Full text of "History of Minnehaha Co."  Chapter 6

	This file contains the full text of Bailey's History (1899),
	Chapter 6, pages 145 to 168.

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                                CHAPTER VI.

                         RAILROADS AND MOTOR LINES.

                        YANKTON AND SOUTHWESTERN RAILWAY- 
                         SCHEDULE OF DISTANCES FROM SIOUX 
                           FALLS TO RAILROAD STATIONS IN 
                               THIS COUNTY AND OTHER 
                                 IMPORTANT POINTS- 

	Early in the history of the settlement of Minnehaha county, her 
enterprising citizens, especially those residing at Sioux Falls, were engaged in 
projects to obtain railroad connections with the outside world.

	The people of the little village of Sioux Falls recognized the advantages 
of its location and were filled with great expectations that at some time in the 
near future a prosperous city would rapidly spring up on the banks of the Sioux. 
To hasten the time when this should be accomplished, nothing" promised greater 
results than securing railroad connections.

	On Monday evening, August 20, 1874, with only a few hours notice, a large 
assembly convened at Allen's hall in Sioux Falls to consider the question of 
offering some inducement for the building of a railroad into town. Right here, 
at the first railroad meeting ever held within the boundaries of Minnehaha 
county the people were told that if Sioux Falls was ever to be anything but a 
village, railroad facilities must be secured; and this statement has been made 
with great earnestness at every railroad meeting held since then, whenever steps 
were being taken to secure a new line of road. Meetings of this character 
usually result in passing a resolution at least, and this meeting resolved as 
follows: "That the town of Sioux Falls and Minnehaha county will donate to the 
first railroad that is completed to this place fifty thousand dollars, provided 
said road reaches Sioux Falls by the first day of November, 1876." From 
information received in reference to this meeting we know that some of those 
present thought that November 1, 1876, was the latest day Sioux Falls could get 
along without a railroad, and others thought that it was as early a date as the 
funds could be secured.

	From this time on, the people never let the railroad question rest, and 
all sorts of projects and schemes were devised to get a railroad; and the town 
was exceedingly fortunate in having among its early settlers some of the most 
energetic, enterprising and capable men that ever settled in a new country.

	On the 2d day of November, 1875, a large and enthusiastic crowd of people 
gathered at Allen's hall to consider an offer that had been made to the people 
of Minnehaha county by the Sioux City and Pembina railroad company to build a 
railroad to Sioux Falls and have it in operation by the 1st day of November, 
1876, upon the condition that Minnehaha county would raise $10O,000 in aid of 
the project.

	Resolutions were passed to the effect that the interest of Minnehaha 
county demanded a railroad, and that the citizens would do all in their power to 
aid any company to build a road to Sioux Falls; also that immediate steps be 
taken to organize a local company, survey a route, open stock books and solicit 
subscriptions along the line of survey. A committee was appointed to institute 
the necessary proceedings to this end, consisting of M. L. Wood, E. A. Sherman, 
Joseph Roberts, Newton Clark, R. F. Pettigrew, J. D. Cameron and Melvin Grigsby. 
The committee met the day following, and after reviewing the situation it was 
decided "to organize a railroad company to be known as the Sioux Falls Railroad 
Company," having for its object the building of a railroad, with one of its 
termini at Yankton and the other at a point on the eastern boundary of Dakota in 
the town of Valley Springs. M. Grigsby was appointed to draft the articles of 
incorporation, and on November 10, the organization was perfected. The company 
consisted of M. Grigsby, E. A. Sherman, R. F. Pettigrew, A. F. Shaw, Joseph 
Roberts, M. L. Wood and J. D. Cameron, who at once caused a survey to be made of 
the line.

	Another railroad meeting of the citizens of Minnehaha county was held in 
Sioux Falls on the 22d day of January, 1876, and although the expression was 
unanimous in favor of aiding any railroad company in building into Sioux Falls, 
still, the general opinion was that S50.000 would-be as much as the county could 
afford to donate. During the month of March, 1876, the Worthington and Sioux 
Falls railroad company was organized at St. Paul, with the view of making a 
connection with the road to be built by the Sioux Falls company, and this 
company proceeded to build a railroad from Worthington in the direction of Sioux 
Falls, completing its line to Luverne during the fall of 1877.

	At a citizen's meeting held September 5, 1877, in Sioux Falls, some of the 
officials of the Sioux City and St. Paul and St. Paul and Sioux City Railroad 
company made the following proposition: "If the citizens of Minnehaha county 
will vote us aid to the amount of $25,OOU, and the village of Sioux Falls will 
vote us an additional amount of S10,000, we will build and equip a railroad to 
Sioux Falls on or before October 1, 1878." On the 28th day of September, 1877, 
Horace Thompson of St. Paul, president of the Worthington and Sioux Falls 
Railroad Co., addressed a letter to the commissioners of Minnehaha county, 
proposing to build that line of road into Sioux Falls by the first day of 
October, 1878, if certain conditions contained in the letter were complied with. 
He required that the County of Minnehaha should raise S25,000 in aid of the 
road, and said in this communication that he made this proposition with the 
expectation that Sioux Falls would raise an additional sum of $10,000, and that 
the company controlling the charter to the Minnesota line would turn over to the 
Worthington and Sioux Falls company its charters, surveys, right of way, deeds, 
or releases of the whole line, including land at terminus in Sioux Falls for 
depot and side tracks, free from all expense. This communication was received by 
the county board on October 1, and on that day the board decided to submit to 
the election of the county the question of bonding the county in the sum of 
$25,000 in aid of the road, as proposed, the bonds to run twenty years, with 
interest at ten per cent., and not to be issued by the board until Sioux Falls 
had raised $S10,000 for the same purpose. The question was submitted at the 
general election in November, and resulted adversely to the issuance of the 
bonds, the vote standing 304 for, and 492 against.

	After this defeat, the proposition made by the Worthington and Sioux Falls 
company was modified, and a proposition was submitted to the people of Sioux 
Falls, offering to build a road into Sioux Falls before the 1st day of November, 
1878, provided they would raise $20,000 in aid of the road, and comply with the 
conditions first proposed in reference to the right of way and depot grounds. 
The citizens of Sioux Falls by this time were determined that the road being 
built west from Worthington and then completed and in operation to Luverne, 
should be extended with the greatest possible dispatch to Sioux Falls. Fifty-two 
citizens of Sioux Falls petitioned the board of trustees of the village to 
submit the question of bonding the village for this purpose, in the sum of 
S20,000, to the electors of the village, and a meeting of the village council 
was called for December 15, to consider the propriety of so doing.

	When the meeting convened, President Howard and Trustees Sherman, VanEps 
and Phillips were present, Trustee Callender absent. A motion was made to grant 
the request of the petitioners, which received an unanimous vote, and the 
election was called for January 15, 1878. The result of this election was 102 
votes for and three against bonding.

	At a special meeting of the village board held March 29, 1878, the bonds 
voted by the corporation were signed by C. K. Howard, president, and C. O. 
Natesta, clerk, and put into the hands of the village treasurer to be turned 
over to the Sioux Falls Railroad company at the proper time. The bonds having 
been issued, the Sioux Falls company was merged into the Worthington and Sioux 
Falls Railroad company, and the extension of its line secured.

