PATRICK COUNTY, VA - VITALS - Bowman Marriages, 1810-1874
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	by: William E. Harrold



Patrick County,Virginia

Transcribed by  WIilliam E. Harrold

America Emeline Bowman and Henry Jefferson Young
November 5, 1874
He age 21, she age 21
Son of Henry and Dicey Young
Daughter of William and Polly Bowman
Minister, R. M. Clark

Anderson Bowman and Mary Bowman
October 24, 1871
He, age 48, she age 22
Son of William and Elizabeth (Bettie) Bowman
Daughter of Sanders and Frances (Fannie) Bowman
Minister, Samuel B. Arrington

Austin Bowman and Mary Arrington
January 28, 1851

C. G. Bowman and Susan Edwards
February 25, 1866
He, age 25, she age 20
Son of Pleasant and Mary Bowman
Daughter of George and Sarah Edwards
Minister, Beverly A. Davis

Charles H. Bowman and Leona K. Short
September 21, 1854
He age 22, she age 20
Son of Sanders and Frances (Fanny) Bowman
Daughter of Calton and Elizabeth Short
Minister, A. J.Cassell

Elizabeth Bowman and John O. Branch
September 5, 1871
He age 18, she age 21
Son of Olive and Perlina Branch
Daughter of Saunders and Frances (Fanny) Bowman
Minister, S. D.Williams

Ely Bowman and Nancy Harrid
June 15, 1835
Surety, John H. Bowman

Fewell Bowman and Sintha Hamm
July 14, 1848
Surety, Norman Bowman

Frances Bowman and Columbus Slate
July 12, 1855
He, age 20,she age 20
Son of Jere Slate and Wife
Daughter of Polly Bowman
Minister, Julius Terrill

Galen Bowman and Jane Bowman
Marriage Date ? c. 1855
Minister, Julius Terrill
Son of Eli and Mary Bowman

Gallihue Bowman and Leah Minerva Susan Slayton
February 21, 1856
He, age 25, she age 27
Son of John Henry and Frances Bowman
Daughter of William and Susan Slayton

Gilbert Bowman and Lucy Brimon
October 23, 1805
Surety, David Roark

George Bowman and Elizabeth (Betty) Lewis
April 7, 1827
Surety, James Pack

Gillah Bowman and Benjamin Brim
March 23, 1809

Gilly Bowman and John Duncan
February 16, 1859
He age 21, she age 36
Son of John and Nancy Duncan
Daughter of Harmon and Kisera Bowman
Minister, A. J. Cassell

Harmon Bowman and Kessiah Brim
February 15, 1810
Surety, Aaron Bowman

James Bowman and Hortense E. Reynolds
January 18,1866
He, age 24, she, age 19
Son of George and Elizabeth Bowman
Daughter of James B. and Roxana Reynolds
James Bowman is a resident of Carroll County
Minister, A. J. Cassell

Jane Bowman and Galen Bowman
Marriage Date ?
Son of Eli and Mary Bowman

Jefferson Bowman and Martha Harris
November 22, 1847
Son of George Bowman
Daughter William Harrrris

Jefferson Bowman and Raney Cockram
January 31, 1868
He age 26, she age 17
Son of Norman and Rachel Bowman
Daughter of Ruth Cockrm
Minister, S. B. Arrington

John Bowman and Seley Cheney
April 17, 1816

John Bowman and Mary Beller
October 10, 1808

John Bowman and Sarah Goard
December 27, 1866
He age 27, she age 19
Son of Peter and Nancy Bowman
Daughter of Jesse and Elizabeth Goard
Minister, Samuel B. Arrington

Madison Bowman and Martha Pack
December 1, 1852

Louisa Bowman and Robert Puckett
May 5, 1859
He age 28, she age 17
Son of Reed and Cary Puckett
Brother of Jacob Puckett, who m. Hester Hendricks
Daughter of George and Elizabeth Bowman
Minister, William Lawson

Lucy J. Bowman and Tyler P. Williams
March 4, 1869
He age 21, she age 26
Son of John and Esther Williams
Daughter of Peter and Nancy Bowman
Minister, Samuel B. Arrington

