Windham County VT Archives Biographies.....Bishop, Sylvester 1756 - March 12, 1822
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carol Armbrust March 13, 2009, 8:32 pm

Author: Vermont Historical Gazetteer/ Ephriam H. Newton D.D.

Deacon Sylvester Bishop came to Marlborough from Brookfield, MA. while still a young
man.  He 
purchased Right No.9 and lived there until his death in 1822.  In 1777, he joined
the regular army, was 
with the Green Mountain Boys in the Battle of Hubbardton and was taken prisoner with
John Marks of 
Burlington.  They were incarcerated at Fort Ticonderoga, New York and while there,
marched to Lake 
George and worked in the construction of forts for the defense of the lake.  While
on a march, both 
men stepped into the bushes and were unnoticed by their captors.  They hid in the
woods till night 
and then wandered over Mount Defiance to the west shore of Lake George where they
came upon a 
canoe.  After paddling the canoe to the middle of Lake George in the midst of heavy
fog, a gun was 
fired from an enemy vessel and as they halted their paddling, they noticed
themselves under the 
mouth of a cannon.
They returned to the New York shore until the next evening and finally made their
way to the Vermont 
shore.  Through the thick forest, they made their way to Bennington on the morning
of the Bennington 
battle, procured a musket each and joined the ranks.

Additional Comments:
Sylvester lived with his wife Deborah Barnes Bishop on his farm until his death.

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