Full text of "History of Minnehaha Co." Sioux Falls Township

	This file contains the full text of Bailey's History (1899),
	Sioux Falls Township, pages 302 to 311.

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	The first settlement in the county was made in Sioux Falls township. In 
the first chapter it appears at what time and by whom the first settlement was 
made; in fact, the history of the township comprises so much of the early 
history of the county that it will be found interwoven with and a part of nearly 
all its events of importance. There is some fine land in the township; but a 
short distance from the Big Sioux river, especially in the northwestern part of 
the township, there are some high bluffs where the soil is light and sandy. It 
is watered by the Big Sioux river, and its course in the township runs in the 
direction of nearly all the points of the compass. It enters on section five, 
and leaves the township on section one, after passing through not less than 
nineteen sections. The township lines were surveyed by W. J. Neeley in July, 
1859, and the subdivisions were made by him in August and September of the same 
year. By this survey the township contained 23,022.83 acres of land, and what is 
now called Covell's lake covered eighty acres. The map of the township made by 
Surveyor Neeley is very interesting. It appears from this map that the first 
settlers intended to build the town at the foot of the falls on the west bank, 
as there is a plat of thirty blocks, five deep, east and west following the 
course of the river, and six north and south. There were fifteen blocks on each 
side of the section line between sections nine and sixteen. Of course, no other 
record was ever made of this the first plat made in the county. As appears 
elsewhere in this book, the first building erected in the county was called the 
Dubuque house, and appears on this map as being in the third block from the 
west, and just north of the section line mentioned above, and as near the middle 
of the plat as it could be placed. A small space, near where Levi Carter's 
residence now stands on section four, extending into section three, is 
designated as a field. At the southeast corner of section four there is a 
representation of a building, with the word "Fuller's"; and a field a few rods 
south in sections nine and ten. There is also another field near the south line 
of section ten. The northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section 
seventeen, what is now platted as McClellan's Addition to West Sioux Falls, was 
designated as "Jarrett's farm," and a small field appears on the south line of 
this quarter section. This map also indicates that Gov. Masters had a house on 
the southeast quarter of section seventeen, and it appears to have been located 
as near as may be on what is now block eleven in Bennett's First Addition, 
between Spring and Duluth avenues and Seventh and Eighth streets in the city of 
Sioux Falls. Another small field appears a little west and south of where the 
Jordan Methodist church is now located, on the east side of the river. This 
field is designated as "Little's field." Another small field appears in what is 
now Park Addition, and still another called "White's field" situated on the 
north side of the river in the northwest quarter of section thirty-four. There 
also appears to have been a stone house in the southeast corner of the southwest 
quarter of section twenty-two.

	In 1877, the village of Sioux Falls, comprising twelve hundred acres, was 
carved out of this township. On the 3d day of March, 1883, the city of Sioux 
Falls was incorporated, comprising all the territory of the village and much 
more, as it took nine full sections from the township, and since that time a 
little more than two sections have been added to the city. Upon the 
incorporation of the town of South Sioux Falls three and one-half sections more 
w^re taken from the township, so that it has only about twenty-one sections 
left, and this portion is so covered with plats that it seems out of place to 
attempt to raise anything upon it but "garden-truck."

LIST OF OFFICERS. 1881-1899.

	1881. Supervisors, H. R. Hunter, chairman, A. F. Davenport and Knut 
Thompson; clerk, Edward C. Currey; treasurer, G. B. Sammons; assessor, Henry 
Callender; constables, C. T. Jeffers and Henrv Callender; justice, Frank S. 
Emerson. July 22, E. C. Currey resigned as clerk and C. W. McDonald was 
appointed in his place, and at the same time L. D. Henry was appointed justice 
of the peace. December 29, D. S. Glidden was appointed treasurer, G. B. Sammons 
having removed from the township.

	1882. Supervisors, A. A. Grant, chairman, J. H. Stockton and Knut 
Thompson; clerk, C. W. McDonald; treasurer, D. S. Glidden; justices, L. D. Henry 
and Frank S. Emerson. April 29, McDonald not having qualified as assessor, Frank 
S. Emerson was appointed, and on the 6th day of July, McDonald resigned as 
clerk, and Frank S. Emerson was appointed to fill vacancy.

