Statewide-Unknown County VT Archives Military Records.....Boyse, Silas May 1, 1777
Revwar - Rosters Capt. Samuel Ashley's Co. of Light Infantry, Major John Wheelock.
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Jan Jordan August 14, 2010, 3:32 pm

"ROLLS OF VERMONT SOLDIERS IN THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR 1775-1783", Prepared And Published Under The Direction Of Major General Martha T. Rainville, The Adjutant General, Camp Johnson, Colchester, Vermont, 1998, Volume II, Pages 649-650.
"Payroll of Captain Samuel Ashley's Company of Light Infantry under the command of
Major John Wheelock in the service of New York State from the time of their
enlistment until discharged by a vote of the Legislature of said state...August
14th, 1777.

Man's name: Silas Boyse
Time enlisted: May 1, 1777
Days of service: 106
Wages per month: 40
Total wages: 7.11.6
Rations per week: 7 6
Total Rations: pounds 5.13.7
Bounty: pounds 6.0.0
Total wages, bounty & rations: 19.5.1.

Certified by Samuel Ashley Capt., attest John Wheelock, Major. 

[From back of roll]
Claremont in the State of New Hampshire Nov. 3rd 1777 then the within Capt. Samuel
Ashley personally appeared and made solemn oath to the truth of the within payroll
by him subscribed..."

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