PATRICK COUNTY, VA - VITALS - Marriage, James Watts To Elizabeth Sharp, 6 Nov 1820 -------- Patrick County, Va., Marriage Book, pp. 288, 776 Name of Groom: James WATTS Name of Bride: Elizabeth SHARP Sureties: William WATTS Peter CASSADA Date of Bond: 16 November 1819 Date of Marriage Return: 6 November 1820 Know all men by these presents that we, Jas. Watts, William Watts, and Peter Cassada are held and firmly bound unto his excellency Jas. P. Preston Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia and his Successors in office for the use of the Commonwealth in the Just and full sum of one hundred & fifty dollars to which payment will & Truly to be made we bind ourselves and each of us our heirs executors and administrators firmly by these presents sealed with our seals and dated this 16th day of November 1819. The Condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the above bound James Watts hath this day Obtained a license for his intermarrying with Elizabeth Sharp of the county. Now if there is no lawfull cause to Obstruct the said marriage, then this obligation to be Void else to remain in full force & Virtue. his Witness James (X) Watts (Seal) A. Staples mark William Watts (Seal) his Peter (X) Cassada (Seal) mark A memorandum of marriage Licenses Acted on by Brett Stovall in the year 1819 John Castle to Polly Gilbert James Hopkins to Jane Gilbert William Hopkins to Elizabeth Meredith Clabourn Harris to Elizabeth Blanks James Wats to Elizabeth Sharp The above mentioned License ware lost in my pocket Book in January last. Brett Stovall Nov. 6th 1820 (Transcribed by Mary C. Smith from photocopies provided by the Patrick County Circuit Court, Stuart, Va.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Mary Smith <> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------