PATRICK COUNTY, VA - VITALS - Haynes Marriages, 1784-1868
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	by: William E. Harrold


Patrick County, Virginia, 1784-1868

Transcribed by William E. Harrold

Adeline Haynes and Joseph McGuffin
January 7, 1839
Bondsman, Isaac N. Haynes
Daughter of Hampton Haynes
Isaac is probably Adeline's brother

Archibald Haynes and Sarah Ann McMillian
March 15, 1812
Son of Bethany and Mourning Haynes
Bondsman, Henry McMillian ( son of Abraham and Elizabeth McMillian)

Archibald Haynes and Matilda Combs
January 9, 1868
Son of Stephen and Rebecca Haynes
Grandson of Archibald Haynes and Sarah Ann McMillian
Bondsman, Edward J. Guynn
Matilda Combs is the Widow of John Haynes,
who was Killed by the Carroll County, Virginia, Home Guard

Catherine Haynes and Berry Combs
Marriage    Date ?
Daughter of Archibald Haynes and Sarah Ann McMillian
Berry Combs is the brother of Matilda Combs (below)

Charlotte Haynes and Felding Lewis
December 27, 1812

Clara Haynes and Zachariah Morris
September 3, 1816
Daughter of Nehemiah Daniel and Anna Lyon
She is the widow of Joshua Haynes, Jr. (below)

Columbus Haynes and Lavinia M. Hall
March 3, 1861
He, age 21, she age 15
Daughter of Russell M. and Nancy Hall
Son of Isaac and Ann [Stone] Haynes

Greenberry Haynes and Nancy Bingham
January 6, 1826
Minister, Thomas Whitlock

James Haynes and Temperance (Tempy) J. McMillian
February 5, 1858
He, age 19, born Rockingham County, North Carolina
She age 24, raised in Carroll County, Virginia
Son of Preston Haynes and Mourning Green
Grandson of Archibald Haynes and Sarah Ann McMillian
Daughter of Wiliam A. McMillian and Annie [Allen] McMillian
Granddaughter of Stephen McMillian and Martha Blansett
Granddaughter of William Allen, Jr. and Ann Stuart
Marriage occcurred in Surry County
Minister, R. M. Clark

John Haynes and Matilda Combs
February 6, 1856
Son of Archibald Haynes and Sarah Ann McMillian
Bondsman, Lemuel Guynn
Marriage occurred in Surry County, North Carolina

Joshua Haynes and Clara Daniel
March 26, 1808
Bondsman, J. Snow
Thought to be grandson of Bethany Haynes,
and son of Joshua Haynes, Sr. and Elizabeth Scott
Daughter of Nehemiah Daniel and Anna Lyon

Luster Haynes and Mary Branson
January  10, 1811
Bondsman, William Cox

Mary Ann Haynes and Andrew Nester
c. 1854
Daughter of Archibald Haynes and Sarah Ann McMillian

Massie Harriett Haynes and John Boyd
July 8, 1868
Daughter of Archibald Haynes and Sarah Ann McMillian

Nancy Haynes and Joseph McMillian
Marriage Date ? c. 1847
Daughter of Archibald Haynes and Sarah Ann McMillian
Son of Nathaniel and Anna McMillian
Grandson of Abraham and Elizabeth McMillian

Nancy Haynes and Lewis Foster, Jr.
August 20, 1826

Polly Haynes and William Dunford
August 15, 1815

Preston Haynes and Mourning Guynn
October 20, 1835
Son of Archibald Haynes and Sarah Ann McMillian

Samuel Haynes and Margaret Johnson
December 13, 1849
Bondsman, William Edwards
Marriage occurred in Surry County, North Carolina
Son of Archibald Haynes and Sarah Ann McMillian

Sarah Haynes and Jesse Carter
August 28, 1806
Minister, Thomas Whitlock

Susannah Haynes and Daniel C. Hill
March 8, 1830
Bondsman, James Mankin

William Haynes and Mary Bodie
June 26, 1853
Bondsman, Littleberry Haynes (brother of William)
Marriage occurred in Surry County, North Carolina

William G. Haynes and Susan Martin
September 23, 1843

William O. Haynes and Nancy Smith
July 21, 1808
Bondsman, Joshua Haynes (Brother)
Son of Bethany and Mourning Haynes