Bio: Ambrose Scribner :Ashland, Grafton Co, New Hampshire

From Gazetteer of Grafton County, NH 1709-1886 -Ashland
Compiled & published by Hamilton Child 1886

Ambrose Scribner was born in Andover, N. H., June 13th, 1817, and located in
what is now Ashland in 1849, and with his brother engaged in the manufacture
of shoes for a Massachusetts firm. In this he continued five years. In 1855
he bought, in company with W. P. Drake, a paper-mill of George W. Mitchell,
now one of Wilder & Co.'s mills, and manufactured Manila paper and straw
board about a dozen years ago. Franklin Scribner sold out his interest, and,
with Lewis Scribner, built the paper-mill which was sold to Wilder & Co. in
1871, and burned in 1884. Ambrose Scribner sold out to Mr. Drake and
acquired an interest in the shoe-peg mill, established by Col. Jesse Ladd
and Aaron M. Gordon about 1849. He erected the present mill, operated by
Carter & Rogers, in 1880, which property he now owns. He has held the office
of town treasurer four years, and that of selectman one year.

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Submitted by: Rick Giirtman
Date: January 6, 2001