	1883. Supervisors, A. A. Grant, chairman, J. H. Stockton and Knut 
Thompson; clerk, H. M. A very; treasurer, H. S. Hill; assessor, F. S. Emerson; 
justices, L. D. Henry and E. C. Hawkins; constables, John Sundback and T. D. 
Quigley. May 28, D. S. Glidden was appointed treasurer, and a contract was made 
with Cashman & Smith for building a bridge across the Sioux river at the Yankton 
crossing for $423.

	1884. Supervisors, A. F. Davenport, C. Broughton and David Reynolds; 
clerk, Frank Ford; treasurer, J. S. Udell; assessor, Win. Beckler.

	1885. Supervisors, A. F. Davenport, chairman, D. Reynolds and H. Hunter; 
clerk, Frank Forde; treasurer, John T. TJdell; as-assessor, J. D. Redding.

	1886. Supervisors, A. F. Davenport, chairman, D. Reynolds and H. Hunter; 
clerk, Frank Forde; assessor, J. D. Redding.

	1887. Supervisors, A. J. Rowland, chairman, Wm. Howie, Sr., and H. C. 
Aldrich; clerk, W. P. Willard; treasurer, C. E. Place; assessor, J. T. Udell; 
justice, G. A. Campbell. The treasurer reported he had received during the year 
$1,958.20, and that the balance on hand was $37.08.

	1888. Supervisors, Wm. Howie, Sr., chairman, H. C. Aldrich and John 
Schaetzel; clerk, W. P. Willard; assessor, A. L. Caskey; treasurer, E. S. 
Carter; justice, L. A. Bullard; constables, J. D. Redding and Jacob Hawkins.

	1889. Supervisors, Henry Hunter, chairman, A. C. Aldrich and John 
Schaetzel; clerk, W. P. Williard; treasurer, Henry Rummel; assessor, E. W. 
Tufts; justice, G. A. Campbell; constable, J. T. McGarraugh. October 12, W. P. 
Willard resigned the office of clerk and W. H. Heiss was appointed to fill 

	1890. Supervisors, John Fortune, chairman, E. W. Tufts and A. C. Collins; 
clerk, W. H. Heiss; treasurer, Isaac Waring; assessor, J. C. Tufts; justices, J. 
T. McGarraugh and George Baker; constables, H. C. Aldrich and George Dukelow.

	1891. Supervisors, A. C. Collins, chairman, F. H. George and E. W. Tufts; 
clerk, Wm. H. Heiss, Jr.; assessor, P. D. Gushard; treasurer, James A. Waring; 
justice, H. C. Aldrich and E. Caldwell; constables, J. T. McGarraugh and L. P. 
Caldwell. P. D. Gushard did not qualify for assessor, and Fred M. Carter was 
appointed. At a special town meeting March 19, it was decided by a vote of 71 to 
37 to appropriate $5,500 for construction and repair of highways.

	1892. Supervisors, A. C. Collins, chairman, W. G. Lacey and George A. 
Baker; clerk, W. H. Heiss, Jr.; treasurer, J. A. Waring; assessor, Fred Carter; 
justices, A. M. McNaughton and J. C. Tufts; constables, J. T. McGarraugh and H. 
C. Aldrich.

	1893. Supervisors, A. J. Hughes, chairman, W. G. Lacey and A. Caldwell; 
clerk, W. H. Heiss, Jr.; treasurer, Henry Truxes; assessor, H. J. Whipple.

	1894. Supervisors, S. W. Helsen, chairman, W. G. Lacey and A. Caldwell; 
clerk, W. H. Heiss, Jr.; treasurer. Henry Truxes; assessor, James R. Waring.

	1895. Supervisors, S. W. Helson, chairman, George A. Baker and A. C. 
Collins; clerk, P. M. Carter; treasurer, R. E. Brooks; assessor, A. Long.

	1896. Supervisors, S. W. Helson, chairman, George A. Baker and Frank 
Forde; clerk, E. S. Carter; treasurer, Richard E. Brooks; assessor, A. C. Long.

	1897. Supervisors, George A. Baker, chairman, John Klee-man and L. D. 
Lacey; clerk, W. P. Willard; treasurer, Richard Brooks; assessor, P. M. Carter.

	1898. Supervisors, Frank Forde, chairman, L. D. Lacey and E, S. Carter; 
clerk, W. P. Willard; treasurer, Louis Zentle; assessor, Wm. Howie, Jr.; justice 
of the peace, Wm. Caldwell.

