Bolling/Bowling Marriages, 1801-1852 - Patrick County, Virginia

18 Jan 1849
Andrew B. Bowling and Lucinda Bolling.  Min. John Conner.

21 Mar 1835
Andrew W. Bowlen and Martha Handy, dau. of William Handy.  Sur.  Obadiah Boling.  Wit. Marvel 

11 Jan 1849
Andrew W. Bowlen and Lucinda B. Foley, consent of Lity Foley.  Sur. John C. Bowlen.  Wit. 
Marvel Bowlen.

14 DEC 1813
Gabriel Boling (Sr.) and Elizabeth Tuggle.  Min. Jesse Jones.

17 Nov 1846
Gabriel Boling (Jr.) and Aminta Adams.  Sur. Notley P. Adams

06 May 1839
Henry T. Boling and Elizabeth Eleanor Burnett, dau. of Jeremiah Burnett.  Sur. Gabriel Boling.  
Min. Jesse Jones.  M.R. 08 May 1839.

30 Jan 1801
James Bolling and Elisabeth Morrison.  Sur. William Morrison.  Min. Nathan Hall.  M.R. 01 Feb 

19 Nov 1825
James Bowling and Jemima Ratliff, consent of Isaac Pennington, her step-father.  Sur. Isaac 

29 Jul 1848
James Boling and S. (Arency) Parr.  Sur. Samuel Terry.  Min. G.W. Conner.  M.R. 03 Aug 1848.

08 Feb 1837
James Bowlen and Ruth Foley, daughter of Lity Foley.  Sur. Marvel Bowlen.

31 Mar 1835
James Luke Bowling, consent of James Boling, and Sally Nowlin, consent of Samuel Nowlin.  Sur. 
Alfred Shelton.  Wit. Mary Boling, Lucy Boling, Eliphas Shelton.

17 Oct 1848
James M. Bowling and Mary Pendleton, dau. of Prier Pendleton.  Wit. Wilson Pendleton.  Min. 
Joshua Adams.

17 Sep 1815
John Bowling and Lucy Clay.  Sur. Jourdan Clay.  Min. Stephen Hubbard.

20 Mar 1830
John Boling and Sarah Handy, dau. of William Handy.  Sur. Marvel Bowlin.  Wit. Peter Handy.  
Min. Jesse Jones.  M.R. 23 Mar 1830.

25 Aug 1836
John W. Bolling and Elizabeth Hubbard, dau. of Benjamin Hubbard.  Sur. Gabriel Bolling.  Min. 
John Conner.

07 Feb 1841
Marvel Boling and Lity Foley.  Sur. R. Thomas

27 Dec 1843
Nathan G. Boling and Jane Burnett.  Sur. Moses Burnett.  M.R. 31 Dec 1843.

06 Apr 1817
Thomas Boling and Polly Smith, consent of Sarah Smith.  Sur. John Boling.  Min. Jesse Jones.  
Wit. Dandridge Slaughter.

27 Sep 1832
Westley Bowlen, consent of father Joseph Bollen, for his son Wesley Bollen and Elizabeth Cooper,
dau. of Mary Walden.  Sur. William Edwards.  Wit. William Akers.

10 Feb 1846
William Bowling and Joanna Collins, dau. of Edward Collins.  Min. Julius Terrel.  M.R. 14 Feb 

15 Aug 1833
William G. Bolling and Nancy Moles.  Sur. William Keith.  Min. Joshua Adams.

16 Dec 1852
William W. Bowling, son of Poley G. Bowlen, and Nancy Clifton, dau. of Emanuel Clifton.  Min.  
Austin J. Cassell.

15 Jul 1835
Claibourn Thompson, son of Elisha Thompson of Floyd County, Va., and Mary Bolling, dau. of 
Gabriel Bolling, Sur.  Gabriel Bolling.  Wit.  James Thompson.  M.R. 28 Jul 1835

15 Jan 1815
John Mobbs and Mincey Bolling.  Sur. Gabriel Bolling and Thomas Harbour.

29 Dec 1834
James W. Richardson, consent of John Gates (father), and Sarah Boling, dau. of Gabriel Boling.  
Sur. John Boling.  Wit. George W. Richardson.  Min. Jesse Jones.  M.R. 30 Dec 1834.

28 Aug 1839
Fredrick Shelton, son of Hudson Shelton, and Hetta Boling.  Sur. John Boling. Min. John Conner

29 Nov 1840
G.W. Conner and Nancy Bolling.  Sur. B. Clark

Compiled from Patrick County Virginia Marriage Bonds and submitted by
Daniel G. Bowling (


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