Biography: Jeremiah S. Jewett 1822: Warren, Grafton Co, New Hampshire

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Submitted by: Rick Giirtman
Date: September 14, 2000

From Gazetteer of Grafton County, NH 1709-1886 -Warren
Compiled & published by Hamilton Child 1886

Jeremiah S. Jewett was born in Laconia, N. H., November 25, 1822, and was
educated at the common school and academy of that place. In 1848 he entered
the employ of the Boston & Concord railroad, and helped to make the first
survey from Concord to Wells River, Vt. In 1863 he located in Warren and
engaged in mercantile pursuits, which business he still continues. He has
been a justice of the peace about sixteen years, and was ordained as a
Methodist minister in 1878, and has also been Sabbath-school superintendent
thirteen years.