Nov. 2, 1841           MATTHEW MABE, age 21, son of Abner Mabe, and ELIZABETH
                             WASHBURN, Sur. John Washburn, Wit. Lewis Bhoman &
                             William Shelton.  Min. Jon Washburn.  MR 4 Nov

Aug 8, 1816            JOSHUA MABERY and POLLY HUFF.  Sur. Thomas Whitlock.
                              Min. Thomas Whitlock.

Jan 16, 1815           JOHN MABS and MINCEY BOLLING.  Min. John Conner.

Jane 16, 1808          MICAJAH MAHONE and NANCY HORNSBAY, daughter of
                              Thomas Hornsbay.  Sur John Fields.

Oct 17, 1823            WILLIAM MAJOR and ELIZABETH NICHOLS, consent of
                               Bazdel Nichols.  Sur.  Simeon Nichols.

May 25, 1831            WILLIAM MANKIN and HARRIET SMITH.  Sur James
                                Mankin.  Min Thomas Whitlock.

Jul 4, 1847                JOSEPH H. MANS, a free man of color of Henry Co.,
                                and CATHERINE LOGGIN, daughter of Polly
Loggin, a
                                free woman of colour.  Catherine Loggin is
abound girl
                                to J. G. Lee.  Sur. Isiah Loggin.  Min Joshua
                                M. R. 11 Aug 1847.

Jul 3, 1802                RICHARD MANES and ANNE LAWSON.

Mar 19, 1839             ELIJAH MANNING and CATHERINE HALL.
                                Min. John Conner.

Jan 11, 1822             RICHARD MANOR and NANCY BELCHER.
                                Sur. Benjamin Belcher.

Sep 18, 1814            JOHN MARROW and MARY LOCKHART.  
                               Min.  Stephen Hubbard.

Sep 9, 1845              HAMILTON MARSHALL, son of Joseph D. Marshall and
                               SARAH BOWMAN, daughter of Margaret Bowman.  Wit
                               Henry Sutphin & Stephen H. Bolt.  Min. William
                               M. R. 13 Oct 1845.

May 29, 1837           ROBERT M. MARSHALL and C. BREAM.  Sur. Joseph Bream.

Dec 10, 1850            BERRYMAN J. MARTIN and SUSAN EDWARDS.  Min Joshua

Nov 16, 1840            DANIEL MARTIN and AMERICA PRICE, consent of 
                               B. M. Price, Sr. and James Martin.  Wit.  B. M.
Price, Jr.
                               and John Martin.

Oct 4, 1849              EWELL MARTIN and SARAH GRAY, daughter of Powell Gray.
                               Sur.  Samuel martin.  Min D. G. Taylor.  M.R. 9
Oct 1849.

Mar 4, 1834              GEORGE MARTIN and NANCY HILL, daughter of Charles
                                Sur.  William Hill.  Wit.  Valentine Napier.
Min Joshua Adams
                                M.R. 13 Mar 1834

Submitted by


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