	Sioux Falls was now sure of a railroad, and her people watched the 
approach of the iron rail with great pleasure, and every issue of the local 
newspapers announced the progress that was being made. It reached Valley Springs 
the first of June, and on Monday, the 4th day of June, the company opened its 
office at that place for business. Brandon, the next station, was reached on the 
15th day of July, although considerable grading had been done on the line west 
of that place. On Thursday, August 1, 1878, the first train with passengers in 
charge of Peter Becker, conductor, reached Sioux Falls between twelve and 1 
o'clock in the afternoon, to be accurate, 12:40. A few gentlemen from Sioux 
Falls met this train at Brandon and decorated the engine with flags and 
streamers, and when the train reached its destination it was greeted by a band 
of music, led by T. H. Brown, and the cheers and shouts of a large assemblage of 


	It is easy to imagine something of the feeling pervading the people on 
this occasion, after having so long and so diligently labored for railroad 
facilities to find at last the work had been accomplished, and their ears could 
hear the whistle of a locomotive, and their eyes see a train of cars in Sioux 

The writer was in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, on the 11th day of September, 1870, 
when the first railroad train came into that city. It was a great day, and the 
people for miles around decided to make the most of it. Thousands of people were 
in attendance, and when the train approached bands of music played, cannons 
boomed, and the crowd set up a mighty shout. A few rods from the depot a large, 
well-dressed woman sat in a two-seated carriage with a driver in front, and the 
spirited horses attached to her carriage became frightened and commenced to run, 
when she shouted "let them run, let them run, I have been in the west sixteen 
years, and this is the first time I have seen the cars."

	The first passenger fare established to St. Paul was $9.75, to Sioux City 
via Worthington, $6.20. Freight rates to St. Paul were as follows:

First-class                                  $1.00 per hundred pounds
Second-class                                    90 per hundred pounds
Third-class                                     70 per hundred pounds
Fourth-class                                    60 per hundred pounds
Lumber                                                    $60 per car
Wheat                                             30 cents per bushel

	Trains from St. Paul arrived at 11:45 A. M., and departed at 1:15 P. M. 
During August and September following, the company erected depot buildings, 
engine house, and an elevator with a capacity of 60,000 bushels.

	The Worthington and Sioux Falls line was extended to Salem in McCook 
county during the fall of 1879, and was eventually absorbed by the Chicago, St. 
Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railroad Company.


	Having secured one railroad, the enterprising business men of Sioux Falls 
set about the securing" of other lines into the city.

	During the latter part of the year 1878, the Sioux City and Pembina 
railroad had completed its line to Beloit, and, like all railroad corporations, 
wanted a donation from the people residing along the line as it proceeded to 
build. It proposed to build to Sioux Falls during the year 1879, provided an 
appropriation should be made by her people for that purpose. At this time the 
Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul company was building west from McGregor, and was 
getting its line within hailing distance, and although the proposed route 
entered Dakota south of Minnehaha county, it was thought advisable to make the 
attempt to divert it from its course and secure its extension to Sioux Falls.

	A railroad company was organized at Sioux Falls called the Sioux Falls and 
Red River company, and had for its initial object the securing of the Chicago, 
Milwaukee and St. Paul line of road. This corporation consisted of B. F. 
Campbell, M. Grigsby, Wm. VanEps, C. K. Howard, J. M. Washburn, A. Gale, E. W. 
Caldwell, H. Callender, N. E. Phillips and T. H. Brown of Sioux Falls, and W. J. 
Sibbison and R. S. Alexander of Dell Rapids.

	As soon as incorporated, the company conferred with the management of the 
C., M. and St. P. R. R. Co., in reference to securing that line of road, but 
after brief negotiations it was found impossible to divert it from its proposed 
route, or to secure any assurance that it would build a branch line to Sioux 

	During the early part of 1879, the Pembina company manifested a 
disposition to build to Sioux Falls, but at the same time it wanted a donation, 
and submitted to the people at different times, propositions for extending its 
line to Sioux Falls, and promised to have the road in operation before January 
1, 1880.

	On the 26th day of July, it finally proposed that it would do so if Sioux 
Falls would donate depot grounds and secure the right of way from Canton. This 
offer was promptly accepted and the right of way secured, and on the 18th day of 
December, 1879, the first train over this road arrived in Sioux Falls. During 
the month of October, 1879, the Sioux City and Pembina, and Dakota Southern 
railroad companies consolidated, and on the first day of April, 1880, the 
Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul company absorbed it into its railroad system.


	Another road, the Southern Minnesota, during 1879 was rapidly coming west 
through southern Minnesota and it was thought desirable that this road should 
build down the valley of the Sioux to Sioux Falls. It was not very greedy in its 
demand for a donation for building to Sioux Falls, but asked that depot grounds 
in the village and the right of way for ten miles north of the corporation 
limits be given. This proposition was accepted, and the road secured and 
completed, into Sioux Falls in 1881, and was soon absorbed by the Chicago, 
Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad Company.


	As early as the 13th day of August, 1884, P. P. Peck, then one of the 
aldermen of Sioux Falls, asked the city council, "to appropriate S500 to make a 
permanent survey of a line of railroad from Sioux Falls east to a point in 
Osceola or Lyon counties, Iowa, to intersect with the Burlington, Cedar Rapids 
and Northern railroad." This was done by an unanimous vote, and a warrant 
ordered drawn in the sum of S100, "to pay the incidental expenses of such 
survey." A few months later a warrant was drawn for S400 to defray the expenses 
of the survey that had been made.

	The foregoing is the first record the writer has been able to find of any 
attempt made to get the Burlington line of road into Sioux Falls.

	During 1885 the subject was discussed, but no definite action taken.

	At a railroad meeting held in Sioux Falls January 2, 1886, the Burlington, 
Cedar Rapids and Northern Railroad Company made a proposition to extend its line 
to Sioux Falls during the year 1886. To do this it required that a fund of 
S80,000 be raised by the people residing along the proposed route from Ellsworth 
to Sioux Falls, and that the right of way and depot grounds he donated. Previous 
to this, the Sioux Falls, Iowa and Northern Railroad Company had been formed, 
and the final result of this meeting was to pass a resolution as follows: 
"Resolved, that it is taken to be the sense of the meeting that the officers of 
the Sioux Falls, Iowa and Northern railroad be requested to draw a guarantee of 
the proposition here submitted by President Ives, and present the same to the 
people of Sioux Falls for their signature, and that the chairman of this meeting 
appoint a committee of five for that purpose." This meeting was well attended 
and those present were in a mood to promise almost anything to secure this road, 
in fact, some of them said, "Sioux Falls could not prosper without it." An 
agreement was drawn up and signed by the committee on the part of Sioux Falls, 
and by President Ives on the part of the railroad company to carry into effect 
the proposition as first made. It was estimated that Sioux Falls would have to 
raise $50,000 of the $80,000 asked for, and the contract was made accordingly.

