Scott/Eaton, 1864 - Patrick Co. VA


VIRGINIA       Patrick County                To Wit:

   To any Person Licensed to Celebrate Marriages

You are hereby authorized to join together in the Holy State of Matrimony, 
according to the rites and ceremonies of your Church, or religious 
denomination, and the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia,

                  JOHN SCOTT
                  LEATHA EATON

Given under my hand, as Clerk of the County Court
of Patrick, this 22 day of February 1864

                               L. G. Rucker, Clerk


    To be annexed to the License, required by the act  passed 15 March, 1861.

Time of Marriage, February 25, 1864

Place of Marriage, Patrick County, Virginia

Full Names of Parties Married, John Scott 
                                   and Leatha Eaton
Age of husband, 60 years

Age of Wife, 27 years

Condition of Husband (widowed or single), widowed

Condition of Wife (widowed or single), single

Place of Husband's Birth, Wythe County, Virginia

Place of Wife's Birth, Patrick County, Virginia

Place of Husband's Residence, Patrick County, Virginia

Place of Wife's Residence, Patrick County, Virginia

Name of Husband's Parents, Thomas and Katy Scott

Name of Wife's Parents, John and Nancy Eaton

Occupation of Husband, Farmer

    Given under my hand this 22nd day of February, 1864

                              L. G. Rucker, Clerk


I certify that on the 24 day of February, 1864 at
the County of Patrick, I united in marriage the above named and described 
parties, under authority of the annexed License.

                                    Martin Cloud    

Note: John Scott was first married to Affirah Ayers, of Patrick County, 
Virginia (deceased), daughter of Elihu Ayers and Lydia Owen. 

Submitted by William Harrold <>


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