf                                            1903        10 pgs
A02753  ALLIGOOD    Isaac                    Home Guard                     Eliza (Boatwright)        1916        12 pgs
A00693  ALLIGOOD    William                  1st Regt Inf Resv              Caroline (--)             1903        12 pgs
A10180  AMOS        Joseph Williams          15th Conf Cav                  Nannie (Harrison)         1904        26 pgs
Al1995  ANDERS      John Alexander           2nd Regt Cav                                             1907        08 pgs
A01995  ANDREWS     Edward D.                4th Regt Inf                   Mary (Hartsfield)         1903        20 pgs
A08865  APPLEYARD   Thomas J.                Navy Srv                                                 1929        08 pgs
A06450  ASHLEY      Ludwick                  1st Regt Cav                                             1898        11 pgs
A00692  ATKINSON    Wiley L.                 5th Regt Inf                   Elizabeth (Giddens)       1887        14 pgs
D21123  AVERITT     J.L.                     1st Regt Inf Resv              M. (Brown)                1915        10 pgs
A05823  AVERITT     Walter H.                5th Regt Inf                                             1897        12 pgs
A07645  BANNERMAN   Charles Washington       5th Regt Inf                                             1887        15 pgs
D24128  BARBER      Moses W.                 2nd Regt Cav                   Jennie (King)             1906        17 pgs
Al1392  BAREFOOT    Thomas B.                5th Regt Inf                   Sarah (McGoldrick)        1907        10 pgs
A07018  BARINEAU    Benjamin Mosely          Home Guard                                               1903        21 pgs
D01946  BARINEAU    John C.                  Home Guard                     Rebecca J. (--)           1898        02 pgs
A12990  BARR        James M.                 5th Regt Inf                                             1887        03 pgs
A02931  BARTON      John M.                  Home Guard                     Laura (Smith)             1903        16 pgs
A06673  BAUM        John H.                  1st Regt Inf Resv                                        1916        08 pgs
D17025  BEANE       Horace                   Arty Units                     Martha (--)               1907        14 pgs
A02305  BEARD       William K.               1st Regt Inf                   Setitia (Shepard)         1907        19 pgs
A10808  BERNARD     J.T.                     8th Regt Inf                                             1907        12 pgs
A00737  BERNREUTER  Henry                    Arty Units                     Florida (Hogue)           1907        10 pgs
A01594  BILLINGSLY  Henry C.                 2nd Regt Inf                   Martha (Hall)             1900        16 pgs
A04650  BLAIR       Joseph                   Georgia                        Mary (Mathis)             1920        07 pgs
Al1766  BLAKE       Isham M.                 5th Regt Inf                                             1899        06 pgs
A11041  BLAKE       Walter Richard           5th Regt Inf                                             1907        12 pgs
A04875  BLALOCK     H.J.                     5th Bttn Cav                   Annie (Carroll)           1921        13 pgs
A11042  BOATWRIGHT  Benjamin John Rob        5th Regt Inf                                             1907        14 pgs
D24061  BOSWELL     Franklin P.              North Carolina                                           1927        09 pgs
A00689  BOYD        William H.               1st Regt Inf Resv              Florida (Tubberville)     1897        10 pgs
A01332  BRASWELL    M.M.                     2nd Regt Cav                   Mary (Barrington)         1907        14 pgs
A01978  BREVARD     Theodore M.              2nd Regt Inf                   Mary (Call)               1907        11 pgs
Al1678  BRITT       Amos                     1st Regt Cav                   Ellen (--)                1887        10 pgs
A00009  BRITTON     Jonathan W.              1st Regt Inf                   Mary (--)                 1907        16 pgs
A12118  BRYAN       Joseph L.                5th Regt Inf                   Eliza (--)                1907        06 pgs
A03576  BRYAN       William Butler           Georgia                        Amanda (McArthur)         1908        21 pgs
A07644  BULLARD     Alfred Moor              North Carolina                                           1908        13 pgs
A12293  BURNS       Michael                  5th Regt Inf                   Elizabeth (Geddir)        1908        12 pgs
A00887  BURROUGHS   Edwin W.                 5th Bttn Cav                   Mary (Chaires)            1907        11 pgs
D22216  BUTLER      Nathan W.                5th Regt Inf                   Maggie (Herring)          1908        11 pgs
A03733  CARM        Julius M.                Georgia                        Laura (Braswell)          1907        14 pgs
A01944  CAUSSEAUX   William W.               1st Regt Inf Resv              Elizabeth (Ferrell)       1903        27 pgs
A04288  CAY         John David               Georgia                        Georgia (Winn)            1907        17 pgs