	On the 11th day of January, 1886, the city council convened in special 
session to consider a petition that had been circulated and largely signed, 
asking the council to levy a tax on all the taxable property in the city, 
sufficiently large to raise $50,000, or else submit to the people the question 
of bonding the city in that sum to secure the building of this road to Sioux 

	The council referred the petition to the finance committee, with 
instruction to report at the next meeting, and then adjourned until the next 
day. On the 12th day of January the committee reported, recommending the council 
to submit the question of bonding the city in the sum of $50,000 in aid of the 
road, to the electors of Sioux Falls, and that the election be held on the 9th 
of February, 1886.

	The council at once passed a resolution calling the election, as 
recommended by the committee. Within a day or two after this action had been 
taken, it was discovered that $50,000 would not be sufficient to meet the 
obligations assumed by the citizens committee, and a public meeting was held to 
take the subject into consideration.

	At this meeting it was thought advisable to raise $60,000, as it would 
require at least $10,000 to get the right of way and depot grounds in Minnehaha 
county. A resolution was passed, requesting the city council to submit the 
question of bonding the city in the sum of $60,000 to a vote of the people. In a 
called session on the 20th day of January, the city council rescinded its former 
action in the matter, and ordered the question submitted to a vote of the people 
on the 16th day of February, 1886, in accordance with the terms of the 
resolution adopted at the citizens' meeting.

	The election was held and resulted in there being 709 votes cast, of which 
671 were in favor of issuing bonds, and 38 against.

	On the 26th day of February the vote was canvassed and the bonds ordered 
issued-120 in number, of $500 each, at 7 per cent. interest, to become due in 
twenty years. On the 12th day of May the city council directed the mayor and 
clerk to sign the bonds and deposit them in the Minnehaha National Bank. This 
issue of bonds was at a later date destroyed, owing to some informalities, and 
on the 9th day of March, 1887, a new issue of bonds was made in the same amount, 
to run for twenty years from date.


	The road was completed into Sioux Falls on the 26th day of October, 1886, 
J. W. Boyce driving the last spike at 11 o'clock A. M., and the ringing of 
church bells and blowing of steam whistles announced to the people that the B., 
C. R & N. railroad was completed. A freight train arrived that day over the 
road, and the following day, at 3 o'clock P. M. a passenger train left for 
Ellsworth, to connect with the through train from Watertown, and on the 1st day 
of November, 1886, regular passenger trains commenced running.

	In securing the right of way through the county, and in getting the other 
towns along the line to Ellsworth to donate their proportionate share, required 
not a little work on the part of Sioux Falls. Thomas H. Brown did a good deal of 
this work, and is entitled to a large share of the credit in obtaining this line 
of road.


	On the 26th day of April, 1887, a public meeting was held at Cherokee, 
Iowa, to take action in the matter of inducing the Illinois Central Railroad 
Company to build a branch to Sioux Falls. It was a well-attended meeting of the 
business men of Cherokee, and they were alive to the advantages the city would 
secure by the building of this road. A committee was appointed to confer with 
the officials of the road, and to set before them the advantages that Cherokee 
had over all other towns on the line as a terminus of a branch road to Sioux 
Falls. The committee had also instruction to confer with the people of Sioux 
Falls, and get them interested in the enterprise.

	This may be said to be the initial step that culminated in securing to 
Sioux Falls a connection with the Illinois Central, although the citizens of 
Sioux Falls had before this taken some action in the same direction.

	About four o'clock in the afternoon of Thursday, May 12, 1887, a 
delegation of twenty-two gentlemen arrived in Sioux Falls in the interest of the 
proposed railroad from Cherokee. This delegation was made up of business men 
from Cherokee, Primgar, Sheldon and Rock Rapids. They were expected to arrive 
the next day, but the citizens were ready for them, and dodgers were at once 
circulated, calling the business men to assemble at the Cataract house that 
evening to confer with the delegation regarding the projected railroad 

	Representatives of all the various interests in the city responded to the 
call, and the visitors were assured that nothing would please the people of 
Sioux Falls more, than to secure the railroad connection they desired.

	Just prior to this time, it had been intimated in railroad circles that 
the Illinois Central had a project to extend its road from Fort Dodge to Sioux 
Falls, and from whatever point this road commenced to build through northwestern 
Iowa, the people of Sioux Falls were determined to offer such inducements as to 
secure the connection. R. F. Pettigrew, A. Beveridge, C. E. McKinney, E. A. 
Sherman and Major E. G. Smith were appointed on the part of Sioux Falls to act 
with the delegations present from the several localities, with instructions to 
do everything possible to secure the road.

	The delegations returned home the next day, and reported they had been 
enthusiastically received all along the line, and that the people were alive to 
the importance of energetic, concerted action, if they were to secure the road 
from Cherokee to Sioux Falls.

	Sioux Falls had been fixed upon by the Central, as the ultimate terminus 
of the proposed branch, and whether it was to commence at Fort Dodge, Tara, 
Manson, or Cherokee, (although her citizens preferred it should be at Cherokee) 
she was reasonably certain of the connection.

	On the 22d day of May, 1887, the officials of the Illinois Central visited 
Cherokee, and the advantages and feasibility of the route from Cherokee to Sioux 
Falls were so strongly presented to them by the people of that enterprising 
city, that they secured an order directing Division Superintendent Gilleas to 
make a survey of the route at once.

	On Wednesday, June 1, 1887, D. C. Rice of Sioux Falls, who had been 
summoned to Cherokee, returned home and reported that the route had been divided 
into three surveying districts-one from Cherokee to Sheldon, one from Sheldon 
west, and one from Sioux Falls east; that he had charge of the one from Sioux 
Falls, and had received instructions to push his work with all possible vigor, 
and that he would commence the next day.

	June 2, 1887, Superintendent Gilleas was in Sioux Falls, and he said the 
survey would be completed over the entire route within two weeks. On Wednesday, 
July 11, he again visited Sioux Falls, accompanied by Wm. J. Knight, attorney of 
the Illinois Central railroad, and it was soon known that they came with 
authority to contract for the building of the road from Cherokee to Sioux Falls 
before January 1, 1888. As usual on occasions like this, a meeting was held at 
the Cataract house in the evening. It was largely attended by representative 
business men, and without any delay Mr. Knight made the following proposition: 
"The Illinois Central will at once commence grading and have its line from 
Cherokee to Sioux Falls in operation by January 1, 1888, if the city of Sioux 
Falls will secure it depot grounds and the right of way thereto from the 
corporation limits." The proposition was accompanied with a statement that the 
depot grounds wanted by the company was a strip of land 300 feet wide and about 
2,000 feet long, on the east side of the river north of Eighth street, between 
the river bank and the Omaha track, and that the company desired the right of 
way to the packing house, polishing works and quarries, and sufficient ground 
for stock yard and roundhouse purposes.

	Before this, the people of Sioux Falls had agreed with the towns east, 
through which the road was to be built, that Sioux Falls would secure the right 
of way in Minnehaha county. After the proposition had been submitted by Mr. 
Knight, it was discussed fully by those present and finally submitted to a vote, 
and it was unanimously decided to accept the proposition. A committee was then 
appointed, consisting of R. F. Pettigrew, C. E. McKinney, E. G. Smith, E. A. 
Sherman and C. O. Bailey, to obtain a guaranty that the agreement would be 
carried out, and to arrange with the company in reference to all matters 
contained in its proposition.

