Sharp/Shelton License, 1796

I do hereby certify that Robert Sharp has performed every Requisite Required
by Law for Obtaining a Licence to Intermary with Peney Shelton of the County
of Patrick Given under my hand this 17th day of August 1796.

To Any Justice Named in the
Commission of the Peace                    Samuel Staples   Cl. Cu.

Patrick County to wit

     These are to Licence and Permit you to Join together in the holey State
of Wedlock, Robert Sharp and Peney Shelton both of the County of Patrick, 
and for to doing this shall be your Sufficient Warrant Given under my hand 
the 17th day of August 1796.

To Any Minister Legally Authorised
to Solemnise the Rites of Matrimony               Stephen Lyon   J.P.  

(Transcribed by Mary C. Smith from a certified copy provided by the Patrick 
County Circuit Court, Stuart, Va.)

Submitted by Mary C. Smith <>


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