PATRICK COUNTY, VA - VITALS - Marriage, Archebald Shelton And Rhoda Nolin, 28 Nov 1797 -------- Patrick County, Va., Marriage Bond Book, p. 130 Name of Groom: Archebald SHELTON Name of Bride: Rhoda NOLIN Surety: Robert SHARP Date: 28 November 1797 Consent by Father of the Bride: James NOLEN Know all men by these presents that we Archebald Shelton & Robert Sharp are held and firmly bound unto James Wood Esqr. Governor of this Commonwealth of Virginia and His Successors for the time being in the Just and full sum of Two hundred and fifty Dollars Current Money of Virginia, and to which payment will and Truly to be made We bind ourselves our heirs Exors etc. Jointly & Severally firmly by these presents sealed with our seals and dated this 28th day of November 1797 The condition of the above Obligation is such that whereas there is a marriage shortly Intended to be had and Solemnized between the above bound Archebald Shelton and Rodah Nolin if therefore There is no Lawfull cause to Obstruct the said Marriage then the above Obligation to be Void else to remain in full force Power and Virtue sealed with our seals Archabel Shelton (Seal) in the Presents of Robert Sharp (Seal) Sam. Staples This is to Certify that I have Given my Concent for my Daughter Rodah Nowling to Intermarry With Archaball Shelton Given under my hand this 27th Day of Novr. 1797 Witness James Nolen Robert Sharp (Transcribed by Mary C. Smith from a photocopy provided by the Patrick County Circuit Court, Stuart, Va.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Mary Smith <> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------