	Although this project of building the road from Cherokee to Sioux Falls 
was being carried on by the Illinois Central company, still it could not do it 
directly, as its charter obtained from the State of Illinois did not permit it 
to construct any railroad lines outside of the state, but it could acquire 
possession of railroads by purchase or consolidation. To avoid this inhibition, 
the Cherokee and Dakota, a construction company, was incorporated, composed of 
prominent officials of the Illinois Central.

	On Tuesday, July 12, 1887, a large delegation came over from Rock Rapids 
for the purpose of seeing what could be done in reference to the right of way 
nine miles in length, in Minnesota. This delegation wanted Sioux Falls to take 
care of it, as they had all they could do at Rock Rapids, having to procure 
thirty-two miles of right of way in Lyon county besides depot grounds. The 
result of this conference was an agreement that Sioux Falls should obtain the 
right of way in Minnesota.

	The following Thursday prominent officials of the Illinois Central came to 
Sioux Falls and informed the people just what was wanted to settle the question 
whether the road would be built or not. Some of the requirements it was 
impossible to perform, and soon after, E. A. Sherman and R. F. Pettigrew went to 
Dubuque to confer further with the railroad officials, and obtain, if possible, 
such modifications of the contract as would enable the people of Sioux Falls to 
enter into it, feeling assured that they could perform the obligations assumed.

	In this mission they were successful, and Mr. Sherman returned to Sioux 
Falls. On Tuesday, July 26, 1887, he started out with a contract of guaranty, to 
obtain the signatures of the business men of the city, and the amount they would 
be individually responsible for if the road was built in 1887. The city had 
bonded for $60,000 in building the B., C. R. and N. railroad, and had promised 
the Willmar and Sioux Falls company $60,000 more, and it looked like a big job 
to secure $40,000 for this road, and it was probable that it could not be 
obtained for a less sum.

	Mr. Sherman put in a good day's work, and at night had $30,000 subscribed. 
Thirteen men had subscribed $1,000 each, and thirty-four men $500 each. The next 
day he increased the guaranty to $42,250, and then telegraphed the officials of 
the Illinois Central that the guaranty was completed in accordance with the 
Dubuque agreement. Thursday evening a public meeting was held, but it was only 
necessary as a ratification meeting, and it is safe to say that a Sioux Falls 
audience was never in a happier mood. A committee was appointed to secure the 
right of way, consisting of E. A. Sherman, R. F. Pettigrew, C. E. McKinney, H. 
M. Avery and R. G. Parmley.

	On Saturday, July 30, 1887, the guaranty was accepted by the railroad 
officials, and the grading of the road let, to be completed within sixty days, 
and the people of Sioux Falls retired that night assured of another connection 
with a great railroad system.

	E. A. Sherman, R. F. Pettigrew and R. G. Parmley went into Minnesota to 
secure the right of way, in fact, all along the line as far as Sioux Falls was 
to obtain it, and one of the committee reported that when they were all together 
they could always secure it. Pettigrew and Sherman would get the men into their 
barns and Parmley would go into their houses and by his bland smiles, winning 
deportment and entertaining songs would so please the ladies that when they came 
to the point of contracting for the amount that should be paid, they always 
found the wives more liberal than the husbands. On the 12th day of August, 1887, 
this commitee reported that they had secured the right of way through Minnesota, 
except for a short distance over the property of two nonresidents, and that in 
so doing, had contracted to pay $6,400.

	The first iron rail laid on this road was on Monday, September 26, 1887, 
at Cherokee, Iowa.

	Monday, December 19, 1887, was a cold day, but nearly five hundred men 
with two hundred teams were approaching the terminus of the Illinois Central-in 
the city of Sioux Falls, laying the iron rail as they advanced, and the whole 
city was ready for a burst of enthusiasm when the last spike should be driven.  
At just 11:30 o'clock, P. M., everything was ready, when Mayor Norton, wielding 
the sledge with a few well directed blows, sent the last spike home, and the 
whole city was soon made aware by the great commotion that followed that Sioux 
Falls had an air line railroad connection with Chicago.


	It had been previously arranged that a banquet should be given the 
officiate of the Illinois Central when the road was completed, and the evening 
of the 19th day of December had been fixed upon as the time, and as Governor L. 
K. Church was to be in the city on that day, it was made a dual affair in honor 
of the officials and his excellency.

	At midnight Mayor Norton appeared at the banquet room with the railroad 
officials, and as the governor and other invited guests were present all sat 
down to one of the most elegant spreads Sioux Palls had ever given.  E. W. 
Caldwell was toastmaster, and called on Governor Church to welcome the Central 
to Dakota, which he did in a splendid speech. This was followed by speeches from 
D. R. Bailey and Major E. G. Smith on the part of Sioux Falls. General Manager 
Jeffries then made the speech of the occasion, and eloquently asserted that 
notwithstanding a majority of the stock and bonds of his company was held by 
foreigners it was American to the core. Speeches from F. R. Aikens, C. H. Winsor 
and E. G. Wright followed, and the gathering dispersed after having given three 
cheers and a tiger for the Queen City.

	On Thursday, December 22, $30,000 was paid out in Sioux Falls to the 
laborers on the new line of road.

	Freight trains commenced running on this road in January, 1888. A Cherokee 
accommodation train was put on April 2, and a regular passenger train June 3, 

	It only remains to add that Sioux Falls fulfilled all the obligations 
entered into by her citizens to secure this road, and that the city council 
issued the warrants of the city in the sum of $43,329.52, to pay for the right 
of way and depot grounds.


	On the 18th day of February, 1886, several business men of Pipestone 
visited Sioux Falls to work up the interest among her people in building a 
railroad to be known as the Willmar and Sioux Falls railroad. They registered at 
the Cataract House and then called upon some of the most prominent business men 
in the city, extolling the enterprise they had in hand as only men can do who 
want a railroad. In the evening a meeting was held in one of the sample rooms at 
the Cataract House and the project discussed in all its phases. M A. Sherman was 
chairman of the meeting, and before it adjourned it was decided unanimously to 
make a move to obtain the road, and Andrew Beveridge, C. L. Norton and Cyrus 
Walts were appointed a committee to act for the city. A day or two after this 
meeting a local company was organized as the Willmar and Sioux Falls Railroad 
Company, with $2,000,000 capital to build the line, and among the directors 
elected were E. A. Sherman and H. T. Corson of Sioux Falls. On March 11, 1886, 
articles of incorporation were filed with the secretary of state of Minnesota, 
and on April 6, the local company ordered a preliminary survey to be made.

	On Tuesday, July 20, 1886, a mass meeting was held in Sioux Falls to get 
an expression of the citizens and to see what could be done to secure the road. 
The meeting was quite largely attended, and resulted in passing a resolution 
guaranteeing 50,000 and the right of way for the line in Minnehaha county to 
the Manitoba Railway Company, if the company would build the road into Sioux 

	After this time, during the year 1886, conferences were held in St. Paul 
with the Manitoba management by prominent citizens of Sioux Falls for the 
purpose of obtaining, if possible, the assurance that the road would come to 
Sioux Falls. Nothing of a definite character was accomplished, although the 
people at this end of the line were doing everything they could to aid in the 

	On the 8th day of January, 1887, it was reported that the surveying party 
was west of Willmar, and coming west, and on the 7th day of March, that the 
survey had been completed to Pipestone. March 24, the surveyors arrived in Sioux 
Falls, having completed the survey of the entire line.

