Unknown County VT Archives Military Records.....Blanchard, Abner Revwar - Rosters ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/vt/vtfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Jan Jordan jnrose@webtv.net July 30, 2005, 4:49 pm Rolls Of Vermont Soldiers In The Revolutionary War page 50 [(18) A Payroll of Capt. Parmalee Allen's Company in Col. Herrick's Regt. of Rangers, for the advanced pay engaged by the authority of the State of Vermont at 1 pound per man per month 1777?: Abner Blancher, entered Oct. 1, discharged Dec. 8, days in service 64 amount paid 2.2.8 [2 pounds, 2 shillings, 8 pence]. page 509 [Skeensborough (NY) Company commanded by Ensign John R. Blanchard, Nov. 1, 1781], 635 [Capt. Brownsons Company, Montreal, Feb. 26, 1776; also Azriel Blanchard served per HENRY STEVENS PAPERS, v. 178], page 636 [Capt. Gideon Brownson's Company in Col. Warner's Regt. Jan. 17th at Orlins on Com'd paid for Quebec 1776] 689 [...adjust wages of Abner Blanchard as a Lt. for five months and ten days, for service done in the last part of the year 1777 and beginning in the year 1778, and draw an order on the Treasurer for the same. Extract from the Journals, Ros. Hopkins, Clk., page 797 [Abner Blanchard-acct. for 'time as a volunteer, in the service of this and the U. State from July 1st to Aug. 17, 1777.], page 808 [519 PETITIONS ON FILE IN SECRETARY'S OFFICE Petition of Abner Blanchard, for service from latter and of June to Aug. 16, 1777, and stating that, soon after, he entered the ranging service under Col. Herrick and in Dec. on a scout lost a gun, &c,-prayer granted.], and page 832 [GREEN MOUNTAIN MEN ENLISTED MEN Abner Blanchard Azriel Blanchard, etc.] Source is ROLLS OF VERMONT SOLDIERS IN THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR 1775-1783, prepared and published under the direction of Major General Martha T. Rainville, The Adjutant General, Camp Johnson, Colchester, Vermont, 1998, Volumes 1 and 2. This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/vtfiles/ File size: 2.2 Kb