Biography: Eliphalet Gale : Alexandria, Grafton Co, New Hampshire

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Submitted by: Vera Burnham
Date: September 20, 2000

From Gazetteer of Grafton County, NH 1709-1886 -Alexandria
Compiled & published by Hamilton Child 1886

Eliphalet Gale came to Alexandria from Salisbury, N. H., and was one of the
early settlers of the town. Stephen, one of his six children, married
Margaret Sanburn, of Bristol, N. H. Luke, one of the thirteen children of
Stephen, married Louisa A., daughter of Elias and Rebecca (Simonds) Perkins,
and has three childre, namely, Sarah L., Clara A., and Orrin S. The latter
has been town clerk eleven years, is now justice of the peace, was a member
of the State constitutional convention, for New Hampshire, in 1876, and
represented the town in 1881. He married Emma R. Bailey, has two children,
Shirley L. and Angie L., and resides on the home farm with his father. Luke
Gale has held many offices of trust in the town and in the county. He
represented the town in 1869-70.