	April 28, 1887, a meeting was held in the court house by the citizens of 
Sioux Falls, for the purpose of considering a proposition that had been made by 
President J. M. Spicer, which contemplated the building of the road to Sioux 
Falls. It was largely attended, and the utmost enthusiasm prevailed; and when it 
was known that the conditions of securing the road were a donation of $50,000, 
and the right of way in Minnehaha county, it was so good a thing that no 
discussion took place and the proposition was accepted by a unanimous vote. A 
petition to the city council was then and there signed by upwards of fifty 
taxpayers, asking the council to levy a direct tax in aid of the road, and 
pledging the signers to use their best endeavors to secure the name of every 
taxpayer in the city.   William Van Eps, W. H. Corson, P. P. Peck, N. K. 
Phillips and John Sundback were appointed a committee to wait upon the county 
commissioners at once, and urge them to call a special election, and submit the 
question of levying a direct tax in aid of the road to the electors of the 
county. A committee, consisting of M. Grigsby, C. E. McKinney, R. F. Pettigrew, 
M. Germ and J. T. Gilbert, was appointed to draw up and circulate for signatures 
a guaranty to the company in sufficient amount to secure the immediate 
commencement of work on the line. May 8, 1887, this committee reported that 
there had been secured S48,000 upon the guaranty. A meeting was held in Palisade 
township on the same day, which was largely attended, and W. W. Coon, E. Millard 
and Ezra Royce were appointed a committee to aid in securing the right of way 
through the township.

	June 18, 1887, President Spicer came to Sioux Falls, and upon his arrival 
a meeting of the citizens was called for the evening. It was a representative 
gathering of the people, and when convened E. A. Sherman stated that the people 
had come together to hear a report of the meeting of the directors of the 
Willmar and Sioux Falls Railroad Company held at Pipestone the day before. He 
said it had been determined at that meeting that the road could not be built to 
Sioux Falls during the year 1887, as it was impossible to secure the necessary 
ties, but that the management of the road through its president was ready to 
submit a proposition to the people, which would, if accepted, secure the road. 
President Spicer then came forward and submitted the following proposition:

	The Willmar and Sioux Falls Railway Company being desirous of obtaining 
from the City of .Sioux Falls, County of Minnehaha, Territory of Dakota, a bonus 
from said city in aid of the construction of the line of railway of said company 
from Willmar, Kandiyohi county, Minnesota, to Sioux Falls, Dakota, hereby makes 
to said City of Sioux Falls, the following definite proposition as heretofore 
mutually agreed upon:

	First. The amount of such aid is $50,000, and the right of way through 
Minnehaha county Dakota, to the City of Sioux Falls. 

	Second. The said amount of aid to be paid as follows: At the time of the 
acceptance of this proposition the citizens of Sioux Falls shall execute an 
indemnity bond to said railway company in the amount of $50,000. Said bond to be 
approved by the president of said railway company anid conditioned upon the 
construction of said railway line as herein proposed and the payment of the said 
aid as follows: At the time of the completion of said line of railway to Sioux 
Falls, $50,000 in cash, with the option on the part of the city to make said 
payment as follows: $20,000 January 1, 1889; $15,000 January 1, 1890, and 
$15,000 January 1, 1891, with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent. per 
annum from the time when said railway company shall have cars running to the 
said City of Sioux Falls. Said right of way through Minnehaha county to the City 
of Sioux Falls to be obtained at the expense ot the citizens of Sioux Falls, or 
of Minnehaha county, Dakota, and deeds to be placed in the hands of the said 
railway company on or before September 1, 1887, and it is hereby understood and 
agreed that the citizens of Sioux Falls shall fully protect and indemnify said 
railway company against any cost or expense in obtaining the right of way 
through Minnehaha county, Dakota, to the City of Sioux Falls.

	Third. The said railway company proposes and agrees, in consideration of 
said bonus, to cause to be constructed its line of railway from Willmar, 
Kandiyohi county, Minnesota, to Sioux Falls, Minnehaha county, Dakota, and to 
complete its line of railway and have cars running thereon to Sioux Falls, 
Dakota, on or before the 1st day of January, 1889, and to grade said railway 
through Minnehaha county to Sioux Falls on or before January 1, 1888.

	In witness whereof said Willmar and Sioux Falls Railway Company has on 
this 18th day of June, 1887, caused this proposition to be signed by John M. 
Spicer, its president, and Charles C. Goodnow, its secretary, and sealed with 
its corporate seal.

(Seal.)                                    By JOHN M. SPICER, President. 

	He said that all the counties along the proposed route in Minnesota had 
voted a tax and secured the right of way, except Pipestone county, and that the 
people of that county would vote on the question the following Monday. He urged 
the people to take prompt action in the matter, as Sioux City on the one side, 
and towns west of Sioux Falls would pay liberal bonuses to divert the road from 
Sioux Falls, and that Sioux City had already offered $300,000 for the road. 
Other remarks were made, when R. F. Pettigrew made a motion that the proposition 
submitted be accepted and the bond given. It received a unanimous vote. A 
committee to secure the guaranty was appointed, composed of John Norton, Andrew 
Beveridge, C. E. Mc-Kinney, M. Gerin and J. T. Gilbert.

	During the summer a good deal of speculation was engaged in, in reference 
to the commencement of the work here, the location of the depot and other 
matters pertaining to the road.

	August 1, 1887, a large crew of men and several hundred teams camped on 
the Willmar and Sioux Falls line at a point about equidistant from Willmar and 
Granite Falls, and by the 5th of September there were about one hundred camps of 
graders between Willmar and Sioux Falls. September 12, it was learned that a 
large force of graders had been laid off, and that there was trouble somewhere. 
E. A. Sherman and R. F. Pettigrew visited St. Paul at once and saw James J. 
Hill, and were not long in finding the cause of the trouble. The Manitoba wanted 
depot grounds near the Omaha depot south of Eighth street, but expected to get 
what land the company wanted for $25,000, but had been asked $50,000, which sum 
was considered exorbitant. The result of the interview was an order by Mr. Hill 
that the grading should go on, and that the matter of depot grounds should rest 
until the spring of 1888, when, if necessary, condemnation proceedings would be 
instituted to obtain them, At the conclusion of the interview Mr. Hill said: "I 
have agreed to put my line through to Sioux Falls, and it is going there." This 
statement was a great relief to the people of Minnehaha county, for it must be 
admitted that the boomers at Sioux City had not only kept them guessing, but had 
given them a great amount of hard work, and sharp work to thwart their schemes 
to divert the road from its original destination.

	September 20, 1887, a meeting of the directors of the Willmar and Sioux 
Falls Railway Company was called at St. Paul. At this meeting all the directors 
resigned and an election was held for a new board. It was the intention to elect 
a director from each of the principal towns along the road, but it resulted in 
retaining only President Spicer and Vice President Sherman, the balance being 
made up of prominent officials of the Manitoba.

	Mr. Sherman arrived home on the 22d of September, and the next day it was 
known that the road had secured depot grounds in the southwestern part of the 
city, but at the same time it was known that the management still desired to 
obtain land near the Omaha depot for depot grounds, if it could be obtained at a 
reasonable price. This it was impossible to do, and on the 9th day of October, 
1887, the depot was located where it now is.

