Dell Rapids, Minnehaha Co., SD - 1916 Business Directory

	This information extracted from the "Northwestern Gazetteer and
	Business Directory", vol. XX (1916-1917), published by R. L.
	Polk & Co.

	Data transcribed by Joy Fisher,
. This file 
	may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations 
	for their private use. All other rights reserved.

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	DELL RAPIDS. Pop 1,537. Minnehaha county. A city on the C M & St P 
Ry 20 miles n of Sioux Falls the county seat. Has Baptist, Catholic, 
Episcopal, Presbyterian, Methodist and Norwegian Lutheran churches, a 
public library, a hospital, an academy, a State Odd Fellows Home, 3 
banks, a hotel, a creamery, a flour mill, 5 grain elevators, an opera 
house, municipal water, gas and sewerage systems. A weekly newspaper the 
Times-Tribune is published. The city is situated in a fine agricultural 
region and in the vicinity are quarries containing an excellent quality 
of granite, suitable for paving and building purposes. Land is worth 
from $75 to $150 per acre. Ships grain, live stock, flour and produce. 
Exp W F & Co. Tel W U. Fred C Bowles P M.

Last Name                           First Name           Business
Anderson                            Palmer T.            dentists, Wood & Anderson
Barbour                             Fred W.              harness
Bent                                Edw. C.              drugs
Berge                               Gilbert M.           barber
Beto                                Wm. H.               meats
Blow                                Chas. H.             flour
Bowen                               Geo.                 vet surgeon
Burke                               Lewis V.             cashr, Home National Bank
Butler                              Clarence A.          phys
Capesius                            Jno H.               see Schreiner & Capesius
Carnegie Library                                         Eugenia Walker librarian
Catlin                              Willard S.           jeweler
Cavanaugh                           Jno J.               see Crisp & Cavanaugh
City Water & Gas Works                                   (municipal), Jas R Miller supt
Co-operative Lumber Co.                                  Cyrus A Williams mngr
Colman Lumber Co.                   C. L.                Louis J. Larson agt
Cone                                Jas. T.              see Nelson & Cone
Cotter & Weber                                           (Jos M Cotter, Wm A Weber), farm impts
Crisp & Cavanaugh                                        (Wm H Crisp, Jno J Cavanaugh), lands
Dallson & Olson                                          Clarence Dallson, Edw Olson), cement wkrs
Dell Rapids Automobile & Supply Co.                      (Herman R and Aug W Mohrman, Ned Peterson)
Dell Rapids Cemetery Assn.                               Henry Robinson, pres and sec
Dell Rapids Hospital                                     Martin M Grove and Jno B Eagen mngrs
Dell Rapids Opera House                                  O'Leary Bros. mngrs
Dell Rapids Roller Mill                                  Wm G Milne mngr
Dell Rapids Telephone Co.                                Ora O Sawyer, pres; E J Elliott, Al O Williksen mngrs
Dells Hotel                                              Andr F Severson mngr
Dells Hotel Co.                                          Wm H Dockstader, pres; E J Elliott, sec
Dieson                              Martin A.            gen store
Dockstader                          Wm. H.               pres, Dells Hotel Co.
Dougherty                           Peter W.             see Robertson & Dougherty
Eagan                               Jno B.               phys
Eagen                               Jno B.               mngr, Dell Rapids Hospital
Eide                                Ole H.               photogr
Elliott                             E. J.                mngr, Dell Rapids Telephone Co.
Elliott                             E. J.                sec, Dells Hotel Co.
Eulberg                             Karl                 vice pres, Home National Bank
Farmers & Merchants Co-operative Creamery Co.            Augustus Huntermer, sec and mngr
Farmers Elevator Co.                                     Wm W Luken agt
Field & Slaughter Co.                                    H J Ort agt, grain elevator
First National Bank                                      (capital $60,000, surplus and undivided profits $40,000), Henry Robertson, pres; Wm McK Housman, vice pres; Harry V Harlan, cashr; Lars K Larson and Robert E Kenefick, asst cashrs
Glennon                             Herbert J.           restaurant
Gordon                              P. S.                pres, Home National Bank
Granite City Bank                                        (capital $50,000, surplus and undivided profits $39,400), Ole H Smith, pres; Hendrik M Smith, cashr; N C Kline, asst cashr
Griswold                            Jos. M.              ice
Grove                               Martin M.            mngr, Dell Rapids Hospital
Grove                               Martin M.            phys
Gustafson                           Ellen C.             milliner
Halls                               Jno A                plumber
Halvorson                           Halver               cementwkr
Halvorson                           Jno                  see H O Rime & Co.
Halvorson Bros.                                          (Harry and Leonard), blksmiths
Hanson                              Amund                garage
Harlan                              Harry V.             cashr The First National Bank
Harlan                              Jno M.               clothing
Harvey                              Jno T.               billiards
Hegge & Larson                                           (Oluf Hegge, Lars K Larson), ins agts
Hermanson                           Herman J.            furniture
Holbeck                             Peter                tailor
