Windham County VT Archives Obituaries.....Green, Asa October 2, 1843
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Davenport Gazette, Oct. 12, 1843
Davenport Gazette, Davenport, Scott County, Iowa Territory
October 12, 1843


At his residence in this place, on the 2nd inst., at 7 o'clock, p.m., ASA 
GREEN, Esq., formerly of Brattleborough, Vermont, in his 58th year, after an 
illness of somewhat more than three weeks. His illness he bore with Christian 
meekness and patience; and when in the course of its alarming symptoms 
developed themselves, his self-possession and composure remained undisturbed. 
He constantly professed his sole reliance to be, on the merits of Christ his 
savior, his sole wish to be, that he, may glorify God either by his life, or 
his death, as He might see fit to appoint, and all his desire, that God would 
dispose of him according to his good pleasure. He died in peace and almost 
without a struggle.

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