Statewide County VT Archives Military Records.....Harris, Asa, Asabel, Daniel, Ebenezer, Edward, Eleazer, Henry, Isaac, John, Joseph, Shadrach, Solomon, Thaddeus, Thomas, Captain, Lieutenant 1775 Revwar - Rosters ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Jan Jordan July 30, 2005, 9:01 pm Rolls Of Vermont Soldiers In The Revolutionary War Serving from Vermont in the Revolutionary War 1775-1783: HARRIS: Asa, Asahel, Daniel, Ebenezer, Edward, Eleazer, Henry, Isaac, John, Joseph, Shadrach, Solomon, Thaddeus Thomas, Captain, and Lieutenant. This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.0 Kb