A02967  CHAIRES     Samuel P.                2nd Regt Inf                   Mary (Hill)               1906        13 pgs
A00888  CHAMBERS    C.C.                     1st Regt Inf Resv              Mary (--)                 1904        14 pgs
A10212  CHAMBERS    Patrick B.               Arty Units                     Bessie (Hopkins)          1903        22 pgs
A00885  CHARLES     Benjamin C.              5th Bttn Cav                   Ella (Burroughs)          1907        12 pgs
A04397  CLARK       Asa B.                   Navy Srv                       Nellie (DeMilly)          1917        13 pgs
A06540  CLARK       Erastus Wilson           5th Regt Inf                                             1907        16 pgs
A10280  CLARK       Henry                    Georgia                        Susan (Weldon)            1932        05 pgs
A06994  COBB        John P.                  North Carolina                                           1907        13 pgs
A08771  COE         Thomas L.                pension by Legislative Act                               1927        02 pgs
A04025  COLLINS     William C.               Texas                          Smithie (Perryman)        1914        05 pgs
A11039  COMBS       Alphonso R.              Arty Units                                               1900        10 pgs
A11774  CONDELARY   Peter                    6th Regt Inf                   Elizabeth (--)            1899        04 pgs
Al1680  CONDELARY   William                  5th Regt Inf                   Martha (--)               1898        06 pgs
A11040  CONNER      James B.                 5th Regt Inf                                             1907        12 pgs
A07643  COSTA       Thomas                   Arty Units                                               1904        09 pgs
A03981  COX         William Jasper           Georgia                        Rhoda (Carter)            1913        18 pgs
A00696  CROMARTIE   Alexander G.             Arty Units                     Claudia (Reynolds)        1904        19 pgs
A00690  CROWDER     Asa H.                   5th Bttn Cav                   Mary (Williams)           1898        12 pgs
A12634  CRUMP       John R.                  Home Guard                                               1901        04 pgs
A11768  CUNNINGHAM  Joseph H.                South Carolina                 Sarah (--)                1897        07 pgs
A02195  DAMON       Franklin Pierce          W. FL Cadets                   Alice (Perry)             1919        12 pgs
D13236  DAMON       Herman F.                Indpt Units                                              1908        12 pgs
Al1391  DAVIS       William E.               Navy Srv                       Mary (Geddie)             1904        08 pgs
A10096  DEMILLY     Henry Ware               Indpt Units                    Kate (Graham)             1929        11 pgs
A80871  DEMILLY     John Frederick           Arty Units                                               1907        17 pgs
A05383  DEMILLY     Louis L.                 1st Regt Inf                                             1903        09 pgs
A10583  DEMILLY     Walter A.                1st Regt Inf Resv              Georgia (Cay)             1959        09 pgs
A01840  DUNCAN      Joshua                   3rd Regt Inf                   Elizabeth (Holtzclaw)     1886        20 pgs
A00417  DUNCAN      William                  3rd Regt Inf                   Sarah (Clayton)           1902        14 pgs
D23110  DUPREE      Amanda (Robertson)       no service shown                                         1927        05 pgs
A03894  DURANT      Alexander W.             South Carolina                 Sarah (Moore)             1909        09 pgs
A12494  EARNEST     James M.                 5th Regt Inf                   Polly (--)                1903        04 pgs
A00886  EDMONDSON   Joseph A.                Arty Units                     Louisa (Dawson)           1907        12 pgs
A00688  EPPES       Nicholas Ware            5th Regt Inf                   Susan (Bradford)          1907        10 pgs
A04023  EUBANKS     Isaac Martin             Georgia                        Nancy (Hartsfield)        1904        14 pgs
A00685  FAIRCLOTH   Joshua                   3rd Regt Inf                   Nancy (Dyes)              1908        10 pgs
D05841  FARRIOR     John L.                  Home Guard                                               1903        04 pgs
A02329  FARRIOR     John Lannard             Arty Units                     Lenora (Holland)          1907        21 pgs
A12967  FELKEL      Daniel C.                5th Regt Inf                                             1889        02 pgs
A00686  FENNELL     Alexander M.             10th Regt Inf                  Mary (--)                 1905        14 pgs
Al1725  FERRELL     Daniel W.                5th Bttn Cav                   Nancy M.(--)              1899        04 pgs
A00687  FERRELL     W.B.                     1st Regt Inf Resv              Annie (Wiggins)           1899        12 pgs
A02021  FLETCHER    Richard                  2nd Regt Cav                   Allie (Smith)             1899        15 pgs
A00028  FLOYD       George C.                2nd Regt Cav                   Lou (Daniel)              1903        08 pgs
