Unknown-Statewide County VT Archives Military Records.....Hill, Thomas 1781 Revwar - Rosters see below ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/vt/vtfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Jan Jordan jnrose@webtv.net March 4, 2006, 2:32 pm See Below ============================================== "[255] A Payroll of Capt. Thomas Bull's Company in Col. Ira Allen's Regiment of Militia, for service done the State of Vermont on alarm to the Northward, October 21st, 1781. Name: Thomas HILL Days in service: 13 No. miles out: 40 Wages per day: 0.1.4 Total: 1.10.8." Arlington, Jan. 9, 1782. Attest before me Isaac Tichenor, Justice of Peace." ================================================= "[73] A Payroll of Capt. Nicholas Sharpe's Company in Col. John Abbott's Regiment out in an Alarm to Skeensboro, NY [today Whitehall, NY] with Gen. Enos, in October, 1781. Name: Thomas HILL Days in service: 17 No. miles out: 50 No. rations: 13 Wages per day: 0.1.4 Total: 2.8.0." [2 pounds, 8 shillings] April 5, 1783. Recd. of I. Allen, Treasurer, the contents of this order. George Willam [sic.]." ================================================= "[22] A Payroll of Capt. Silas Goodrich's Company of Militia in Col. Ira Allen's Regiment ..January 1782, for an alarm after Tories to the westward for the relief of Lt. Blancher and Hine, when the former was taken and carried off the tools of British tyranny, etc. Name and rank: Thomas HILL, Private Days in service: 3 No. miles out: 28 Wages per day: 0.4.0 Total: 0.13.4." Sunderland, Oct. 6, 1785. Recd. of the Treasurer, the contents of this order. Lemuel Bradley." 'ROLLS OF VERMONT SOLDIERS in the REVOLUTIONARY WAR 1775-1783", prepared and published under the direction of Major General Martha T. Rainville, The Adjutant General, Vermont, Camp Johnson, Colchester, Vermont, 1998, Volumes 1 and 2, pages 451, 499, and 588. This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/vtfiles/ File size: 2.2 Kb