	1899. Supervisors, L. D. Lacey, chairman, Frank Forde and Geo. A. Baker; 
clerk, W. P. Willard; treasurer, Louis Zentle; assessor, Wm. Howie, Jr.; justice 
of the peace, D. F. Harrington; constable, Ralph Denslow.


	BAKER, GEORUE A., is a native of England, and was born on the 18th day of 
February, 1849. He received a common school education, and worked on a farm 
until he was twenty-one years of age, at which time he emigrated to the United 
States, and for a while resided in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. In 1871 he took up his 
residence in Rock Rapids, Iowa, and remained there two years. He then removed to 
South Dakota, and located in this county, taking up the southwest quarter of 
section 33 in Sioux Falls township, where he has since resided. In addition to 
this, he has 80 acres of land in Lincoln county, which he also farms. He was 
chairman of the township board of supervisors during 1896 and 1897. He made a 
good official, is a good citizen, and an enterprising, progressive farmer.

	CALDWELL, ERASMUS, was born in Port Hope, Canada, January 30, 1822. He 
removed from there to Minnesota, and came to this county in 1871, and took up 
what is now known as the Bunker place in Sioux Falls township. After residing 
there a few years he disposed of it and settled in section twenty-five same 
township. He is a quiet, unassuming man and a good citizen. He has two sons 
LOUIS P., and ADELBERT, who are both enterprising young farmers, and good 
citizens of the county. Mr. Caldwell had his share of the hardships of pioneer 
life, but he courageously braved it through, without outside help, freighting 
for C. K. Howard when farming would not pay. He said when he first arrived in 
Sioux Falls he tendered a one hundred dollar check on a bank in Redwing, Minn., 
in payment for goods in Moulton's store. Mr. Moulton was unable to change it, 
but at last True Dennis was found to be in possession of sufficient ready money 
to make the exchange. However, he was uncertain about the validity of the check, 
although Mr. Moulton assured him "You bet it is all right," but finally, after a 
good hour's negotiation, accommodated Mr. Caldwell. At the first visit to Sioux 
City the check was promptly honored by the bank, and Mr. Caldwell had no further 
trouble about the acceptance of his checks whenever presented.

	CALDWELL, WILLIAM, is a native of Ontario, Canada, and was born June 5, 
1849, in the village of Orono, in Durham county, was reared on his father's 
farm, and attended the public schools, and a commercial college at London, 
Canada; came to the United States and engaged in farming at Redwing, Minn., for 
two years and a half; came to Sioux Falls and worked for C. K. Howard for about 
two years; returned to Canada, and was a commercial traveler for nearly ten 
years; in 1881 took up land in Miner county, South Dakota, and engaged in 
farming at that place for seven years, and managed the Corson Brothers' farm in 
this county for two years. He has been justice of the peace of Sioux Falls 
township since 1393, and is popularly known as Judge Caldwell. He is a good 