Home National Bank                                       (capital $50,000, surplus and undivided profits $5,000), Organized 1910; P S Gordon, pres; Karl Eulberg, vice pres; Lewis V Burke, cashr
Houseman                            Wm. M.               phys
Housman                             Wm. McK.             vice pres, First National Bank
Huntermer                           Augustus             sec and mngr, Farmers & Merchants Co-operative Creamery Co.
Husaboe                             Wm. L.               wagon mkr
Irwin                               Jugurtha E.          jeweler
Johnson                             Carl J.              hardware
Johnson                             Edw. C.              jeweler
Jones                               Jno R.               nurseryman
Jorgenson                           Edw. J.              agt, McCaull-Webster Elevator Co.
Kaplan                              Elizabeth (Mrs.)     millinery
Kenefick                            Robert E.            asst cashr, First National Bank
Kline                               N. C.                asst cashr, Granite City Bank
Krause & Krause                                          (Gustavus R and Homer G), lawyers
Langsvehaug                         Ole O.               blksmith
Larson                              Lars K.              asst cashr, First National Bank
Larson                              Lars K.              see Hegge & Larson
Larson                              Louis J.             agt, C L Colman Lumber Co.
Larson                              Sever B.             lands
Light Bros.                                              (Nathan and Ivan), gen store
Lilly                               Thos.                shoemkr
Luken                               Wm. W.               agt, Farmers Elevator Co.
Lund Land Agency                                         (Wm G Lund, Wm C Nisbet)
Maule                               Jas. T.              blksmith
McCaull-Webster Elevator Co.                             Edw J Jorgenson agt
McDermott                           Peter J.             auctioner
McFarland                           Wm.                  fuel
McKee                               Geo.                 restaurant
Mermain                             Sara                 milliner
Miller                              Jas. R.              supt, City Water & Gas Works
Miller                              Martha               matron, Odd Fellows Home
Millerke                            Henry                live stock
Milne                               Wm. G.               mngr, Dell Rapids Roller Mill
Mohrman                             Aug W.               see Dell Rapids Automobile & Supply Co.
Mohrman                             Herman R.            see Dell Rapids Automobile & Supply Co.
Nelson                              Gunder               shoemkr
Nelson & Cone                                            (Jas R Nelson, Jas T Cone), garage
Newcomb                             Robt K.              pool
Nisbet                              Wm. C.               real est
Nisbet                              Wm. C.               see Lund Land Agency
O'Leary Bros.                                            (Patrick, Edw and Jno), mngrs Dell Rapids Opera House
Odd Fellows Home                                         Martha Miller matron
Olson                               Edw.                 see Dallson & Olson
Ort                                 H. J.                agt, Field & Slaughter Co.
Parker                              Wm. E.               drugs
Peterson                            Ned                  see Dell Rapids Automobile & Supply Co.
Peterson                            Peter N.             barber
Pfister                             Fred                 grocer
Prisch                              Warren               grain elevator
Putman                              Worthy A.            notions
Rime & Co.                          H. O.                (Henry O Rime, Jno Halvorson), dept store
Robertson                           Henry                pres, First National Bank
Robertson & Dougherty                                    (Henry Robertson, Peter W Dougherty), lawyers
Robinson                            Henry                pres and sec, Dell Rapids Cemetery Assn.
Rumrill Drug Co.                                         Glen A Rumrill mngr
Sawyer                              Burt R.              dentist
Sawyer                              Ora O.               phys
Sawyer                              Ora O.               pres, Dell Rapids Telephone Co.
Schreiner & Capesius                                     (Jno B Schreiner, Jno H Capesius), gen store
Severson                            Andr. F.             mngr Dells Hotel
Shoen                               E. S.                barber
Silkensen                           Jno R.               hardware
Simpson                             Ritchie Estate       Mrs Ritchie Simpson mngr, stone quarry
Smith                               Hendrik M.           cashr, Granite City Bank
Smith                               Ole H.               pres, Granite City Bank
St. Mary's Academy                                       Presentation Sisters in charge
Stanley                             Marvin W.            meats
Theofelos                           Michael              conf
Times-Tribune, The                                       Victor C Wass pub
Walker                              Eugenia              librarian, Carnegie Library
Wass                                Victor C.            pub Times-Tribune
Weber                               Wm. A.               see Cotter & Weber
Webster                                                  see McCaull-Webster Elevator Co.
Williams                            Cyrus A.             mngr, Co-operative Lumber Co.
Williksen                           Al. O.               mngr, Dell Rapids Telephone Co.
Wood & Anderson                                          (Vauhn A Wood, Palmer T Anderson), dentists