A05382  FOOTMAN     George Nathaniel         2nd Regt Inf                                             1903        11 pgs
A12970  FORD        Thomas                   Indpt Units                                              1885        02 pgs
A10572  FOUNTAIN    John I.                  5th Regt Inf                   Sarah (Yates)             1905        17 pgs
A02298  GAMBLE      Robert Howard            Arty Units                     Angelica (Robinson)       1908        19 pgs
Al1659  GEDDIE      Joseph B.                Arkansas                       Elizabeth (--)            1899        10 pgs
D16280  GIBBS       George Granger           Georgia                                                  1907        14 pgs
A02320  GILCHRIST   Leigh Reid               3rd Regt Inf                   Francine (Felkel)         1921        12 pgs
A03365  GLOVER      Nathan F.                Alabama                        Emma (Martin)             1903        14 pgs
A02068  GORMAN      Robert Berry             5th Regt Inf                   Florence (Blake)          1903        22 pgs
A02461  GRAMLING    David F.                 Arty Units                     Edna (Oliver)             1907        19 pgs
A02096  GRAY        Edward                   5th Regt Inf                   Eliza (Moody)             1903        16 pgs
A02557  GRAY        William R.               Arty Units                     Nonnie (--)               1913        13 pgs
A00683  GREEN       George W.                Arty Units                     Artie (Alderman)          1908        10 pgs
A05696  GRISSETT    Elias Cornelias          5th Regt Inf                                             1907        18 pgs
A02007  GWALTNEY    William R.               Arty Units                     Mary (Hines)              1914        14 pgs
A01424  HALE        Thomas H.                Home Guard                     Margie (McEachin)         1904        14 pgs
A02721  HALL        John Lewis               North Carolina                 Eliza (Helper)            1926        09 pgs
A02508  HALL        Thomas T.                5th Bttn Cav                   Mary (Jones)              1907        21 pgs
D06149  HAMLIN      Weld                     1st Regt Inf Resv                                        1904        13 pgs
A02252  HANDLEY     George W.                2nd Regt Cav                   Caroline (Dempsey)        1920        10 pgs
D16274  HARBERT     Ephriam Crockett         Tennessee                                                1907        12 pgs
D19421  HARE        Mathew                   Home Guard                                               1907        19 pgs
A08393  HARTSFIELD  William J.               1st Regt Inf Resv                                        1915        13 pgs
A01895  HARVEY      James R.                 Home Guard                     Zilpha (Hale)             1913        15 pgs
D23123  HAWKINS     Eugene                   no service shown                                         1927        01 pg
A03963  HAYES       James T.                 Georgia                        Mary (Hadley)             1903        15 pgs
A04973  HELMS       J.W.                     Georgia                        P. (Newberry)             1924        09 pgs
A04942  HERRING     Benjamin Simms           Navy & Virginia                Rosalie (Reynolds)        1924        04 pgs
A01661  HERRING     Henry Clay               10th Regt Inf                  Bettie (Fisher)           1907        17 pgs
A12946  HIGHTOWER   Richard B.               5th Regt Inf                   Catherine (--)            1897        06 pgs
A00682  HINES       James W.                 5th Regt Inf                   Cornelia (Hay)            1908        10 pgs
A00681  HOUSTOUN    Patrick                  Arty Units                     Martha (Bradford)         1907        10 pgs
A08913  HUGHES      Joseph                   Georgia                                                  1931        09 pgs
A02409  HUMPHRESS   John Houston             2nd Regt Cav                   Mary (King)               1907        18 pgs
A02180  HUTTON      Thomas Jefferson         Arty Units                     Lucy (Billingsley)        1907        18 pgs
Al1993  ISLER       John F.                  5th Regt Inf                   Nancy (--)                1907        06 pgs
A02104  ISLER       Nathaniel M.             5th Regt Inf                   Lorah (Manning)           1907        15 pgs
A00680  ISLER       Thomas J.                5th Regt Inf                   Mary (Wiggins)            1888        20 pgs
D19903  JENKINS     Chestley J.              Indpt Units                    Mary (Hudson)             1899        24 pgs -(20 pgs)-
A08148  JOHNSON     George Washington        Home Guard                                               1907        13 pgs
A01331  JOHNSON     Noel                     1st Regt Inf                   Matilda (Dixon)           1903        12 pgs
A00679  JONES       Alfred                   Arty Units                     Eliza (Billingsley)       1903        08 pgs
A07015  JOYNER      John Caswell             Indpt Units                                              1907        17 pgs
D19222  JOYNER      John F.                  Georgia                        Elizabeth (Davis)         1913        08 pgs
