Grafton County NH Archives Wills.....Ross, Royal 1852 & 1857
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Source: New Hampshire, U.s., Wills And Probate Records, 1643-1982 Probate Records, Vol 32-35, 1854-1898
Written: February 28, 1852
Recorded: March 23, 1857

page 320
Royal Ross Will
    To the Hon Judge of Probate for the county of Grafton, Respectfully
represents Jonathan Ross of St. Johnsbury in the County of Caledonia
and state of Vermont that Royal Ross late of Waterford in said county
has lately deceased testate? that the last will & testament of said
deceased executed with ? formalities required by the laws of this
state has been duly proved and allowed in the Court of Probate in & 
for the said County of Caledonia and your petitioner duly appointed
one of the executors thereof and that the said testator at the time
of his death had estate in said County of Grafton and which said will 
may operate. Wherefore your petitioner herewith presents a copy of
said will duly authenticated together with a copy of the probate 
thereof & prays that by a decree of your Honor the same may be filed
& recorded in the Probate Office for said county of Grafton agreeably
to the statute in such case provided
                          Dated the 23rd day of March AD 1857
                                   Jonathan Ross one of the Executors
                                    of said will
State of New Hampshire
Grofton Co. Court of Probate March Term of 1857
Upon the foregoing petition  it is ordered that a hearing be held the
thereon at a Court of Probate to be holden? at Plymouth in same County
on the third Tuesday of May next and that the petitioner notify all 
persons concerned to appear at said Court to show cause if any they
have why the prayer of said petition should not be granted by causing
an attested copy of said petition and order thereon to be published
three weeks sucessfully in the Peoples Journal a newspaper printed at
Littleton in said County, the last publication whereof to be at least
thirty days before said Court
     By order of the Judge
                            N. W. Westgate..Register
State of New Hampshire
Grofon Co. At a Court of Probate holden at Plymouth in said county on
the third Tuesday of May Anno Domini 1857
page 321
Upon examining the forgoing petition and order of notice there it
appears that said Order   ???? completed with and that the finds
all of in  ?? said petition are true. It is therefore ....?? that
the prayer of said petitioner be granted and that the copy of said
will duly authenticated together with the copy of the probate thereof
be filed and recorded in the Probate office for said County of Grofton.
                           N. S. Berry Judge of Probate

I Royal Ross of Waterford in the County of Caledonia being in a
infirm state of health and sensible of my liableness? to sudden death,
at the same time  being in my own apprehension of sound mind do judge
it ?? to ??? & do hereby make this my last will and testament.
            It is my will that all my just debts and the charges of my
funeral be paid by my executors hereafter named and appointed out of
my estate as soon ass conveniently may be done  after my decease.
    I give devise and despose of all my estate real & personal (except
that shall be needing? for payment of my just debts & funeral
charges) in the following manner
    I give my beloved wife Eliza Ross to have and to hold so long as
she shall live, all the farm, stock farming implements such as tools 
& carriages all of whatsoever kind all the farm produce in hay, grains 
and all the household furniture & Library containers and the whole
farm; I also give to her the use of twenty shares of stock in the Pas??? 
Bank and the use of all the farm on which I now reside (excepting so
much as lies Ease & south of a line commencing on the Road leading from
my house to the school house, and following the wall between a wood lot &
what is now called the Graves pasture so far as said wall extends and
thence running an a direct course to the corner of four lots & as now
the south west corner of what is now called the upper Hill pasture, the
same being the corner between my land and that of Otis Ballou and 
page 32 excepting also all enclosed in and now called the Upper hill
pasture & I mean the same to be and that she accepts the same in full
of her riht of dower in my estate and I give to her as above upon 
condition that she my said wife shall give to my executors when demanded
a release of all demands & claims of dower & otherwise of and against
my estate save what I have herein given to her.
      The residue of my estate personal & real I give to be divided equally
among my children Mary M. Brown, Emily E. Cadwell, Jonathan Ross, Edward
Ross, Eliza A. Carter, Royal M. Ross, Henry Ross, Lucy I Ross, Harlow P
Ross Martha J. Ross and Abb M. Ross and in consideration that I have ordered
to same extent some of the older ones, that said division may be equal I 
devise and direct that to be the residue of the estate be added the sum
of several apertances south and ?? interest this ?? & that the aggregate thus
arising be divided into as many equal parts as there are children & that
from the part of each of them who have had appertances since of age from me 
me any way be deducted the amount of assistance so  ??  by him or her,
thus do I grant and give to each of my children and their  ??? heirs forever.
      And I hereby nominated constitute and appoint my brother A. B.??Ross and 
my oldest son J. Ross jointly and severally to be executors of this my
last will and testament and so as that in case of the death of one them, the
the survivor of them shall be sole executor of this my last will.
And I give such survivor all the power and direction I have given my said
executors. I also give to each of them all and every trust? I have given
to them jointly provided & so far as he who shal act have the consent of the
other executor and it is my wil that neither of my executors shall be
answerable for any of my estate ??? by the other Executor-- In testimony
whereof I hereto set my hand & seal & publish & declare this to be my last
will and testament this twenty eight day of February in the year of our 
Lord eighteen hundred & fifty two.
                                     Royal Ross    [SS]

Additional Comments:
U.S., Find a Grave® Index, 1600s-Current
Name	Royal Ross
Gender	Male
Birth Date	22 May 1799
Birth Place	Waterford, Caledonia County, Vermont, United States of America
Death Date	2 Nov 1856
Death Place	Waterford, Caledonia County, Vermont, United States of America
Cemetery	Lower Waterford Cemetery
Burial or Cremation Place	Waterford, Caledonia County, Vermont, United States of
Father	Jonathan Ross
Mother	Lucy Ross
Spouse	Eliza Ross

1850 Waterford, Caledonia, Vermont
Royal Ross    57 VT
Eliza Ross    48
Jonathan Ross 24
Edward Ross   21
Eliza A Ross  18
Royal Ross    17
Henry Ross    14
Lucy M Ross   13
Harlon P Ross  9
Martha Ross    7


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