	FORDE, FRANK, was born in Ireland February 26, 1848, and emigrated from 
the land of his nativity to Pennsylvania in 1866, where he resided two years. He 
then went to England and remained six months, returned to the oil region in 
Pennsylvania for six months, and then started West with his brother. Arriving at 
Omaha in the summer of 1869 he and his brother agreed to "flip a copper" and let 
it decide whether they would go to California or to Sioux Falls, where Jack had 
been before. The turn of the copper decided in favor of Sioux Falls, and they 
came. Hunting was a pretty good business in this region of the country in those 
days, and they immediately purchased an outfit of traps and other equipments for 
hunting and commenced business. The brothers built a log shanty on the bank of 
the Big Sioux west of town, in the fall of 1869, and trapped muskrat, mink, 
beaver, fox and wolf. There were at this time muskrats in great abundance, and 
the other animals enumerated were not scarce, and occasionally an otter would be 
caught. Forde says, "I believe I have stood in one place and shot 100 muskrats 
before stopping." In 1870 Frank formed a partnership with Big Eagle, chief of 
the Santee Sioux, and Lewis Hulitt, and engaged in trapping and hunting in what 
is now Minnehaha and Lake counties. Late in the spring of 1871 they loaded their 
furs upon an old wagon, and with a pair of oxen, started for New Ulm, Minnesota, 
to dispose of their season's work. They arrived there in June and sold their 
furs for a little over $1,000; then loaded their wagon with provisions, 
ammunition and whiskey, and started back. Arriving at Flandreau they met Cash 
Coats, and he was taken into a partnership in a new scheme. They went to 
Pipestone and quarried a quantity of pipe-stone sawed it into 600 blocks of such 
size that they could be easily manufactured into pipes. Then all but Big Eagle 
came to Sioux Falls. Among other purchases the firm had made were ten gallons of 
whiskey and ten gallons of alcohol. They all pledged themselves not to take a 
single drink, and started back to Flandreau where Big Eagle was to join them, 
and then they would proceed across the country to Fort Thompson west of the 
Missouri river, to dispose of their pipestone, whiskey and alcohol. They went 
north and camped the first night about twelve miles from Sioux Falls. The next 
morning, being very dry, they finally concluded to vote on the question whether 
they would take a drink, and the ballot showed three ayes. At Flandreau, Big 
Eagle joined them, and they started on the Brooking's trail, as it was called, 
for the west. They did not make very rapid marches with their ox-team, but they 
did hold a good many elections on the way, and every time the vote was taken 
they had less whiskey. At last they arrived at their destination, but they had 
nothing to dispose of but their pipestone. For a day or two everything went on 
smoothly. They were selling the Indians ten pipes for a good pony, four for a 
buffalo robe, one for a blanket and so on, when the Indians began to claim the 
pipestone belonged to the Indians, and that Forde and company had no right to 
quarry it. The party was soon brought before the agent, and he read them a 
portion of a treaty from which it appeared that the pipestone quarry was Indian 
property, and he advised them it would be best to move on. They got in motion at 
once, taking with them all their effects, and they kept on the march until 
eleven o'clock at night, when they camped, got their supper and retired. But it 
was not long before they heard unearthly veils and found they were surrounded by 
Indians, who proceeded to business at once, taking into their possession all the 
property they had sold, and confiscated "as contraband" all the remaining 
material for pipes. The party was now nearly bankrupt, having only a small 
quantity of provision and Coats a little money. They proceeded to Yankton, and 
from there came to Sioux Falls. They held no elections on the way, a yea vote on 
the question that they voted on going out, would have been meaningless, in fact- 
dispiriting. Mr. Forde says: "Beavers are good eating", and the tail of a beaver 
is a great delicacy; have cooked and eaten them a great many times in my 
shanty." He at first "squatted" on what is now Park Addition in the city of 
Sioux Falls, but there being no fuel or water upon it, abandoned it, and took by 
pre-emption the northwest quarter of section 19, where his dairy farm is now 
located. In 1873 he got his patent to this land, signed by Gen. Grant, and 
afterwards offered to sell the land for $400, but was compelled to keep it. In 
1888 he sold a half interest in it to Melvin Grigsby for $10,000. He has now a 
large dairy and sells milk all the year round to the people of Sioux Falls. The 
building's upon this farm cost several thousand dollars. Mr. Forde is a man of 
great energy, is an active enterprising citizen and always takes a lively 
interest in political matters. He has been a member of the township board 
several years and was its chairman in 1898 and was elected for the three years 
term to the same office in March, 1899.

[photo of Frank Forde]

	CARTER, LEVI S., is a native of New Hampton, New Hampshire, and was born 
May 4, 1831. He was reared on a farm and educated in the district schools and 
New Hampton Academy. When twenty-one years of age he engaged in teaching school.   
Two years later he learned photography and for five years was engaged in the 
photographic business in New England and Chicago. In 1858 he turned his 
attention to dentistry, and after graduating from the Baltimore Dental College 
practiced his profession for ten years in Illinois. He then engaged in the drug 
business about thirteen years at Mendota, Illinois. On the 28th day of July, 
1882, he arrived in Sioux Falls, and soon after purchased the northeast quarter 
of section 4, in Sioux Falls township, where he has since resided. He has been 
employed to make crop reports for this county since the first year of his 
residence here, and has kept a climatic record since 1885. He has for several 
years been Volunteer Meteorological Observer at Sioux Falls for the U. S. 
Department of Agriculture, and is an active, and highly respected citizen.

	JONES, DANIEL W., was born in Deerfield, Franklin county, Massachusetts, 
February 28, 1832. He was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools. 
He resided in Vermont two years and for several years in Illinois, and came to 
this county in 1879. He bought the northwest quarter of section 13, in Sioux 
Falls township and has resided there since then. It is a good farm, and he has a 
handsome home. He is also the owner of other farm lands in Split Rock and Valley 
Spring's. Mr. Jones is an honest, upright citizen.

