Biography: Elliot Healy :Alexandria, Grafton Co, New Hampshire

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From Gazetteer of Grafton County, NH 1709-1886 -Alexandria
Compiled & published by Hamilton Child 1886

Elliot Healy, whose father served in the Revolution, came to this town
from Northfield, N. H., about 1810, married Judith Heath, and reared
seven children. The son Joseph S. married twice, first Mary Garlin and
second Elizabeth Hammond, of Bristol, N. H. Of his four children,
Albert lives in California, Eller resides in Manchester, Joseph H.
served in the late war, in Co. C., 7th N. H. Vols., and died in Georgia
in 1863, and Fred N. lives in this town, on road 11. Fred N. married
Hannah Stevens, daughter of Jonathan Ackerman.