	The work of grading the road commenced early in the spring of 1888, but 
was delayed by heavy rains during the latter part of the spring and early 
summer, but on the first day of August a large force was put on, and from that 
time the work was pushed with great vigor. The approach of the force engaged in 
completing the road to Sioux Falls about October 20, 1888, astonished the 
people. It looked like a small, well equipped army. Some of the boarding cars 
were three stories high; and when the people saw seven hundred feet of track 
laid in just eight minutes, they were all ready to vote for "Jim Hill" for 
president of the United States. The line was completed to Sioux Falls at 4:30 
o'clock, in the afternoon of October 25, 1888.

	The first regular passenger train on the Willmar and Sioux Falls railroad 
pulled out of the city of Sioux Falls at 8:30 A. M., November 1, 1888. The 
bridge not being completed over the Big Sioux river near the company's depot, 
temporary quarters had been provided on Eighth street, east of the Omaha depot.

	E. A. Sherman secured the right of way and depot grounds for this road in 
Minnehaha county, and in doing so, labored hard to have it cost the city as 
little as possible, but having done the best he could the city was compelled to 
pay $77,403.65.

	After the completion of the road, it was considered the right thing by the 
citizens of Sioux Falls, to formally express to James J. Hill its appreciation 
of what he had done for the city in giving her a connection with the great 
combination lines of railroads under his management, and a time had been fixed 
for so doing, but had been changed, and finally Tuesday, December 11, was 
settled upon for the occasion. At first the intention was to give a reception to 
the railroad officials, but as time wore on the original plan was enlarged and 
the business men of St. Paul, Minneapolis and towns along the line were invited 
to the hospitalities of the city.

	On Monday night, December 10, 1888, a train of nine sleepers and day 
coaches started from St. Paul for Sioux Falls. At different points along the 
line delegations got aboard the train, and when it arrived at its destination 
there were 185 passengers. A few persons from adjoining towns had also been 
invited, so that the guests of the city numbered more than two hundred. It was a 
great disappointment to every one that James J. Hill could not be present, but a 
law suit involving about two million dollars detained him.

	From the arrival of the train until its departure ten hours later, nothing 
was left undone by the people of Sioux Falls to make the occasion enjoyable for 
her guests and memorable in the annals of the Queen City. The arrangements were 
simply perfect, the banquet elegant, and the whole affair terminating in some 
admirable speeches in harmony with the occasion.


	The South Sioux Falls Railroad and Rapid Transit company was incorporated 
in December, 1888.

	The incorporators were R. F. Pettigrew, S. L. Tate, F. H. Gerrish, C. G. 
Ferguson and F. W. Pettigrew. It was supposed at first that the company intended 
to build a belt motor line around the city, the central station to he located at 
South Sioux Falls.

	January 4, 1889, the city council of Sioux Falls passed an ordinance 
giving this company the right to build and operate a motor line within the city 
limits, and the exclusive right to certain streets in the city, commencing at 
the intersection of Eleventh street and Phillips avenue.

	During the spring and early summer the road was graded and ironed to South 
Sioux Falls. Two new passenger cars for this road arrived in the city about the 
10th day of May, 1889. The 18th day of June, 1889, the first business was done 
on this road, over one thousand people being conveyed from Eleventh street to 
Coats' race track.  A trial trip was made Tuesday, June 25, 1889, to South Sioux 
Falls, and all the city officials were invited to honor the occasion with their 

	During the summer of that year all sort of surmises were made as to where 
the western terminus would be located, but the idea prevailed quite generally 
that it was the eastern end of the Midland Pacific, and would ultimately be 
built to Puget Sound.

	In March, 1890, the name of this company was changed to the Sioux Falls 
Terminal Railroad Company.

	A portion of this line between the city of Sioux Falls and South Sioux 
Falls is now operated by the Great Northern Railroad Company.


	In June, 1889, it was known in Sioux Falls that there was a project on 
foot to construct a motor line from Sioux Falls to East Sioux Falls. The 
organization was perfected about the 1st of July of that year under the name of 
South Dakota Rapid Transit and Railway Company. W. R. Kingsbury, R. J. Wells, C. 
C. Crandall, C. E. Johnson, A. M. Crosby, J. T. Little, Jr., and S. C. French 
were elected directors, and they elected Kingsbury, president, French, vice 
president, Johnson, treasurer and W. S. Welliver, secretary.

	An ordinance was passed by the city council of the city of Sioux Falls on 
the 1st day of July, 1889, granting the right of way for this company to build 
and operate a single track of its railway along and upon certain streets in the 
city, commencing at the foot of Ninth street crossing the Sioux river and thence 
east to the city limits. But before anything was done at the west end of the 
line, the company and the owners of property on Tenth street arranged for the 
building of a viaduct on that street, east of the bridge over the tracks of the 
Milwaukee, Omaha and Great Northern railroads, and the ordinance granting the 
right of way, was afterwards amended so as to begin the line at the intersection 
of Tenth street and Phillips avenue.

	About this time the Tenth street bridge was condemned, and owing to the 
fact that this line was to cross the river on Tenth street, the bridge was 
rebuilt in a most substantial manner.

	As soon as the right of way through the city had been secured the company 
proceeded to survey the route, and when it was completed on the 1st of August, 
Engineer Jackson reported that the line was just six miles in length. The 
building of the bridges on the line, seven in all, was completed in November and 
track laying commenced on January 27, 1890.

	About February 20, 1890, the contract was let for the equipment of the 
road, all except the cars, for the sum of $35,000.

	The motors for the electric cars arrived April 8, and were taken to the 
engine house on block one in East Park addition. The engine arrived on April 12, 
and the boiler-weighing 13,000 lbs.-on April 17, 1890.

	About this time in the history of the electric motor line, a disagreement 
arose between the city council and the company, and during the afternoon of May 
14, a special meeting of the committee on rules and ordinances met to consider 
the matter.

	At the time of the passage of the original ordinance number 81, the 
company thought it possible that they might want to cross the river on Tenth 
street, although by the terms of the ordinance it was to cross at Ninth street.  
Afterwards ordinance number 102 was passed, amending ordinance 81, giving the 
company the right to enter the city by way of Tenth street across the viaduct, 
and the laying of a double track on the bridge, the company to keep' up the 
repair of the bridge roadway between the rails. At the time this ordinance was 
passed, Col. J. H. Drake appeared in opposition to it.

	The meeting of the committee was called to consider an ordinance amending 
ordinance number 81. Col. Drake and Wm. Van Eps were present and discussed at 
length the question at issue, while the company was represented by J. W. Jones 
and its president W. R. Kingsburv. This proposed amendment declared the rights 
and privileges granted under ordinance 81 forfeited, unless the line of railway 
should be wholly built and equipped for business and in full operation within 
the limits of the city of Sioux Falls on or before the l5th day of July, 1890, 
or within fifteen days after the Tenth street bridge and viaduct should be 
completed and open to travel.