Mary Bowman and Isom Pack
November 19, 1857
He age 40, she age 24
Son of Thomas Pack and wife
Daughter of Norman Bowman and wife,
Minister, Julius Terrill

Mary A. Bowman and Nicholas Carruttos
March 6, 1861
He age 27 born Green Provinc, France
Residence, Surry County, North Carolina
She age 21
Son of Anthony and Augustina Carruttos
Daughter of John H. and Frances (Franky) Bowman
Minister, Martin Cloud

Mary Jane Bowman and Harrison Goin
May 5, 1873
He age 23, she age 18
Son of Allen and Polly Goin
Daughter of Lewis and Martha Bowman
Minister, Walter l. Creasy

Martha Bowman and Joseph F. Branch
December 28, 1869
He age 23, she age 22
Son of Olive and Perlina Branch
Daughter of Saunders and Frances (Fanny) Bowman
Minister, S. D. Williams

Mimi Bowman and Anderson Bond
January 31, 1838
Anderson Bond is from Grayson County, Virginia
Surety Norman Bowman and Pleasant Bowman

Nancy Bowman and Thomas F. Bowman
November 14, 1869
He age 22, she age 20
Son of Lewis and Lucinda Bowman
Daughter of Saunders and Frances (Fanny) Bowman
Minister, S. D. Williams

Nicholas Bowman and Eliza Harris
January 29, 1849
Son, Samuel Bowman
Daughter of William Harris
Sister of Martha Harris (above)
Witness, Madison Bowman

Norman Bowman and Jane Simpson
April 13, 1813
Surety, Aaron Bowman

Norman Bowman and Rachel Bons
August 30,1816

Peter Bownman, Jr. and Martha A.Ham
February ----, 1872
Son of Peter, Sr. and Nancy Bowman
Daughter William J. and Columbia Ham
Grandaughter of Stephen McMillian and Martha Blansett
Great grandaughter of Abraham and Elizabeth McMillian
Peter Bowman and Nancy Strange
March 3, 1831

Peter Bowman and Nancy Strange
March 3, 1831

Polly Bowman and David Willard
February 26, 1874
He age 23, she age 25
Son of Luke Willard and Catharine Overby
Daughter of Peter and Nancy Bowman
Minister, S. B. Arrington

Polly Bowman and William Ham
December 19, 1867
He, age 20, she age 21
Son and J. and D. Ham
Daughter of  P. and  N. Bowman

Roland Bowman and Rebecca McMillian
January 21, 1836
Daughter of William McMiillian and Ruth DIllard
Granddaughter of Thomas Dillad and Sarah Goad
Surety, Parker Hall

Samuel Bowman and Elizabeth (Betsy) Harrold
August 18, 1812
Daughter of William and Frances Harrold
Grandaughter of Jonathan Harrold and Catherine Hiatt
Great grandaughter of Richard Harrold and Mary Beals
Surety, Jesse Harrold (Elizabeth's brother)

Samuel Bowman and Martha S. Griffin
April 14, 1867
He, age 22; she age 18, born in Henry County, Virginia
Son of Pleasant and Mary Bowman
Daughter of Thomas and Frances (Fanny) Griffin

Sanders Bowman and Cidney A. Haley
January 19, 1869
He age 53, she age 26
Son of Haman and Keziah Bowman
Daughter of James and Cidney Haley
Minister, S. D. Williams

Tency Bowman and Richard Brim
January 10, 1811

Thomas Bowman and Susan Duncan
July 16, 1869
He age 22, she age 21
Son of Peter and Nancy Bowman
Daughter of Hiram and Lucinda Duncan
Minister, Samuel Arrington

Thomas F. Bowman and Nancy Bowman
November 14, 1869
He age 22, she age 20
Son of Lewis and Lucinda Bowman
Daughter of Saunders and Frances (Fannie) Bowman

Tyre Bowman and Margaret Vaughters
January 10, 1821

William Bowman and Sarah (Sally) Thompson
October 11, 1837
Surety, John Bowman and Austin Thompson
Consent of Jesse Thompson

                         Transcribed by William E.Harrold