PATRICK COUNTY, VA - VITALS - Scott Marriages, 1808-1877
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This file was contributed for use in the Virginia USGenWeb Archives 
	by: William E. Harrold
Scott Marriages, Patrick County, Virginia


Transcribed by William E. Harrold

Asa Scott and Texanna Smith
March 12, 1872
Patrick County, Virginia
Son of Lucinda Scott
Daughter of Bartlett and Helen Smith

Catherine Scott and Elijah Harrold
March 15, 1838
Surry County, North Carolina
Daughter of John Scott and Affirah Ayers, and Granddaughter of Thomas and
Catherine Scott (of Wythe County) and Elihu Ayers and Lydia Owen.
Elijah Harrold, b. North Carolina June 9, 1816

Daniel Samuel Scott and Mary Ann Spangler
December 28, 1843
Patrick County, Virginia
John Spangler, Bondsman

Eveline Scott and Enos Hiatt
July 2, 1859
Surry County, NC

James Scott and Mima Seratt
February 4, 1808
Wythe County, Virginia

Jesse Scott and Patsey Arnold
February 9, 1821
Wythe County, Virginia

Joanna Elizabeth Scott and Jesse E. Hiatt
December 7, 1862
Patrick County, Virginia
Daughter of John Scott and Affirah Ayers, and granddaughter of Thomas and
Catherine Scott and Elihu Ayers and Lydia Owen
Son of Eli Hiatt and Phebe Ayers

John Scott and Affirah Ayers
July 18, 1816
Patrick County, Virginia
John Scott is the son of Thomas and Catherine Scott of Wythe County,
Virginia; Affirah Ayers is the daughter of Elihu Ayers and Lydia Owen (from
Halifax County, Virginia), and granddaughter of Thomas Ayers, Sr. and Barbara
[Murphy?]; and of John Owen and Elizabeth Nichols (Pittsylvania County, 

John Scott and Polly Mitchell
January 1, 1820
Wythe County, Virginia

John W. Scott and Sarah Massey
March 5, 1868
Patrick County, Virginia
Joseph B. Scott and Mary Ann Shelton
June 15, 1847
Daughter, Herbert Shelton

Lydia Scott and Reynolds McMillian
October 14, 1840
Patrick County, Virginia
Bondsman, Eli Hiatt
Witness, Palen Chappell
Son of Nathaniel and Anna McMillian, and grandson of Abraham and Elizabeth
Daughter of John Scott and Affirah Ayers, and granddaughter Thomas and
Catherine Scott (of Wythe County) and of Elihu Ayers and Lydia Owen

Lucretia Scott and Richard Spangler
October 24,1843
Surety, John Monday
Patrick County, Virginia

Margaret Scott and John Monday
March 11, 1830
Patrick County, Virginia
Thomas Scott, Bondsman

Mary W. Scott and Joseph Banks
February 19, 1838
Patrick County, Virginia
Surety, Thomas Scott
Witnesss: P. Bowman
Joseph Banks is from Grayson County, Virginia

Richard H. Scott and Sophia R. Penn
February 21, 1843
Patrick County, Virginia

William Scott and Elizabeth (Betsy) Porter
January 2, 1815
Wythe County, Virginia