Biography:  JOHN B. ROGERS, Grafton Co., NH

Granite State Magazine An Illustrated Monthly Devoted to the History,
Story, Scenery, Industry and Interest of New Hampshire 
Edited By George Waldo Browne 
Volume I. January to June, 1906 
Manchester, N.H.:
Granite State Publishing Company 1906

page 307

JOHN B. ROGERS, known widely as a tin peddler for over fifty years,
was a native of Ashland, where he died February 6, 1906, in his
eighty-fourth year. He had no immediate relatives, and his wife, Miss
Sally Smith, whom he married over sixty years ago, died the following
year. His regular visits in the interest of his wide trade won for him
many friends.

Courtesy of Tina Vickery
March 2000

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