	JONES, ELIJAH, was born in Miomi county, Ohio, Julv 14, 1828; was reared 
on a farm, and was engaged in farming in his native state until the fall of 
1858, when he moved to Marshal county, Iowa, where he resided until the fall of 
1874, when he came to Dakota and settled in Lincoln county, half a mile from 
Sioux Falls township. He was chairman of the supervisors of Springdale township 
fourteen years. In 1893 he removed to Sioux Falls township where he now resides. 
He is a respected citizen.

	JOHNS, HENRY, was born in Germany, September 21, 1851; was reared on a 
farm, and attended the public schools until seventeen years of age, when he 
learned the cooper's trade, and until 1881 was a journeyman cooper in his native 
country. In February, 1881, arrived in America; worked at his trade in the State 
of New York one year, and in Chicago until April, 1886, when he came to Sioux 
Falls. Soon after his arrival at this place he was employed in the cooper shop 
at the brewery, and remained there until the fall of 1888, when he purchased a 
few acres of land in section eleven in Sioux Falls township and commenced market 
gardening, in which he still continues. He has been a school officer in school 
district No. 16 for ten years, is a good neighbor, and an industrious, upright 

	KINGSBURY, EDGAR J., was born April 3, 1831, at Andover, Connecticut. He 
was reared on a farm, and was educated in the common schools and the high school 
of East Hampton, Massachusetts. At the age of seventeen years he commenced 
teaching school, and for the next eight years worked on the farm and taught 
school during the winters. From this time until he came to this county in 1880, 
he was engaged in farming on the old homestead in Andover. He resided in Sioux 
Falls two years, and then moved onto his farm of. 320 acres in sections 14 and 
23 in Mapleton, where he remained until a few years ago, when he built a fine 
residence on section 3 in Sioux Falls township where he now resides. Mr. 
Kingsbury is an honest, upright citizen, and well liked by his neighbors and 

	LACEY, WILLIAM G., was born at Wheatland, Monroe county. N. Y., October 
26, 1814; graduated at Vermont University; took a law course at Yale; graduated 
at Geneva Medical College, and practiced medicine in New York city; was a member 
of the Masonic order, and was a politician of note, and held responsible 
positions of trust in New York; came to Sioux Falls June 27, 1883, and purchased 
a farm in section 13 in Sioux Falls township, and section 18 in Split Rock 
township. He died February 28, 1891. His two sons, WILLIAM G., and LEVI D., are 
now residing on the home-farm. They were engaged in the grain business several 
years. William has been a member of the town board of supervisors of Sioux Falls 
township three years, and Levi two years.

	WILLARD, WILLIAM P., is a native of Medina county, Ohio, and was born on 
the 7th day of May, 1842. He was raised on his father's farm, and received a 
common school education.  When the war of the rebellion broke out he promptly 
responded to the call for volunteers, and enlisted in the three months service 
in Co. K, 8th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and after serving five months was 
discharged. In August, 1862, he re-enlisted, for three years, in Co. B, 124 
Ohio, and served to the close of the war. At Chickamauga he received a slight 
wound in his arm from a splinter, and was at another time hit by a bullet, which 
fortunately struck his beltplate, and thus saved his life. After the war he 
returned to Ohio and lived there until 1865, when he moved to Des Moines county, 
Iowa, got married, and engaged in farming until the fall of 1882. At that time 
he removed to Dakota, and bought a farm in Sioux Falls township, of Mrs. Clara 
Lewis, but sold it the next year, and bought his present farm, which comprises 
160 acres in section 12, Sioux Falls township, and section 7, Split Rock 
township. He resided on this farm until 1889, when he went to Escondido, 
California, and engaged in raising oranges and lemons for seven years, when 
business interests compelled him to return to his farm in Minnehaha county, 
where he has since resided, and has a good farm. He has been clerk of the town 
board of Sioux Falls township five years, is a careful painstaking official, and 
an enterprising, highly esteemed citizen.

	WOERHLE, DAVID, is a native of Germany, and was born August 21, 1846. He 
was in the military service four years and served in the German and French war. 
In 1877 he emigrated to the United States, and in 1878 came to Sioux Falls. He 
took up a homestead in section 1, but sold it a few years ago. He is still 
engaged in farming, and is an industrious, good citizen.