PATRICK COUNTY, VA - VITALS - James Boyd to Maza Hiatt, 23 Oct 1853
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This file was contributed for use in the Virginia USGenWeb Archives 
	by: William E. Harrold
Patrick County, Virginia, Sept. 19, 1853
Wm. H Tuggle Clerk of the Court.

Dear Sir:

Wm. Evans Boyd will apply for to you for license to marry my daughter Maza
and this is to authorize you to issue them as I have consented for him to do
               Yours Very Respectfully,

                         JOSIAH HIATT


                          James Boyd and Maza Hiatt

                             Marriage Certificate

                        Patrick County, Virginia, 1853

Patrick County To Wit:

These are to license and permit you to join together in the Holy State of
Matrimony according to the rites and ceremonies of your Church.

JAMES BOYD  and MAZA HIATT, of said county; and for so doing this shall be
your sufficient warrant. Given under my hand as Clerk of the County Court of
said County, this 21st Day of September, 1853.

To any Minister of the Gospel, or other person, authorized to celebrate the
Rites of Matrimony in the State of Virginia--

					Henry Tuggle, Clerk

By virtue of the within license, a Marriage was celebrated between JAMES
BOYD, son of JOHN BOYD, of this county, and MAZA HIATT, daughter of JOSIAH
HIATT, of the same county, on the 23rd day of October, 1853.



Maza Hiatt is the daughter of Josiah Hiatt and Abscilla White, and
granddaughter of Arnold and Lydia White.