Windham County VT Archives Obituaries.....Fairbrother, Alvin December 8, 1885
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Jackson Sentinel, Dec. 12, 1885
Jackson Sentinel, December 12, 1885.

On Tuesday afternoon last, December 8th, Mr. Alvin Fairbrother, aged 72 years, 6
months and 18 days. Another pioneer gone. It was only last week that we
chronicled the death of Alex Reed, who claimed to have turned the first furrow
in Jackson county. Mr. Fairbrother, says the biographical writer of Jackson
County, is a native of Windham County, Vermont, born May 20,1813, he grew to
manhood there, then removed to Essex County, New York. While living there, in
May 1832, he married Miss Polly Estbrook of Essex County, New York.  July 18,
1833, they started for the west and came by wagon; they came to Iowa and to
Jackson county and arrived where Maquoketa is now located September 10, 1833.
His wife and her sister were probably the first ladies that passed a night in
Maquoketa. Mr. Fairbrother used to hunt and trap, and afterwards engaged in
farming, having a taste for bee culture, he has for many years been one of the
largest and most successful bee-keepers in this section of the state. There have
been very few more practical bee-keepers in the state. He has 150 stands of bees
and extracts most of the honey from the comb and sells mostly in the home
market. They have three children, James E., Laura (now Mrs. Henry Taubman),
Harriet (now Mrs. McCrary, living in Kansas) and they lost three daughters.

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