Hartford, Minnehaha Co., SD -- 1916 Business Directory

	This information extracted from the "Northwestern Gazetteer and
	Business Directory", vol. XX (1916-1917), published by R. L.
	Polk & Co.

	Data transcribed by Joy Fisher, http://www.rootsweb.com/~archreg/vols/00001.html#0000031
. This file 
	may be freely copied for non-profit purposes. 

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	HARTFORD. Pop 800. Minnehaha county. A village on the C St P M & O Ry 
15 miles n w of Sioux Falls the county seat. Has Catholic, German Lutheran, 
and Methodist churches, 2 banks, a flour mill, 3 grain elevators, a
commercial club, an opera house, water works and an electric light plant.
A weekly newspaper, the Herald, is published. Improved land is worth $100 to
$140 per acre. Ships grain, produce and live stock. Exp. Am. Tel W U John F. 
McGowan P. M.

Last Name                   First Name               Business
Atkinson                    R. L.                    cashr, Savings Bank
Atkinson                    Robt. L.                 ins agt.
Aulwes                      Henry C.                 billiards
Babcock                     Irvin P.                 see Oaks & Babcock
Bailey                      Chas.                    livery
Bank of Hartford                                     ($10,000) Ira C Kingsbery, pres.; Howard C Kingsbery, cashr.
Bennett                     Clarence B.              agt, John W. Tuthill Lumber Co.
Bower                       Chas. F.                 phys.
Brenner                     Andr. F.                 grain elevator
Brown Bros.                                          dairy
Co-operative Farmers Elevator Co.                    N F Nelson, pres; W C Mulchow,sec.
Engelcke                    H. A. & Co.              gen store (Herman A. Engelcke, Alb Kingsbery)
Feyder                      Wm. C.                   gen store
Goebel                      Frank H.                 photogr.
Gronsdahl                   Ole                      mngr, Hartford Light & Power Co.
Hanson & Haugen                                      blksmiths (Oscar Hanson & Louis Haugen)
Hartford Cemetery Assn.                              Frank E. Van Demark, sec.
Hartford Commercial Club                             Chas W Knodt, pres; Howard C. Kingsbery, sec
Hartford Herald                                      Reuben R. Thompson, pub.
Hartford Light & Power Co.                           Ole Gronsdahl, mngr.
Hartford Mercantile Co.                              J H Rausch, pres; H C Schmidt, sec and treas.
Hartford Milling Co.                                 Jno C Schaller, pres; Mabel McGillivray, sec; Carl A Schaller, treas
Hartford Opera House                                 Edw Limeback, mngr
Hartford, Village of                                 prop, Peerless Saloon
Haugen                      Louis                    see Hanson & Haugen
Heberlein                   Julius                   wagon mkr
Henry                       Lorenzo D.               see Van Demark & Henry
Kingsbery                   Alb                      gen store
Kingsbery                   Howard C.                cashr, Bank of Hartford
Kingsbery                   Howard C.                sec, Hartford Commercial Club
Kingsbery                   Ira C.                   pres, Bank of Hartford
Knodt                       Aug. C.                  sec Westfall-Knodt Co.
Knodt                       Chas. W.                 pres, Hartford Commercial Club
Knodt                       Chas. W.                 treas Westfall-Knodt Co.
Koball                      Wm.                      blksmith
Latt                        Geo.                     meats
Lee                         Lewis H.                 drugs
Lehman                      Fred E.                  r r exp and tel agt
Lewis                       H. Lee                   drugs
Limeback                    Edw                      mngr, Hartford Opera House
Limeback                    Jos.                     auctioneer
Matthies                    Chas. J.                 billiards
McGillivray                 Mabel                    sec, Hartford Milling Co.
McIntire                    Louis                    ice
Menth                       Peter                    mngr, Peerless Saloon
Mielke                      Wm. J.                   tractor mnfr
Mulchow                     W. C.                    sec, Co-operative Farmers Elevator Co.
Nelson                      David                    livery
Nelson                      N. F.                    pres, Co-operative Farmers Elevator Co.
Oaks                        D. B. & Son              (Deasro B and Asa) furniture
Oaks                        Herbert D.               see Oaks & Babcock
Oaks & Babcock                                       Hardware and Farm Machinery
Peerless Saloon                                      Village of Hartford, prop; Peter Menth, mngr
Phillipp                    Herman H.                hardware
Rausch                      J. H.                    pres, Hartford Mercantile Co., gen store
Rhine                       Grant                    conf
Savings Bank                                         (capital $10,000) H V Slecta, pres; R L Atkinson, cashr
Schaller                    Carl A.                  treas, Hartford Milling Co.
Schaller                    Jno. C.                  pres, Hartford Milling Co.
Schmidt                     H. C.                    sec and treas, Hartford Mercantile Co., gen store
Slecta                      H. V.                    pres, Savings Bank
Thompson                    Reuben R.                pub, Hartford Herald
Tuthill                     John W. Lumber Co.       Clarence B Bennett agt
Van Demark                  Frank E.                 sec., Hartford Cemetery Assn.
Van Demark & Henry                                   (Frank E. Van Demark & Lorenzo D. Henry), real est.
Wanke                       Ralph M.                 harness
Webster                     Chester B.               barber
Welch                       Garth D.                 auctioneer
Wendt                       E. A.                    farm implts
Westfall                    E. F.                    pres, Westfall-Knodt Co.
Westfall-Knodt Co.                                   lumber