Baltic, Minnehaha Co., SD - 1916 Business Directory

	This information extracted from the "Northwestern Gazetteer and
	Business Directory", vol. XX (1916-1917), published by R. L.
	Polk & Co.

	Data transcribed by Joy Fisher,
. This file 
	may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations 
	for their private use. All other rights reserved.

	Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval 
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	BALTIC. Pop 300. Minnehaha county. An incorporated town on the C M & St P Ry 
15 miles n of Sioux Falls the county seat. Has 2 Norwegian Lutheran churches, a
bank, an electric light plant, a hotel, a creamery, a commercial club and 3 grain
elevators. A weekly newspaper the Minnehaha is published. Exp W F & Co. Tel WU.
Henry S Juve P M.

Last Name                        First Name     Business
Baltic Commercial Club                          M B Smemoe, pres; Jas Questad, sec
Baltic Co-operative Lumber Co.                  A L Berg, pres; E J Oyan, sec; T J Questad, mngr
Baltic Creamery                                 Eric J. Oyan mngr
Baltic House                                    Danl O Logan propr
Baltic Telephone & Switchboard Co.              M B Smemoe, pres; D O Logan, sec and treas
Berg                             A. L.          meats
Berg                             A. L.          pres, Baltic Co-operative Lumber Co.
Berven                           Alb. T.        gen store
Bidne                            Gullick G.     shoes
Brende                           Jos. G.        hardware
Brendsell                        K. L.          barber
Dakota State Bank                               (capital $10,000), K E Jacobson, pres; C T Hegnes, cashr
Farmers Elevator Co.                            Eric J. Oyan mngr
Gulbrandson                      Elias          blksmith
Hansen                           Simon          drugs
Hegnes                           C. T.          cashr, Dakota State Bank
Hegnes                           Claus T.       ins agt
Helgerson                        Martin         restaurant
Hunting Elevator Co.                            Jno Moe agt
Jacobson                         K. E.          pres, Dakota State Bank
Juve                             Ole S.         livery
Lindberg                         Rolp E.        harness
Logan                            D. O.          sec and treas, Baltic Telephone & Switchboard Co.
Logan                            Danl O.        propr Baltic House
Logan                            Nettie (Mrs.)  milliner
Minnehaha, The                                  Smemoe & Sandvig Pubs
Moe                              Jno            agt, Hunting Elevator Co.
Nelson                           P.             auto repr
Olson                            B. W.          phys
Oyan                             E. J.          sec, Baltic Co-operative Lumber Co.
Oyan                             Eric J.        mngr, Baltic Creamery
Paulson                          T. M.          r r, exp and tel agt
Questad                          Jas.           sec, Baltic Commercial Club
Questad                          Ole J.         gen store
Questad                          T. J.          mngr, Baltic Co-operative Lumber Co.
Sandvig                          Hans S.        ins agt
Sandvig                          Hans S.        see Smemoe & Sandvig
Skanke                           Jno            wagonmkr
Smemoe                           M. B.          pres, Baltic Commercial Club
Smemoe                           M. B.          pres, Baltic Telephone & Switchboard Co.
Smemoe                           Martin B.      farm impts
Smemoe & Sandvig                                (Martin B Smemoe, Hans S Sandvig), pubs The Minnehaha
Solbak                           Peter L.       cementwkr
South Dakota Grain Co.                          Jno Kirkeby agt, grain elevator
Thompson                         Jno T.         drugs