Windham County VT Archives Obituaries.....Stockwell, Earl Wesley June 22, 2001
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Ruth Hezlep May 12, 2014, 7:35 pm

Daily Commercial Leesburg, florida July 11,2001
Earl Wesley Stockwell, 79, of Putney, Vt. and Leesburg, Fl. died in Orlando of 
injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident in Apopka. Survivors include his 
wife, Shirley Karmierczak; son, John W. Stockwell of Leesburg; two daughters, 
Suzannah B. Stockwell of Fruitland Park and Nancy Stockwell of Putney, Vt.; 
three sisters, Hazel Campbell, Arlene Kathan and Marjorie Callahan, all of 
Brattleboro, Vt.; three grandsons and two great-grandchildren.

Additional Comments:
He was the owner of Putney Paper Mill  and slso worked as a general building 
contractor in Putney and in Leesburg where he resided as a winter resident.

A Litrurgy of Christian Burial celebrated at our lady of Mercy Catholic Church 
in Putney, Vt. wirh Rev. John Scully, pastor , celebrant. Burial with full 
military honers in the Stockwell family lot in Mount Pleasant Cemetery.

Beyers Funeral Home, Leesburg.

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