Patrick County Virginia USGenWeb Archives Marriages.....Allen, Elizabeth D - Shelton, Thomas January 15, 1835
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Deborah Shelton Wood December 24, 2007, 3:37 pm

Patrick County Courthouse Records, transcription from original document.
Marriage Bond for the Marriage of Thomas Shelton and Elizabeth Allen
                      1835 Patrick County, Virginia

KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT, WE, Thomas Shelton and Anderson
 Allen are held and firmly bound unto his excellency, Littleton W Tazewell
 Esq, Governor of Virginia, for the time being, and his successors in
 office, for the use of the Commonwealth, in the sum of one hundred and
 fifty dollars, for the payment whereof, well and truly to be made, we
 bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and
 severally, firmly by these presents.  Witness, our hands and seals, this
 15th day of January 1835.

The condition of the above obligation is such, that, whereas a marriage
 is shortly intended to be had and solemnized between the above bound
 Thomas Shelton and E. Allen.

Now if there be no lawful cause to obstruct or hinder said marriage,
 then the above obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force
 and virtue.

TESTE                              Thomas Shelton (seal)

A. Staples                         Anderson Allen (seal)

Additional Comments:
Note: Thomas, the son of Josiah and Fathey Ford Shelton.  Elizabeth D. Allen,
daughter of Coleman Anderson Allen and Sarah Tilley. Date is for the marriage
bond, previous to the actual marriage ceremony.

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