Will: William Bell, 1783 : Lyme, Grafton Co, New Hampshire

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Submitted by: Rick Giirtman rickman@worldpath.net
Date: September 22, 2000

In the name of God Amen I William Bell of Lime in the State of New Hampshire
, Husbandman, being very sick & weak in body but of sound mind and memory
thanks be given to God for it, calling to mind the mortality of my Body &
knowing that it is appointed for all men once to Die do make & ordain this
my last Will & Testament, that is to say principally & first of all I give
& recommend my soul into the hands of almighty God who gave it & my body I
recommend to the Earth to be buried in decent Christian burial at the
discretion of my Executor nothing doubting but at the general Resurrection
I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God and as touching
such worldly estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this life,
I give, devise and dispose of the same in the following manner & form.

First, I give & bequeath to Elizabeth my dearly beloved wife, the use &
improvement of my farm where I now live together with all my stock, outdoor
moveables & household furniture during her life and after her to be equally
divid among all my children except my son William whose share shall be one
third more than any one of the rest of my children----

I give and bequeath to my son Andrew one fifty acre lot of land in Lime, it
being the lot whereon he now liveth---

I give and bequeath to my son Samuel, thirty acres of land in Lime lying on
the south side of the lot umber thirty four of the second Division said
thirty acres being three ten acre pitches, and also one undivided right in
Lime belonging to the original right of William Bell; he the said Samuel
paying fifty pound, lawful money----

I give and bequeath to my sons John Andrew & Samuel one undivided right of
land in Lime belonging to the original right of James Brown to be equally
shared between them-----

I give and bequeath to my Daughters Elizabeth Jane Isabel Elener & Mary, two
lots of land in Lime of a hundred acres each being number Eleven & Number
sixty-four of the third division and twenty five pound lawful money to be
equally shared & divided among them--&

I give to my beloved wife what money remains after my estate is settled &
just debts paid---

And I do make & constitute my son William to be the sole Executor of this my
last will & testament. And I do hereby disallow revoke & disanul all & every
other former will & testament ratifying and confirming this & no other to be
my last will & testament in witness whereof I have here into set my hand &
Seal this thirty first day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand
seven hundred & eighty three----

Signed Sealed published & declared by the said William Bell as his last will
& Testament in the presence of us
Thomas Porter Jun'r
Elijah Porter
James English
                                       William Bell
                                       his mark


State of New Hampshire Grafton
Haverhill 18 Nov'r 1788

Then Thomas Porter & James English personally appeared & made solemn oath
that they saw William Bell sign & seal & declare the foregoing testament to
be his last will and Testament and that they signed their names as witnesses
in his presence and in the presence of each other and in the presence of
Elijah Porter and that to the best of their judgement he was of a sound
disposing Mind and Memory.

Before me Charles Johnston Judge Prob.

Grafton Haverhill November 18th 1788---
I allow & approve of the within written instrument as & for the last will
& testament of the said Testator

Charles Johnston Judge Prob.