PATRICK COUNTY, VA - VITALS - Marriage, Frederick Shelton And Winny Jones,
			      6 Feb 1809

Patrick County, Va., Marriage Bond Book, p. 504
Name of Groom: Frederick SHELTON
Name of Bride: Winney JONES
Surety:        Robert SHARP
Date:          6 February 1809

Know all men by these presents that we Frederick Shelton & Robert Sharp are 
held & firmly bound unto John Tylor Governor of this Comwealth & his 
successors for the time being in the sum of two Hundred & fifty Dollars 
current money of Virginia & to the payment of Wch. we bind ourselves our 
Heirs etc. Jointly & Severally firmly by these presents sealed with our 
seals & dated This 6th day of February 1809.

     The Condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the above 
bound Frederick Shelton has obtained a license to Intermarry with Winny 
Jones -- If therefore there is no lawfull cause to obstruct the said 
marriage then the above obligation to be Void else to remain in full force 
Power & Virtue.

signed sealed &                        his
delivered in the              Frederick (x) Shelton   (Seal)
Presents of                            mark

Saml. Staples                      Robert Sharp       (Seal)

(Transcribed by Mary C. Smith from a photocopy provided by the Patrick 
County Circuit Court, Stuart, Va.)

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