A02574  JOYNER      William Benjamin         1st Regt Inf Resv              Elizabeth (Joyner)        1907        18 pgs
D02012  LAMB        John B.                  1st Regt Inf Resv              Sallie (--)               1897        05 pgs
A01980  LEE         James                    Arty Units                     Susan (Alford)            1907        17 pgs
A07638  LEE         William James Rodgers    South Carolina                                           1907        14 pgs
A01979  LONG        Richard C.               1st Bttn Spc Cav               Cora (Gamble)             1907        12 pgs
A11746  MacLEOD     John Bradley             1st Regt Cav                                             1900        04 pgs
Al1574  MATHES      Benjamin Newton          Tennessee                      Nannie '(Chandler)        1907        14 pgs
A10807  MAXWELL     D.B.                     2nd Regt Cav                                             1902        08 pgs
A01113  MAXWELL     John W.                  2nd Regt Cav                   Martha (Reeves)           1901        12 pgs
A00758  MAXWELL     Richard B.               1st Regt Cav                   Leila (Morgan)            1902        12 pgs
A00677  McCOLLUM    E.S.                     2nd Regt Inf                   Nancy (--)                1097 [sic]  10 pgs
A03363  McGRIFF     P.A.                     Georgia                        Susan (Harvin)            1903        08 pgs
A00678  McINTOSH    W.M.                     Qtr Mstr Corps                 Sarah (Durham)            1908        13 pgs
A04209  McKINNON    Patrick W.               Georgia                        Martha (Anderson)         1915        07 pgs
A12770  MOBLEY      Robert S.                3rd Regt Inf                   Mary (--)                 1903        04 pgs
A00986  MONTFORD    Joshua                   Arty Units                     Sarah (Baum)              1903        13 pgs
A01164  MOORE       Thomas R.                2nd Regt Cav                   Elizabeth (Scott)         1907        15 pgs
A12279  MOORE       Walter T.                Arty Units                                               1909        09 pgs
A11038  MOREL       Louis Bryan              Georgia & Virginia                                       1908        15 pgs
A12900  MYERS       Oscar A.                 Georgia                                                  1901        08 pgs
A00965  NASH        John W.                  5th Regt Inf                   Emma (Taylor)             1903        12 pgs
A05796  NAZWORTH    James Thomas             Georgia                                                  1907        13 pgs
Al3027  NICHOLS     Elijah                   2nd Regt Inf                                             1885        02 pgs
A01781  NICHOLSON   Malcom                   6th Regt Inf                   Martha (Smith)            1915        05 pgs
Al1389  OLIVER      James                    5th Regt Inf                   Victoria (McEachin)       1903        08 pgs
A07019  OWENS       Robert Warren            Arty Units                                               1907        17 pgs
A07637  OWENS       Thomas W.                2nd Regt Cav                                             1907        13 pgs
A10569  OXFORD      Daniel A.                Georgia                        Mary (Winchester)         1946        09 pgs
A02073  PAGE        Benjamin F.              5th Regt Inf                   Nannie (McDaniel)         1899        15 pgs
A11037  PAROTT      William Benjamin         6th Regt Inf                                             1904        08 pgs
Al3032  PERKINS     John Day                 2nd Regt Inf                   Joanna (Wilson)           1887        02 pgs
A10511  PERKINS     John W.                  Mississippi                    Sally (--)                1939        04 pgs
A08478  PERKINS     William W.               Indpt Units                                              1919        08 pgs
A05740  POWELL      James Miner              Texas                                                    1907        14 pgs
A11388  PURVIS      John N.                  5th Regt Inf                   Adaline (Key)             1899        08 pgs
A10567  QUAILE      William F.               Indpt Units                    Myrtle B. (Morris)        1922        15 pgs
A12029  RANDOLPH    T.H.                     2nd Regt Cav                                             1907        07 pgs
A02731  RAWLS       William Andrew           Indp Units                     Mary (Flagg)              1923        12 pgs
A10189  REGISTER    George F.                5th Bttn Cav                   Annie (Fitzgerald)        1931        05 pgs
Al1719  REVELL      Sydney E.                5th Regt Inf                   Mary E. (--)              1899        04 pgs
A12433  RICHARDS    Jacob D.                 11th Regt Inf                  Mary A.(--)               1903        04 pgs
A02911  RIDER       James Henry              Missouri                       Mattie (Leech)            1928        09 pgs
A03181  RIVERS      Fredrick William         South Carolina                 Caroline (Chaplin)        1907        11 pgs
