Crooks, Minnehaha Co., SD - 1916 Business Directory

	This information extracted from the "Northwestern Gazetteer and
	Business Directory", vol. XX (1916-1917), published by R. L.
	Polk & Co.

	Data transcribed by Joy Fisher,
. This file 
	may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations 
	for their private use. All other rights reserved.

	Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval 
	system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other 
	means requires the written approval of the file's author.

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	CROOKS. Pop 150. Minnehaha county. A village on the M & St L R R 
15 miles n of Clark the county seat. Has a Catholic church and a bank. 
Land is worth $15 to $50 per acre. Exp Adams. Tel W U. Gerda 
Holmstrom P M.
	Tri-State Long Distance Telephone.

Last Name        First NameBusiness
Barrett          I. H.     hotel
Bork             Gust      agt, German Grain Co.
Brendtro         Ole       meats
Chesire          T. M.     harnessmkr
Clift            Ralph     barber
Crooks           A. R.     auto livery
Crooks           A. R.     cashr, Crooks State Bank
Crooks           D. O.     pres, Crooks State Bank
Crooks           D. O.     real est.
Crooks           Geo. A.   agt, New Hope Grain Co.
Crooks Lumber Co.          W A McKee mngr
Crooks State Bank          (capital $5,000), D O Crooks, pres; A R Crooks, cashr
German Grain Co.           Gust Bork agt
Holmstrom & Son            blksmiths
Johnson & Co.    A.        gen store
Krieger          H. A.     phys
McKee            W. A.     mngr, Crooks Lumber Co.
New Hope Grain Co.         Geo A Crooks agt
Okre             H. O.     agt S D C Ry Co.
Orstad           C. J.     gen store
Severin          E. A.     hardware