	The hearing in this case ended with the promise of President Kingsbury 
that the company would lay only one track over the bridge and viaduct, and that 
it should be laid upon one of the sidewalks supported by brackets if found 

	The committee reported this ordinance to the city council on May 17, with 
a recommendation that it be referred to the city attorney, which was accordingly 

	About this time one of those little affairs occurred in the city that 
usually follow in building motor and street car lines where there are, or are 
supposed to be, conflicting interests. Sunday morning, May 35, just after 
midnight, there appeared to be an unusual activity in the vicinity of Tenth 
street and Phillips avenue. It so happened that, owing to some public gatherings 
in the city that were just breaking up, a good many people were on the streets, 
and, as it was only a step out of the way to visit Tenth street, they did so to 
verify the rumor that something unusual was taking place at that point. A crowd 
soon gathered, and to their surprise found about fifty persons on Tenth street 
engaged in laying a street car track. Mayor Peck soon arrived, and was horrified 
at finding so many men breaking the Sabbath, and expostulated with them, using 
some of the most approved scriptural quotations "in accents wild," but all to no 
effect. The tall form of George Arneson was to be seen everywhere among the 
Sabbath breakers urging them on. Fred Pettigrew and C. G. Ferguson appeared to 
be associated with Arneson in command, and this gave the whole scheme away, for 
who was there but Judge Tate, that could induce such men to work on the Sabbath. 
The mayor and City Attorney Brockway took a hack for Judge Tate's home. They 
found him asleep, or apparently so, but they aroused him, and then commenced one 
of the most remarkable disquisitions upon the desecration of the Sabbath that 
was ever delivered to a wicked man. Peck told him that the example he was 
setting was not in keeping with his Presbyterian pretensions, and Brockway 
reminded him that there would be a hereafter that was fearful to contemplate for 
such men as would induce unreflecting persons like Arneson, Pettigrew and 
Ferguson to break the Sabbath. The judge was awed, if not convinced, and with a 
trembling hand he wrote a note and handed it to the mayor, which read as 
follows: "To George Arneson, F. W. Pettigrew and Mr. Hyde:-Please to stop work 
on Tenth street and level up the ground so that the work can be renewed Monday 
morning. S. L. Tate." This note was recognized as authority by the street car 
force. Of course, this movement was for the purpose of occupying the street in 
advance of the motor line, and the mayor, after having stopped the street car 
scheme, turned his attention to the managers of the motor line, and they agreed 
to do nothing on Sunday. All day Sunday the air was full of rumors as to what 
would happen on Tenth street at the beginning of the next secular day, and a 
good many people took an afternoon nap on Sunday, so as to be present when the 
exercises commenced. About eleven o'clock Sunday night two hundred men appeared 
on Tenth street between Phillips and First avenues, armed with spokes. They were 
there in the interest of the motor line. The mayor was also there with the 
police force augmented by thirty specials sworn in for the occasion. The street 
car managers were also present and tried to induce the mayor to disarm their 
opponents, but the mayor had enlisted in the interest of peace, and while he 
would not disarm any one, still, he declared he was there to see that no weapons 
were used by either party in the attempt to occupy Tenth street. It was evident, 
however, that he was pleased with the extensive preparations that the motor line 
had made to give the public the advantage of their line upon Tenth street at as 
early a date as possible. During Sunday evening the street car people had been 
engaged in spiking rails onto ties and had them in readiness for laying. Just 
before midnight a crowd of men started from the street car barn on Eleventh 
street, with rails spiked to ties. At this demonstration large wagons of the 
motor company came from Phillips avenue into Tenth street; the first was loaded 
with ties, the second with rails, and the last with spikes, which were dropped 
as they proceeded east on Tenth street. The motor force occupying the line, went 
at the work in earnest, and in four minutes had the iron laid to First avenue, 
in fifteen minutes more they had the rails spiked in place, and at 12:20 o'clock 
Monday morning, the motor line was running a handcar over the line. The horse 
car people carried three lengths of rails spiked to ties to First avenue, but in 
attempting to lay one of them in the middle of Tenth street, it resulted in its 
being dropped in the gutter on one side of the street. The collision was not 
much of an affair, as the force of the motor line was so much stronger that they 
had only to place themselves in the path of the street car people to prevent 
them accomplishing anything. After the motor people had the track laid they 
proceeded to perfect the line and put it in as good condition as possible. The 
street car people after being repulsed, drew several loads of ties and rails 
into Tenth street between Phillips and Main avenues, but the motor people were 
prepared to prevent any further attempt on the part of the company in laying its 

	During Sunday the motor people had prepared injunction papers against any 
interference by the car company in laying its track on Tenth street, and during 
Sunday evening W. R. Kingsbury, J. W. Jones, W. A. Wilkes and C. E. Johnson took 
an engine, went to Canton and induced Judge Aikens to return with them, and they 
arrived in the city at midnight. Judge Aikens signed the papers, and within 
thirty minutes they were served on Judge Tate and the foreman of the car 
company-and the war for the occupation of Tenth street was transferred to the 

	The cause of this little scrimmage, of course, was the desire on the part 
of the street car company to prevent the motor from occupying any of the 
principal streets of the city. The company had an exclusive franchise for twenty 
years, and had been operating its street cars at a loss, and the managers felt 
that the motor was trespassing upon its rights, and that the building of the 
motor line would lessen the value of the street car property.

	It is only necessary to add, that in the end the matter was amicably 

	We left the ordinance limiting the time for the completion of the motor 
line, when we turned aside to chronicle the Sunday war between the two 
companies, in the hands of City Attorney Brockway, who reported to the city 
council on May 27, that in his opinion the ordinance ought not to pass-and the 
council defeated the passage of the ordinance.

	On Friday, June 13, 1890, at five o'clock in the afternoon, the first trip 
over the electric motor line was made. Three trips in all were made during the 
evening of that day, and as this was the first electric train that had ever been 
run in the state, it was quite an event. Everything worked smoothly, and to the 
entire satisfaction of the management.

	On Saturday, June 21, 1890, the motor line commenced runningregular trains 
to East Sioux Falls.

	For two or three years there was considerable traffic over this line, and 
during the summers it was largely patronized by picnic parties and pleasure 
seekers, who invariably enjoyed the seven-mile trip between the two cities. But 
the enterprise did not prove a good investment, and after considerable 
struggling against adverse circumstances, it went into the hands of a receiver, 
and during the summer of 1898 the rails were taken up, and we regret to state, 
there is now nothing left but the bare roadbed to remind the people that there 
was at one time a rapid transit railway line between the cities of Sioux Falls 
and East Sioux Falls.


