Colton, Minnehaha Co., SD - 1916 Business Directory

	This information extracted from the "Northwestern Gazetteer and
	Business Directory", vol. XX (1916-1917), published by R. L.
	Polk & Co.

	Data transcribed by Joy Fisher,
. This file 
	may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations 
	for their private use. All other rights reserved.

	Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval 
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	COLTON. Pop 600. Minnehaha county. An incorporated town on the 
S D Central and C M & St P Rys 21 miles n w of Sioux Falls the county 
seat. Has Methodist, Baptist and 2 Lutheran churches, 2 banks, 2 hotels, 
4 grain elevators, a planing mill, electric light plant and water works. 
A weekly newspaper the Courier is published. Exp W F & Co and Am. Tel W U.
Louie U Clarke P M.

Last Name                      First Name     Business
Aga                            Gottfried      mngr, Colton Telephone Co.
Aga                            Jos.           cementwkr
Aker                           Julius         cementwkr
Amundson                       Amuns P.       sec, treas and mngr, Courier Publishing Co.
Anderberg                      Aug            painter
Anderson                       Gunder         harness
Berdahl                        Jas. O.        farm impts
Bjorseth                       Benj. J.       blksmith
Bliss                          Peter D.       phys
Carsrud                        Jno            restaurant
Clarke                         Jason J.       Colton Farm Implement Co.
Clarke                         Louie U.       see Sisson & Clarke
Clarke                         Louie U.       stationer
Colton Cemetery Assn.                         Alec W Milne sec
Colton Courier                                Courier Publishing Co. pubs (see adv)
Colton Farm Implement Co.                     Frank Gage, pres; Jason J Clarke, sec and treas, general line of implements
Colton House                                  James E Grinde propr. Rates $2 per day, special attention to traveling men, electric lights, block from Milwaukee Depot
Colton Planing Mill                           Robt Lodmell mngr
Colton Savings Bank                           (Capital $10,000, surplus and undivided profits $20,000), Christ N Peterson, pres; Clarence H Peterson, cashr
Colton State Bank                             (Capital $10,000), Chas. B Huntimer, pres; Martin Larson, cashr
Colton Telephone Co.                          Gottfried Aga mngr
Courier Publishing Co.                        Chris M Peterson, pres; Amund P Amundson, sec, treas and mngr
Dybvig                         Henry G.       nursery
Erickson                       Andr. J.       meats
Farmers Elevator Co.                          T B Martin mngr
Ferris                         Thos. E.       agt, H W Ross Lumber Co.
Gage                           Frank          pres, Colton Farm Implement Co.
Grinde                         Jas. E.        propr Colton House
Grinde                         Martin E.      agt, John W Tuthill Lumber Co.
Gronsdahl                      Jacob G.       propr West Hotel
Grunsdal                       Ole            mngr, Hartford Light & Power Co.
Hagen                                         see Mork & Hagen
Hartford Light & Power Co.                    Ole Grunsdal mngr
Henderson & Berdahl                           (Andrew Henderson, Herman Berdahl), full line of general hardware
Holleran                       Danl J.        vet surgeon
Huntimer                       Chas. B.       pres, Colton State Bank
Johnson                        Jno H.         drugs
Kinseth                        Olaf           see Peterson & Kinseth
Larson                         Martin         cashr, Colton State Bank
Larson                         Thos.          gen store
Larson Bros. Auto Co.                         (Thomas and Martin Larson)
Lodmell                        Robt.          mngr, Colton Planing Mill
Martin                         T. B.          mngr, Farmers Elevator Co.
Milne                          Alec W.        sec, Colton Cemetery Assn.
Mork & Hagen                                  (Casper J Mork, Swen Hagen), shoes
Nance                          Geo. H.        agt C M & St P Ry and W F & Co Exp
Opland                         Alf H.         autos
Peterson                       Carl           pool
Peterson                       Chris M.       pres, Courier Publishing Co.
Peterson                       Christ N.      pres, Colton Savings Bank
Peterson                       Clarence H.    cashr, Colton Savings Bank
Peterson & Kinseth                            (Albert Peterson, Olaf Kinseth), general store
Peterson Land Co.                             (Chris N and Alb S Peterson)
Pynten                         Lars H.        wagonmkr
Ross Lumber Co.                H. W.          Thos E. Ferris agt
Sisson & Clarke                               (Harry L Sisson, Louie U Clarke), garage
T & T Drug Store                              (Thompson & Tommerassen), drugs, cigars and tobaccos
Thompson                       Louis N.       gen store
Thompson & Tommerassen                        see T & T Drug Store
Tommerassen                    Benj. M.       jeweler
Tommerassen                                   see Thompson & Tommerassen
Tuthill Lumber Co.             John W.        Martin E Grinde agt
Wastun                         Bertha         milliner
Wells                          Saml           agt S D C Ry and Am Exp Co.
Weltzin                        Carl           furniture
West Hotel                                    Jacob G Gronsdahl propr