PATRICK COUNTY, VA - VITALS - Marriage, William Copeland to Elizabeth T. Corn
			      2 Jan 1844
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	by: Sheila Jo Genser
Marrige: William Copeland & Elizabeth T. Corn, 1844: Patrick Co. VA 

To the Clerk of Patrick County Court
You will issue a license for the intermariage of Mr. William Copeland with my 
Daughter Elizabeth T. Corn.

						Yours ??
						Jesse Corn

January 1, 1844

Know all men by these presents, that we William Copland and William H. Corn 
are held and firmly bound into ______ the Commonwealth of Virginia, in the 
just and full sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, current money, to be paid 
to the said Governor for the time being, and his successors in office; to 
which payment will and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, 
our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by 
these presents.  Sealed with our seals, and dated 1st day of January 1844

marriage shortly intended to be had and solemnized between the above bound 
William Copland and Elizabeth T. Corn of Patrick County:  Now, if there be no 
lawful cause to obstruct the said marriage, then the above obligation to be 
void, else to remain in force.

Sealed and delivered in the			Wm Copeland  (Seal)
         Presence of				W. H. Corn  (Seal)

Also I have Joined together in matrimoney Willam Copland and Elizabet T. Corn 
of Patrick this 2 day of January 1844