Rev John C Ball of Stratton, Windham Co, VT

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This is one of many the biographical sketches I plan to post to this list on Free Will 
Baptist ministers from VT.

Copy from  "Free Baptist Cyclopaedia"  Historical & Biographical  
by  Rev G. A. Burgess. A. M. & Rev. J. T. Ward, A.M.   
Free Baptist Cyclopaedia Co. 1889.
page 26

Ball, Rev.  John C., (died in Lock's Village, Mass., Feb. 4, 1872, aged 33 years.  He became 
a Christian when quite young and united with the church, in Ashfield, Mass.  He began to 
preach in 1862 and was ordained at the September session of the Rensselaer Q. M., in 1867.  
His ministry was mostly in this Quarterly Meeting. He preached as he had opportunity in 
Leverett, Shuntesburv and Ashfield, Mass., till 1868, when he becanie pastor of the church 
in Stratton, (Windham Co ) Vt., and preached also for the West Jamaica church.  His death 
was most painful.  While watching with a sick daughter, he fell asleep and overturned the 
lamp.  The oil saturated his clothes so that he was fatally burned before he could be 
relieved.  He  was a devoted and consistent Christian, and willing to do what he could.