Valley Springs, Minnehaha Co., SD - 1909 Business Directory

	This file contains a listing from the "South Dakota State Business
	Directory," published by The Gazetteer Publishing Co., Denver, 
	Colorado in 1909.

	Information transcribed by Joy Fisher. This file may be freely copied 
	by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use.

	Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval 
	system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other 
	means requires the written approval of the file's author.


	A small town in Minnehaha county, on the C., St. P., M. & O. Ry., 
16 miles east of Sioux Falls. Farming the principal industry. Population 350.

Last Name                       First Name    Business
Baptist Church
Bliss                           G. W.         physician
Budd Mercantile Co.             L. S.         general merchandise
Cassaday                        Geo.          mayor, prop Valley Springs Nursery
Cassaday                        George        in charge, Town Hall
Central House                                 Mrs M E Schaeffer prop
Christensen                     L.            mgr, Valley Springs Creamery Co.
Christensen                                   see Olson & Christensen
Congregational Church
Conover                         B. L.         saloon
Delap                           Geo.          billiards and pool
Delap                           Robt.         meat market
Easbey                          G. A.         justice peace, publisher The Vidette
Farley                          F. J.         principal school
Farmers Elevator Co.                          W H James mgr
Fraternal Hall                                L S Hetland trustee
Gurney                          J. T. (Rev.)  pastor, Methodist Episcopal Church
Harris                          E. A.         blacksmith
Heron                           Frank         town marshal
Hetland                         E. J.         cash, Minnehaha County Bank
Hetland                         Elmer         town clerk
Hetland                         L. C.         asst cash, Minnehaha County Bank
Hetland                         L. S.         pres, Minnehaha County Bank
Hetland                         L. S.         trustee, Fraternal Hall
Howe                            Birney        barber
Howe                            P. E.         paints and oils, machinery
James                           W. H.         mgr, Farmers Elevator Co.
James                           W. H.         mgr, Valley Springs Telephone Co.
Jones                           Eli           farm implements, blacksmith
Kenyon                          H. D.         postmaster
Kiley                           Thos.         prop, Valley Springs Hotel
Kyle                            Russell       stone quarry
Legel                           H. H.         drugs
Methodist Episcopal Church                    Rev J T Gurney pastor
Minnehaha County Bank                         L S Hetland pres, E J Hetland cash, L C Hetland asst cashier
Olsen Implement Co.             C. A.
Olson & Christensen                           general merchandise
Pottinger                       C. C.         groceries
Pottinger                       Geo.          drugs
Running                         C. I.         barber
Schaeffer                       M. E. (Mrs.)  prop, Central House
Schmidt                         E. W.         hardware, harness
Town Hall                                     George Cassaday in charge
Tuthill Lumber Co.              John W.       Fred Wall agent
Valley Springs Creamery Co.                   L Christensen mgr
Valley Springs Hotel                          Thos Kiley prop
Valley Springs Milling Co.                    G W Wright sec and treas
Valley Springs Nursery                        Geo Cassaday prop
Valley Springs Telephone Co.                  W H James mgr
Vidette, The (w)                              G A Easbey publisher
Wall                            Fred          agent, Tuthill Lumber Co.
Wright                          G. W.         grain seeds and coal
Wright                          G. W.         sec and treas, Valley Springs Milling Co.