Statewide County VT Archives Military Records.....Bradford, John October 12, 1780
Revwar - Rosters see below
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See Below
[319] Payroll of Capt. William Dyre's Company in the service of the State of
Vermont, from Oct. 12th, to the 6th day of Nov. 1780, both days included. 
Name: John Bradford 
Days in service: 25 
Amount: 1.13.4 
Mileage allowed by Act of Assembly 60 m each: 0.20.0. page 253 
[57] Payroll of Lieut. Nathl. Holmes' Company in the service of the State of
Vermont, commencing the 27th December 1780, ending the 3rd of April 1781, inclusive,
the money being due from this State. Name: John Bradford Time when entered service:
Jan. 18, 1781 Time when left service:    April 03, 1781 Given at Arlington this
7th of June 1781 ... Thomas Chittenden, Timothy Brownson, Committee. 
March 20, 1782. Received the above in full. Thomas Tolman, Paymaster. pages 366 and
[160] True list of Capt. John Stark's Company's Payroll of services in the State of
Vermont, from the beginning of the campaign 1781 to the 30th of June in said year,
inclusive, taken from the original in the Paymaster's Office. 
Name: Jno. Bradford 
Sum: 3.12.0 
Pay Table Office, Sunderland, Aug. 18, 1783... Timothy Brownson and 
Samuel Bartlit, Committee. 
Received of the Treasurer the contents of the above warrant, Oct. 2, 
1784. Thomas Tolman, Paymaster. 
page 393 
[237] A payroll of Capt. John Stark's Company in the Battalion commanded by Col.
Samuel Fletcher, in the service of the State of Vermont-1781. Name: John Bradford
Commencement of pay: July 1st 
Ending of pay:        Sept. 22nd 
Days: 82 
Per day: 1/4 
Total 5.9.4 [5 pounds, 9 shillings, 4 pence]. Deserted. Pay Table Office, Arlington,
Oct. 2nd, 1784 received of the treasurer the contents of the above warrant. Thomas
Tolman, Paymaster. page 578 
Pay-book for the year 1780 
Private: John Bradford, etc. 
page 830 
Source is "Rolls of Vermont Soldiers in the REVOLUTIONARY WAR 1775-1783", prepared
and published under the direction of Major General Martha T. Rainville, The Adjutant
General, Vermont, Camp Johnson, Colchester, Vermont, 1998, Volumes 1 and 2. 

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