McMillion/Hicks Marriage Bond, 1805 - Patrick Co. VA

Marriage Bond
 of Dudley McMillion and Elizabeth Hicks, 1805
          Patrick County, Virginia

        Transcribed by William E. Harrold

Know all men by these presents that we DUDLEY MCMELION
and THOMAS PUCKET are held and firmly bound unto John Page [?], the Governor 
of the Commonwealth for the time being and his successors in the sum of One 
Hundred and Fifty Dollars to which payment will and truly to be made we bind 
our Heirs, Executors, and Administrators pointedly by this presents sealed 
with our seals and dated this 4th day of July 1805.

The condition of this obligation is that whereas the above bound DUDLEY 
MCMELION hath this day obtained a license for his marriage with ELIZABETH 
HICKS of this County, now if there shall not hereafter appear any lawful 
cause to obstruct the Marriage then this obligation to be void, else to 
remain in full force and virtue.

Samuel Staples
                       DUDLEY X MCMELLION [Seal]
                       THOMAS X PUCKET [Seal]

                 Patrick County
                MINISTERS RETURN

DUDLEY MCMELION and ELIZABETH HICKS [were married] July the 4th 1805.
                        Thomas Whitlock

Note 1: Although the spelling of his name varies in these documents, the 
groom is identified as DUDLEY MCMILLION/MCMILLIAN, son of ABRAHAM AND 
ELIZABETH MCMILLIAN, b. 1785 in North Carolina, d. July 7, 1861. Elizabeth 
[Hicks] McMillion, daughter of SAMUEL HICKS, was born April 12, 1786, in 
North Carolina, and died September 21, 1859.

Note 2: The surname of the Bondsman is generally spelled PUCKETT.

Submitted by William E. Harrold <>


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