A12021  ROBERTS     John P.                  3rd Regt Inf                                             1907        08 pgs
A12384  ROBERTSON   David J.                 5th Bttn Cav                   Elizabeth (--)            1903        05 pgs
A01982  ROBERTSON   William F.               Arty Units                     Katie (Bannerman)         1907        19 pgs
A11036  ROBISON     Larkin                   5th Regt Inf                                             1899        17 pgs
Al1387  ROZEAR      John L.B.                Alabama                        Rebecca (Berry)           1898        12 pgs
A00676  RUSSELL     Zadoc                    1st Regt Inf Resv              Helen (Freeman)           1904        15 pgs
A01961  SANDERS     John D.                  Arty Units                     Phoebe (Starkweathers)    1917        12 pgs
A05376  SANDERS     Wright W.                2nd Regt Inf                                             1902        09 pgs
A08834  SAXON       George W.                Home Guard                                               1928        10 pgs
A00309  SCOTT       Allen                    5th Regt Inf                   Martha (Hand)             1903        14 pgs
A00673  SEXTON      Green                    6th Regt Inf                   Ruth (Durden)             1899        10 pgs
A01977  SHINE       Richard A.               5th Regt Inf                   Laura (Fisher)            1917        06 pgs
A00674  SMITH       Edward C.                Arty Units                     Florida (Horger)          1907        12 pgs
A00672  SMITH       George W.                11th Regt Inf                  Mary (Handley)            1901        12 pgs
A08161  SMITH       John W.                  Georgia                                                  1913        13 pgs
A00884  SNIPES      William T.               5th Regt Inf                   Mary (Willis)             1904        08 pgs
A00501  STAFFORD    Joseph E.                10th Regt Inf                  Nancy (Gamins)            1898        11 pgs
A06267  STAFFORD    S.T.                     Arty Units                                               1903        12 pgs
A06266  STRICKLAND  A.J.                     2nd Regt Cav                                             1904        10 pgs
A11478  STRICKLAND  Nathan W.                5th Regt Inf                   Laura (Basewood)          1904        22 pgs
D06427  TAYLOR      W.R.                     15th Conf Cav                                            1904        04 pgs
D02139  TAYLOR      William T.               15th Conf Cav                                            1899        02 pgs
A01316  THOMAS      John L.                  Arty Units                     Emily (Ferrell)           1907        13 pgs
A02226  THOMAS      William Henry            6th Regt Inf                   Mary (Holley)             1903        14 pgs
A02137  TOMLINSON   Samuel Reese             Georgia-2nd Regt               Ida (Laird)               1899        22 pgs
A10468  TULLY       William C.               2nd Regt Cav                   Ola (Hawes)               1907        23 pgs
A03949  VABON       William Isaac            Georgia                        Jane (Beasley)            1907        20 pgs
Al1752  VAN BRUNT   Francis S.               5th Regt Inf                   Elizabeth (--)            1899        04 pgs
A01205  VAUSE       John E.                  3rd Regt Inf                   Penelope (Baker)          1903        14 pgs
A13049  VINSON      Josiah                   5th Regt Inf                                             1889        02 pgs
A12892  WALKER      W.A.                     no service shown                                         1901        04 pgs
A00010  WARDEN      Peter Lindsay            2nd Regt Inf                   Florida (Wilson)          1908        08 pgs
A10055  WATSON      Albert G.                Alabama                        Emma (--)                 1929        07 pgs
Al1386  WHITEHEAD   Amos                     2nd Regt Inf                   Margaret (Bradford)       1899        11 pgs
A00671  WHITLEY     Thomas S.                5th Regt Inf                   Fannie (Richardson)       1907        10 pgs
A13051  WIGGINS     Daniel                   5th Regt Inf                                             1887        02 pgs
A12728  WILFORD     John H.                  5th Regt Inf                                             1902        04 pgs
D02007  WILKES      Hardy A.                 South Carolina                                           1899        03 pgs
D19078  WILLIAMS    R.W.                     Louisiana                      Virginia (Sutton)         1913        05 pgs
A06265  WILLIAMSON  John Alexander           South Carolina                                           1907        14 pgs
A01102  WILLIS      David L.                 2nd Regt Inf                   Eliza (Saxon)             1897        11 pgs
Al1979  WILSON      Joseph D.                Navy Srv                       Mary (Welford)            1907        06 pgs
A02286  WOODARD     Little H.                2nd Regt Cav                   Mary (Groover)            1921        15 pgs
A01809  WOODWARD    Alfred L.                5th Bttn Cav                   Mary (Scott)              1907        18 pgs