Crum/Sharp Marriage Bond, 1813 - Patrick Co. VA

Patrick County, Va., Marriage Bond
Name of Groom: William Crum
Name of Bride: Ruth Sharp
Surety: John Sharp
Date: 13 August 1813

Know all men by these presents that we Wm. Crum & John Sharp are held and firmly bound unto his 
Excellency Jas Barbour Govnor of the Commonwealth of Virginia & his successors in Office in the 
Just & full Sum of one hundred & fifty dollars to which payment well and truly to be made we 
bind ourselves our heirs etc & firmly by these presents sealed with our Seals & dated this 13th 
day of Augt 1813 & 38th year of our foundation

     The Condition of the above Obligation is such that whereas the sd Wm Crum hath this day 
obtained from the clerk of Patrick a License for his intermarying with Ruth Sharp of the sd 
County of Patrick now if there should be no lawfull cause to obstruct or why the sd marriage 
for which sd License is granted, should or ought not to take Place, then this Obligation to be 

Acknowledged before me                     William Crum   Seal
   A Staples   DC                          John Sharp     Seal

(Transcribed by Mary C. Smith from a photocopy provided by the Patrick County Circuit Court, 
Stuart, Va.)

Submitted by Mary C. Smith <>


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