	This railroad, the last one to enter Sioux Falls, was opened to the 
traveling public October 19, 1893. No railroad project ever conceived of by a 
citizen of Sioux Falls, had been so constantly before the public, as a railroad 
from Sioux Falls to Yankton. The files of the newspapers in Sioux Falls for 
fifteen years, disclose the fact, that this project, though dormant at times, 
was ready to come to the front whenever the slightest interest in railroad 
building was manifest among her citizens. At times its construction seemed 
assured, and then again, it would for months appear as remote as aerial 

	A bill was passed by the last territorial legislature, 1889, in aid of the 
construction of railroads, that was introduced and pushed through, with nothing 
behind it "out this project of Sioux Falls to build a road to Yankton. The 
writer was sent to Bismarck by the Commercial Club of Sioux Falls, and spent 
thirty days in getting this measure (with others of less importance) through, 
and while there reported to R. F. Pettigrew, then president of the club, that it 
seemed impossible to get the law enacted, and received in reply a telegram which 
directed the writer to "stick, " that it must be done, and strongly intimated 
that the writer's residence in Sioux Falls would not be desirable if this 
measure did not become a law. The law was enacted, and before the constitution 
of the state was adopted, the citizens of Sioux Falls went at this project with 
a determination that it should be accomplished. E. A. Sherman in particular, 
devoted a good deal of time to the matter, organizing a company and endeavoring 
to enlist capital in the East, and at one time it seemed as though he would be 
successful. But it was decreed otherwise, and all hope of aid through any 
legislation after the adoption of the constitution was at an end. On the 27th 
day of September, 1892, some of the foremost citizens of Sioux Falls met at the 
request of Senator Pettigrew, "to consider a matter of public interest," and 
when the meeting was organized, he stated that the time had come when a railroad 
could be built to Yankton upon certain conditions. The conditions were stated, 
and the meeting promptly decided that the requirements were reasonable, and 
proceeded at once to pledge that the city of Sioux Falls should perform all that 
was required of her people. This much having been accomplished, the Sioux Falls, 
Yankton, and Southwestern Railway company was organized, with Senator Pettigrew 
as president. On the 31st day of October, the Argus-Leader announced that the 
grading contracts had been let by Senator Pettigrew. From this time on, the work 
progressed rapidly. On August 15, 1893, the first passengers came from Lennox to 
Sioux Falls on a construction train. As the road approached completion, the 
Jobbers and Manufacturers Association of Sioux Falls decided that the road 
should be opened in due form, and proceeded to arrange for an excursion to the 
Queen City from all points on the line, and Monday, October 19, 1893, was the 
day fixed upon.

	The train left Yankton at 8:20 A. M., consisting of six coaches, and 
arrived in Sioux Falls at 11 o'clock sharp, having made the run of sixty-two 
miles in two hours and forty minutes. The train was in charge of Conductor 
August Burr and Engineer C. N. Oram. Upon the arrival of the train at the corner 
of Eleventh street and Phillips avenue, nearly 700 people disembarked from the 
cars, and a procession, headed by the Sioux Falls band, the city council and 
reception committee, was soon formed, and all falling in line marched down 
Phillips avenue to Eighth street and thence up Main avenue to the council 
chamber, where the visitors were received and welcomed by C. A. Jewett, 
president of the Jobbers Association. Mayor Peck followed in a speech of welcome 
on the part of the city. The Yankton fire department, accompanied by the K. P. 
band of Yankton, were among the excursionists, having received an invitation 
from the fire department of Sioux Falls to honor the occasion with their 

	The banquet in the evening was the finest ever given in the city. The 
Press of the 20th of October said: "Germania hall shone resplendent last night. 
The banquet hall with its decorations, its lights, its beauty and the attending 
brains, made a gem that scintillated in the breast of the metropolis of the 
Dakotas never before equalled, and long to be remembered. The management of the 
celebration had turned over the entire management and arrangement of the spread 
to the Ladies' Industrial Society and the St. Agnes Guild of the Episcopal 
church. Royally the ladies did their duty. The two societies had for assistants 
thirty-five young ladies of this city, who, under the supervision of captains, 
did the service at the tables in a manner to do credit to Delmonico's finest. 
Stout's orchestra occupied the stage and furnished music throughout the entire 
programme. Seven tables were tastefully arranged with palms and flowers. Banquet 
lamps and boundary ribbons of colors to match were used to divide the tables in 
sections. Over each section a bevy of young ladies, costumed in the same colors 
as the decorations, gave the guests constant attention. Everything was the 
perfection of order. Every section had distinctive arrangement of plate and 
decoration. Two hundred and seventy-five covers were laid. The service was solid 
silver, and at each cover was a rose boutenniere." E. W. Caldwell was 
toastmaster, and Captain W. H. Stoddard, William Blatt, Esq., of Yankton, W. H. 
Wait of Lennox, Melvin Grigsby, E. A. Sherman, J. Tomlinson, Jr., Herbert L. 
Greene, H. H. Keith of Sioux Falls and Judge George W. Roberts, Otto Peemiller 
and W. B. Wilcox of Yankton responded to the toasts. The speeches were all 
admirable, but the gem of the evening was the address of Mr. Wilcox. Mr. 
Tomlinson in closing his response to the toast "Sioux Falls and Her Business as 
a Jobbing and Manufacturing Center " said: " And further, I want to pay my 
respects to one man who more than any other has made possible the occasion 
tonight. A man, who day and night, can always be found pushing, working and 
accomplishing for Sioux Falls, a man who differed with him in politics, but who 
every man in Sioux Falls should be ready and is ready to honor as her most 
energetic and worthy citizen, the Honorable R. F. Pettigrew." During the 
construction of the road, Jacob Schaetzel, Jr., acted as disbursing agent, and 
furnished for publication the following list of the stations and their distance 
from Sioux Falls: Byron, 10 miles; Lennox, 17 miles; Davis, 26 miles; Viborg, 
33;^ miles; Irene, 41 miles; Volin, 50 miles; Yankton, 62 miles. On Monday, 
October 23, regular trains, both passenger and freight, commenced running over 
this line under the management of the Great Northern.

	Right here the subject of railroads is dismissed, and although nothing is 
expected in a work like this but a record of the past, the writer cannot forego 
the pleasure of predicting that in the near future other railroad enterprises 
will originate in Sioux Falls, become accomplished facts, and bring additional 
prosperity to the city and the country tributary thereto.



	From Sioux Falls, going east, to Brandon 8.6 miles, to Valley Springs 15.1 
miles, to St. Paul 240 miles; going west, to Ellis 6.6 miles, to Hartford 14.2 
miles, to Humboldt 20.9 miles.


	From Sioux Falls, going north, to Renner 6 miles, Baltic 13.6 miles. Dell 
Rapids 20 miles, Egan 34.2 miles, Flandreau 40.6 miles; going south, to 
Harrisburg 9 miles, Canton 20 miles, Elk Point 69.7 miles, Sioux City 91.5 


	From Sioux Falls to East Sioux Falls 6.7 miles, Rowena 9.3 miles, Ben 
Clare 13.4 miles, Chicago 547 miles.


	From Sioux Falls, going north, to Corson 11 miles, Garretson 19 miles, 
Sherman 22 miles, St. Paul 249 miles; going south, to Yankton 63 miles.


	From Sioux Falls to Chicago 554 miles.


Sioux Falls:
	Omaha depot                                  1,397 feet
	Milwaukee depot                              1,395 feet
	Burlington depot                             1,400 feet
	Great Northern depot                         1,420 feet

Brandon                                            1,319 feet
Corson                                             1,362 feet
Garretson                                          1,457 feet
Sherman                                            1,396 feet
Dell Rapids                                        1,485 feet
Hartford                                           1,564 feet
Valley Springs                                     1,392 feet


Low water mark near Dell Rapids                    1,485 feet
Low water mark above, the falls, Sioux Falls       1,380 feet
Low water mark near Brandon                        1,281 feet
Low water mark Sioux Citv                          1,098 feet